I’m worried that I’m close to seeing all the good sci-fi films
Been so long since I last watched this and I definitely didn’t catch most of what was going on thematically or humour-wise
It’s like The Princess Bride if it was a stunning globetrotting epic
Alexandria is the cutest child in a film ever her dynamic with Roy is so sweet and heartbreaking
It’s a miracle that this film was made and I’m very glad it exists
Fantastic script and performances
Just a certified classic I really can’t fault it
Kurosawa Tuesdays #2
The essence of this story was so inspiring, endearing, and purehearted. Takashi Shimura’s performance brings all of that together
Just really refined filmmaking here I can’t fault it at all
Also I cried so there’s that
Really makes me look back at how I’ve navigated life and how I hope to choose to live going forward
I hope to find my park
This really pulled together at the end and feels like it would be rewarding to rewatch
David Lynch’s funniest and most frightening film. After having seen a few of his movies I’ve gotten around to the appeal. The plot elements felt necessary even with their absurdity in isolation which is where I feel Lynch does his best work
Still concerned about Inland Empire but at least I got The Elephant Man and Straight Story to look forward to