Adam is a Muslim medical practitioner who is unable to accept the fact that his wife is no longer in this world. When he agrees to treat a woman named Maria, strange and unsettling things start to happen.
Adam is a Muslim medical practitioner who is unable to accept the fact that his wife is no longer in this world. When he agrees to treat a woman named Maria, strange and unsettling things start to happen.
Munafik (2016), 伪信者, มูนาฟิก, Kẻ Dị Giáo
cerita ni cam bodo
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Ceritanya gak ketebak sama sekali, aku nunggu sampai habis, baru tau “oh jadi gini toh, Bapaknya Maria yang jadi Dalang semua ini”.
Sebelum nonton sampai abis selalu ngomong “Kasihan banget itu Ustad, niatnya mau bantuin orang, kok jadi dia mulu yang kena masalah”. Ternyata oh ternyata Bapaknya Maria ngerasa tersaingi karena dia Ustad tapi menyembah Iblis.
Lalu, hampir semua penampakan/ hantunya gak nakutin. Yang serem cuma pas bagian Pocong, terimakasih Pocong, kehadiranmu telah membuat film ini beneran film hantu 🖤🖤
Berasa jadi islam pas nonton ini bjerrr :v
her perscripton bottle just being labelled 'DEPRESSION' 😭😭😭
So first, kudos for Actor/Director/Writer/Editor (and more?) Syamsul Yusof :O Not only does he seem to be a Jack of All Trades here but he also manages to create a decent/good horror movie.
I'm unsure about this one. It is one that is deeply rooted in religion.
It definitely has some pretty good/great moments, a very significant arsenal of scare attempts (mainly in the early going; I had to roll my eyes when one of those came from the "victim" character herself lol), a somewhat "shy" and unattractive entity, an unexpected twist at the end and more.
At the same time, it has a somewhat inconsistent approach, a bit all over the place, in terms of what's happening. There's plenty…
I had no idea what was going on at any point of this because it was so chaotic. Literally shot like a soap opera with some of the most abrupt scene transitions I’ve ever seen.
But I wasn’t bored?? So there’s that I guess?
"Ketika kemunafikan merasuk kedalam diri kita"
Munafik adlaah sebuah film horror yang sempat boombing pada tahunnya, di tahun 2018 ini munafik mengeluarkan sekuelnya dan gua cukup penasaran, karna kebanyakan orang bilang kalo munafik itu bagus, serem dan pesannya juga dapet. Sebenernya gua donlod film ini udah cukup lama, cuma alesan gua ga langsung nnton adalah karna gada sub indonya, gua kurang nangkep bahasa melayu jadi gua butuh sub indo untuk nnton film ini, pas gua cek di subscene ada, langsung auto tonton.
Cerita horror yang dihadirkan juga dikemas dengan agama islam, konsep yang cukup berani, karna jika miring sedkit ceritanya bisa dicap penistaan wkwk. Make up hantunya serem bat anjir, walaupun terlihat sederhana tapi nyeremin sumpah dah, tapi jujur gua…
HoopTober 11, 2024
Entry #22/41: Six Countries: Malaysia
Really kool to see a Horror film in which Islam is such a major thematic component, made by people who clearly feel strongly and positively about the religion, in contrast to many Cath Horror films, which seem to shy away from the beauty of the faith. As such, Munafik features a bevy of beauteous expressions of beatitude, culminating in some lessons that, while tough to swallow, can be helpful both for the faithful and secular alike. There are even more than a few mentions of Satan himself, which might surprise those who tend to associate the Father of Lies more with Christianity. He is, in fact, in the Quran as well, and…
Secara pribadi tetap nggak mendapatkan efek ngeri, tapi "Munafik" berhasil menciptakan salah satu pengalaman menonton di bioskop dengan audiens paling seru.
Intens dihajar dengan adegan per adegan teror dari awal, pendekatan syar'í (wanita berjilbab kesurupan itu ternyata bisa tampak eksotis!) di film ini terasa sangat segar kendati sebenarnya terdapat dua ciri baku narasi film horor Indonesia lawas yang diusung di "Munafik'' (Veronika Kusumaryati, 2010):
1. Mengambil latar lingkungan bernuansa tradisional (non-urban)
2. Legitimasi moral di mana penyelesaian masalah ada di tangan pemuka agama
Jika pasang standar yang sama dengan film Indonesia, ''Munafik'' adalah film yang patut disimak. Terbayarlah perjalanan saya bertahun-tahun mengumpulkan orang-orang pemberani yang akhirnya rela diajak nonton.
You gotta understand the economy theory of oversupply vs value of a thing, that when jumpscares are served every 5 seconds then the supposedly scary part won't be that special anymore. Paired with incomprehensive and incoherent narrative and boom! You got nothing for 2 hour runtime.
Watched this on NYE, sober. What a torture.
Pengen diruqiyah sama Ustadz Adam.
It's okay I guess