Barry Parker

Barry Parker Pro

Favorite films

  • Harold and Maude
  • Jumpin' Jack Flash
  • After Hours
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Recent activity

  • Love Lies Bleeding


  • The China Syndrome


  • Juror #2


  • A Different Man


Recent reviews

  • Love Lies Bleeding

    Love Lies Bleeding


    This is a cool, aesthetically fun, neo noir that reminded me of films like Drive, Thief, Thelma and Louise, Bound, To Live and Die in L.A. It gets a lot right, I think, in taking inspiration and doing its own thing.

    And of course, Kristen Stewart, can pretty much do anything and land it 110%. She is incredibly versatile.

    Katy O'Brian is good here. But I don't like a lot of the off kilter, jarring and too-convenient character choices the film makes.

    I think the end is interesting and vibey but still doesn't really nail it and isn't the payoff that's crucial for this genre.

  • The China Syndrome

    The China Syndrome


    Kinda dated but still solid thriller that’s a bit pedantic. Stellar performances, especially Jack Lemmon here.

    More PSA than cinematic.

Popular reviews

  • The Rules of Attraction

    The Rules of Attraction


    This has not aged well and probably wasn't good when it was released.

    It's jaded, bleak and feels like it's watched too much MTV and The Real World… mixed with Pulp Fiction?

    I remember watching this when I was young and thinking that kiss scene with James Van Der Beek and Ian Somerhalder was super hot. Watching it today, it's like, that's it? It's not a sexy kiss — it's too quick and too dumb. But even that was pushing it…

  • Broadcast News

    Broadcast News


    They should've called this As Bland as it Gets. Talk about your Boomer white people problems of 1987.

    This entire movie feels like an outtake. I mean, a character dumps another over an edited teardrop. You'd think she'd discovered something really heinous.

    I caaaaaaaaaaaaan't.

    Albert Brooks gets to give the lovely line to Hunter: "you're gonna be a single fat lady." And we get other awkward/wtf lines in this, like William Hurt's dick being called out as a shadow puppet…
