
tiny_tim Pro

Favorite films

  • The Man from Earth
  • Local Hero
  • Martyrs
  • Blade Runner

Recent activity

  • The Thing

  • Frailty


  • The Wave


  • Eyes Without a Face


Recent reviews

  • The Thing

    The Thing

    It's like the director misinterpreted everything that made the original (1980s) such a classic. The tension is non-existent. The atmosphere implies isolation but spends no time establishing it. I had a hard time connecting with any of the characters because of how fast the story developed. They basically took the plot of The Thing from Another World (1951) and added CGI effects.

    On the plus side, the Antarctica-research-expedition-gone-wrong tale is a fun one, and seems to get retold once every 20-30 years in cinema. I hope the next generation's adaptation references this film as what NOT to do

    Hooptober 7/31

  • Frailty



    God's will has been served. Praise God

    There’s something about religion that goes hand in hand with horror. When it’s done well it really feels like something special, and this movie is an example of that. I can’t believe I hadn’t heard of this gem before.

    That being said, it’s a difficult one to recommend, but only because you don’t want people thinking this is the type of movie you enjoy.

    Overall would recommend tho.

    Hooptober 6/31

Popular reviews

  • Cure



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  • The Funhouse

    The Funhouse



    Took so f*cking long building up to nothing

    The first HOUR (two thirds of the movie) is just teenagers dicking around doing absolutely nothing

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