1 Peter
Recent papers in 1 Peter
In 1 Pet. 4:11a, those who exercise χαρίσματα involving speech acts are instructed to carry out their tasks ὡς λόγια θεοῦ. Two interpretations of this phrase have gained prominence within Petrine scholarship. Some claim that Scripture is... more
The prepositional phrase ἐν ᾧ occurs repeatedly in 1 Peter, and scholars debate its function in each occurrence. To determine the most likely functions of the phrase, this article analyzes each instance in the book. Based on the context... more
The purpose of this book is an “exegetical companion,” meaning anyone working on teaching or preaching from 1 Peter can use this guide as the read the Greek New Testament. The handbook does not “give all the answers” by parsing every... more
This impressive book is probably also the most comprehensive study available concerning the topic of persecution in 1 Peter. While there have been many previous studies in forms of articles, and a few larger sections in some commentaries,... more
This monograph is a comparative study of three prominent ethical Guides in the Roman East during the Julio-Claudian and Flavian period: Epictetus the Stoic (c. AD 50-60 - c. 135), Philo the Alexandrian Jew (20-15 BC - AD 50), and Peter... more
God’s vision for our lives is holiness. We are familiar with the term holy if we have spent any time in the Church. We know it from the various worship songs we sing and from the sermons we have heard. But what in the world is holiness?... more
4Approchez-vous de Christ, la pierre vivante rejetée par les hommes mais choisie et précieuse devant Dieu, 5et vous-mêmes, en tant que pierres vivantes, laissez-vous édifier pour former une maison spirituelle, un groupe de prêtres saints,... more
Forthcoming Chapter in Porter and Pitts, eds., Christian Origins and the Development of the Early Jesus Movement (ECHC 4; TENTS; Leiden: Brill, 2018).
Author: Michal Beth Dinkler Publisher: CBE International In chapter 3 of his first letter, Peter draws an analogy between Christian wives of the first century and the Old Testament matriarch Sarah. This directive (1 Peter 3:5–6)... more
https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=E0g6EAAAQBAJ 【內容簡介】 彼得,在不少信徒心目中,是十二門徒之首,但彼得前書卻非他們的首選,原因除了是篇幅簡短,也可能是「為義受苦」的信息不受歡迎,沒想過苦難看似那麼遠,倏忽之間又可以這麼近。... more
On account of the lack of redemptive-historical methodology in recent research on 1 Peter, this thesis seeks to answer how the exodus event express itself in 1 Peter, and what is its distinctive contribution to the NT church. This study... more
According to 1 Peter the suffering of Christ and the suffering of believers both are part of a broader story of God and his people that shows a characteristic pattern of election-suffering-glory. This pattern, that is reflected in Old... more
Of the many blessings contained within the Old Testament, the blessing of Jer 29:11–14 is one of modern importance for the American church. For I know the plans that I have planned for you, declares the Lord, peaceful plans and not... more
This article seeks to analyze 1 Pet 1:10 -12 with the goal of ascertaining the identity of the prophets, giving special attention to the position of E. D. Selwyn who argues that the prophets under consideration in the above text are NT... more
Over the years, one of the most important considerations for dating 1 Peter has been the nature of suffering. Interpreters have attempted to connect the conflict with instances of Christian persecution recorded in other sources. What is... more
From beginning to end, the epistle of 1 Peter is concerned with responding to the conflict in which the Anatolian readers have presently become involved. Nevertheless, throughout the history of Petrine scholarship the nature of this... more
The pseudonymous theory in the authorship of 1 Peter is a threat to the authority of 1 Peter. This article aims to respond to the pseudonymous theory. Although it does not represent the view of the evangelical interpreter as a whole, this... more
Outline study on Peter's mandate for defending the faith in 1 Peter 3:15.
The earliest interpreters of 1 Peter unanimously understood the letter as originating from the apostle Peter. There are multiple instances in which ancient writers in the late-2nd century and early 3rd century CE attribute a particular... more
This is a bibliography prepared as part of my work (in collaboration with David G. Horrell) on the 1 Peter volume for the International Critical Commentary series.
This is a synopsis of the pre-published version of my monograph with nearly the same name (subtitled Apostasy in the New Testament Communities vol. 3), complete with some concluding observations of apostasy that engage with the other New... more
An annotated bibliography on the General Epistles (also known as the Catholic Epistles), from Hebrews through Jude. It lists just five works for each epistle or group of epistles. Each list of five books is meant to provide a balanced set... more
An exegetical paper exploring the New Testament use of the Old Testament.
Williams and Horrell bring together all the relevant aids to exegesis - linguistic, textual, archaeological, historical, literary, and theological - to help the reader understand the letter. This first volume presents introductory maps,... more
This paper was presented at Esplorando la Bibbia on August 24, 2016, in Policoro, Italy. These three letters address marginalized believers whose hope was challenged by suffering, false teaching, and the delay of Christ’s coming. The... more
The purpose of Mosaic law in the life and faith of the Jewish people was to shape them into a “Kingdom of Priests,” a people who reflected the nature of God to the surrounding nations so they could fulfill their mission of being a... more
Those who use the text to advance a descent into Hell with a proclamation to fallen angels have insisted on reading a very controversial first century teaching into what they deem a catechistic text which has no other support aside from... more
The important NT theme of union with Christ has inspired numerous studies by Pauline scholars in the twentieth century following the pioneering work of Adolf Deissmann. Yet only recently have scholars begun to address the potential... more
1 Peter 3:21 has been called “the nearest approach to a definition of baptism that the NT affords,” yet the key phrase συνειδήσεως ἀγαθῆς ἐπερώτημα εἰς θεόν is notably ambiguous and thus open to divergent interpretations. This article... more
The thesis of this paper is that in his first epistle the apostle Peter taught a covenantal view of God’s unfolding purposes in redemptive history, comprehending the church as the inheritor of the promises of the Mosaic covenant. This, of... more
Drawing on recent insights from postcolonial theory and social psychology, this study seeks to diagnose the social strategy of good works in 1 Peter by examining how the persistent admonition to “do good” is intended to be an appropriate... more
This work serves as a comprehensive and detailed socio-historical investigation into the nature of suffering in 1 Peter. While interpreters commonly portray the conflict situation addressed by the epistle as "unofficial" persecution... more
In this article I discuss the old question of the identity of the readers of 1 Peter. Can we establish whether they were of Jewish or Gentile background? Printed in David S. du Toit (Hrsg), Bedrangnis und Identitat. Studien zu Situation,... more
In what manner was Christ resurrected? Was He quickened in the spirit or there is a mistake in translation, as other versions of the Bible translate it that Christ was quickened by the spirit? Who are this spirits in prison? When and... more
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Scholars have long debated whether χάρις in 1 Pet 2,19-20 should be understood as the unmerited favor which is divinely bestowed upon those who please God, or whether it represents a human action that secures a favorable response from... more
This article argues that 1 Peter 1:10-12 contains Peter's hermeneutic for interpreting Old Testament messianic prophecies in 1 Peter. Though the scholarly consensus is that these verses govern every use of Scripture throughout 1 Peter, an... more
Japan has an almost 470-year history of Christian proclamation since Francis Xavier’s arrival in 15492 though the Christian faith was prohibited from 1639 to 1868.3 Japan’s current Christian population is only 1,955,729 (1.54%) out of... more