
Wandurden Pro

What’s in the box??

Reviews! Just reviews!

I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise.

Favorite films

  • Fight Club
  • Fargo
  • Rear Window
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Recent activity

  • Jacob's Ladder


  • Dark City


  • Prisoners


  • L.A. Confidential


Recent reviews

  • Jacob's Ladder

    Jacob's Ladder


    Nowhere near as fun as the wooden toy of the same name, but both Jacob’s Ladders’ aim to challenge perception. 

    Disturbing, perplexing, and loaded with religious imagery, Lyne’s Ladder is hellish. The deftness with which the film interlaces scenes of complete normalcy with flashes of grotesque figures and goddamned rat tails is exemplary - rarely has seeming psychosis been so well set to film. Additionally, the haunting score serves as a welcome accompaniment to sequences of both wartime and weirdness. …

  • Dark City

    Dark City


    Dark City’s titular terrain is fascinating and, without shining a light on its secrets, is explored to its limits as the story unfolds. It’s the architecture of the true-to-its-name film that stands out as memorable. Alternatively, the city’s inhabitants leave the viewer, somehow, craving more buildings and byways. 

    Rufus Sewell as John Murdoch is to this film as a pimple is to my ass - bothersome and in need of extraction. His charisma is sadly of the wet blanket variety…

Popular reviews

  • The Wizard of Oz

    The Wizard of Oz


    The Wizard of Oz is an impressive film, especially considering its status as an octogenarian. 

    The effects, from the terrifying tornado to the Wicked Witch’s disappearing acts, exist with an admirable amount of staying power. And the genius of shifting immedeately from a dull, mono-colored Kansas to the vibrant, batshittery of Munchkin Land cannot be overstated. Striking. 

    Some of the songs do drag (looking at you King of The Forest), but Judy Garland’s voice is angelic enough to forgive the soundtrack’s misses. 

    About as ‘movie’ as movies get.

  • Prisoners



    Prisoners scratches a genre itch that generally only Benson and Stabler have the nails for.

    It’s stuffed - overstuffed, really - with icky lore that makes you cringe away from the screen, but thrills all the same. It features a ‘super detective’, played with an authentic intensity by Jake G. And, on the subject of Gyllenhaal and murder, the film has a few of its own ‘Zodiac basement’ scenes - the kind that have you unconsciously sitting a bit more…
