Mad Architect Of Dark

Mad Architect Of Dark

Sculpted into life by the arms of Death!

⦿ Non-binary boyish cosmic beast
⦿ Ne Timeas Obscurum.

Favorite films

  • The Void
  • Martyrs
  • The Others
  • Don't Look Now

Recent activity

  • Slither


  • Teeth


  • The Passenger


  • The Ruins


Recent reviews

  • The Ruins

    The Ruins


    Some people would categorize this as your common 2000's trashy and gory survival horror movie and that's it, but i think there's more here, this is specially well crafted, and i think the movie makes a very strong commentary about a typical american worldview of traveling and tourism.

    The foreigners here treat other cultures as if they are a playground for entertainment, to fulfill their hedonistic needs, personal achievements and craves for adventure, none of them care to research a…

  • Pieces



    Easily the most absurd and interesting slasher i've seen, while watching it i just didn't know how to react or what i thought about it, and at the end i was in that common place of "wtf did i just watch" but then after processing a bit the images i witnessed, i laugh my butt off every time when i think back about this film, so much audacity and wit, and says much more than a lot of productions in…

Popular reviews

  • The Color of Pomegranates

    The Color of Pomegranates


    Mother Monster brought me to this wonderful film, astonished with all the symbolism and religious criticism, btw i didn't expect the way this turn so homoerotic at some point, but how i didn't see that coming if i'm here because of Lady Gaga? lol love it.

  • The Fly

    The Fly


    it lived up for the classic bodyhorror film that it is, i just feel like the underlying psycho sexual narratives are not as strong as they are in videodrome, which is a more unconventional and interesting film, even though some Seth shots made me feel some type of way, the spiralling into his metamorphosis was kinda predictable, i don't know, nothing in this film really caught me by surprise, it was like I've seen it before, it doesn't take away that i had a good time watching it anyway.