

Favorite films

  • The Big Lebowski
  • No Country for Old Men
  • The Truman Show
  • Blade Runner

Recent activity

  • Body Double


  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day


  • Citizen Kane


  • Buena Vista Social Club


Recent reviews

  • Body Double

    Body Double


    Mixed feelings on this one

    On one hand it's funny, stylish and well shot

    On of the other, it's a kind of a juvenile unrealistic script, one scene (at the beach) in particular was so ridiculous I was sure it was a dream sequence. Is this actually high satire or just a bit of a silly one?

    I'm also confused about the characters motives. It's a decent watch but was nearly checking out before the 3rd act kicks in. Feels like a 80s mashup of Rear Window and Vertigo with more boobs

  • Terminator 2: Judgment Day

    Terminator 2: Judgment Day


    That would have been some buzz to see on cinema release, hard to think of a better action film in the last 30 years. The score and theme song is heart pounding, that shotgun reload on the bike too 🤌

    What a treat seeing a classic on the big screen

Popular reviews

  • A History of Violence

    A History of Violence


    Viggo holding that double barrelled shotty like the sword that was broken. Reforged by the Elven smiths of Rivendale to become Andúrill, the sword of Aragon, Son of Arathon and heir to the throne of Gondor.
    Was initially worried there wouldn't be enough violence

  • Buena Vista Social Club

    Buena Vista Social Club


    It ain't over till it's over, what a vibe this film has. Encapsulated by the scene of Ry Cooder chuffing a huge Cuban cigar, chilling on the dock, listening to his bandmates jamming. Beautiful
