Most downloaded papers in Antigone
On the front cover: A calendar frieze representing the Athenian months, reused in the Byzantine Church of the Little Metropolis in Athens. The cross is superimposed, obliterating Taurus of the Zodiac. The choice of this frieze for books... more
En el marco de numerosos cuestionamientos contemporáneos en torno de la noción de naturalezay sus vínculos y tensiones con las creencias instituidas por el accionar humano, una vuelta a los orígenes se revela como una instancia ineludible... more
This article demonstrates the overlooked contribution of the ancient Near East to the development of constitutional law. The legal corpus of Deuteronomy provides a utopian model for the organization of the state, one that enshrines... more
Le tragedie di Eschilo, Sofocle ed Euripide rappresentano testimonianze senza tempo dell’immutabilità dell’uomo rispetto all’eterno divenire, poiché dimostrano che nei secoli il genere umano non ha modificato la percezione di sé e del... more
La dualità o complessità caratteriale di Medea non risiede solo nell'antica tragedia omonima di Euripide. Essa possiede una sua irriducibile psicologia archetipica, che in parte già si intravede nel mito originario e si riverbera in quasi... more
"They fuck you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do. They fill you with the faults they had And add some extra, just for you." –Philip Larkin zombie, n. “a small yellow flower” Yorgos Lanthimos’... more
Fourth-century Athenian orators of epitaphioi logoi and other Athenian panegyric attempt to portray fifth-century tragedy as fundamentally encomiastic of Athens. This is borne out by the rhetorical reception of two ‘epitaphioi mythoi’,... more
In this paper, I started from an analysis of the current rather tragic situation of female Oedipal rivalry between women in Flemish politics. To counter this, I argue for an Irigarayian inspired feminist politics, in which the figures of... more
The Bahktinian chronotope, Lacanian theory, and Kristeva’s chora, along with concepts from Derrida and others, combined with research into choreia, Dionysus, rituality, metatheater, performativity and, last not least, philological and... more
This paper develops from my discussion of the role of traditional Greek thought, and especially the concept of ἄτη, in Sophocles' Antigone in a recent volume on Tragedy and Archaic Greek Thought. It also complements and extends a more... more
PhD. Note that the file published here differs very slightly from the submitted manuscript, both because a few very minor typos have been corrected and because an updating of the file format has led to a slight change in the page numbering.
We live with the crushing presence of war. There is not a single moment in history when we can remember being without war, in the guise of its many qualifying names -economic, religious, civil, genocidal, national, colonial, and imperial;... more
“Il mondo si trasforma in un completo dominio della tecnica. Di gran lunga più inquietante è che l’uomo non è affatto preparato a questo radicale mutamento del mondo”. Così si esprimeva Martin Heidegger in una lezione del 1955,... more
El presente trabajo gira alrededor de la naturaleza transgresora de las heroínas trágicas Antígona y Medea, sin embargo, plantea la pregunta de si el hecho de que sean representantes de la transgresión del ideal femenino basta para que... more
This paper traces thought on the rule of law in Ancient Athens through Sophocles and Plato
Stando alla mitologia e alla tragedia greche antiche, siamo abituati ad associare il personaggio di Edipo al mostro della Sfinge tebana. Piuttosto, qui si tenta un paragone fra quest'ultima e l'eroina Antigone, sfortunata figlia-sorella... more
Excursus su alcune interpretazioni moderne, tra filosofia e politica, del personaggio di Antigone (Hegel, Nussbaum, Rossanda, Butler)
Hakkında sayısız yorum bulunan Sofokles’in Antigone tragedyasının hala güncel olmasının sebebi, onun siyaset felsefesinin en temel soruları olan “siyaset nedir?” ve “siyasal olan nedir?” sorularına yönelik birbirinden farklı yanıtları... more
Io sono fatta per condividere l'amore non l'odio.» (Antigone)
Varlık ve Zaman varolmanın modern tarzının muazzam bir eleştirisidir. Modern yaşama ilişkin her türlü iki yüzlülük bu eserde derin bir kavrayışla açığa vurulur. Gerçi Heidegger burada verdiği yorumların kapsamını modern insanla sınırlı... more
La revista Derechos y Libertades está incluida en la Emerging Sources Citation Index, en ERIH PLUS y en la valoración integrada e índice de citas que realiza el CINDOC con las Revistas Españolas de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas (RESH) y... more
This paper widens the theoretical basis of Lived Ancient Religion to Greek literary texts of the archaic and classical period (with a final glance on the imperial novel), in which we encounter apparent personal involvement in religious... more
This paper explores, from a feminist post-structuralist perspective, the way in which gender power relations and specifically, how men and women are represented in the play Antigone, by Sophocles, in order to identify to what extent, then... more
Analisi della tragedia Antigone di B.Brecht come ripresa del mito classico e opera di traduzione tra testo classico e revisione linguistica di Hölderlin. Base per l´analisi il concetto di Correzione del mito.
Drawing on Lacoue-Labarthe’s deconstruction of Oedipus as a figure of both desire and work in his tragic pursuit of knowledge, this paper maps Lacan’s radical reorientation of the philosophical categories of desire, work, and knowledge in... more
Riassunto: La tragedia di Sofocle Antigone è stata una delle più lette, discusse e ammirate fra tutti i testi classici greci. Il conflitto centrale della tragedia deriva dallo scontro tra il nuovo sovrano di Tebe, Creonte, e la figlia di... more
Is Antigone a hero or a self-impelled victim? Judith Butler and other contemporary theorists have turned to Antigone as an inspiration for activist heroism, presenting her as a venerable archetype for resistance. But does this use of... more
A comparative reading of the two Antigones that emphasizes their similarities.
e s t r a t t o Dell'arte del tradurre. Problemi e riflessioni a cura di Anna Maria Belardinelli καθάπερ ἐνθουσιῶντες προεφήτευον οὐκ ἄλλα ἄλλοι, τὰ δ᾿ αὐτὰ πάντες ὀνόματα καὶ ῥήματα, ὥσπερ ὑποβολέως ἑκάστοις οράτως ἐνηχοῦντος. καίτοι τίς... more
An historical and post-structural examination of the philosophical debate of phusis (nature) versus nomos (convention) and its employment in two of Sophocles' Theban Plays which were written in late fifth-century Athens.
"Amata, giacerò al suo fianco, al fianco di colui che amo" (Ant. 73). È notte: Antigone e la sorella Ismene sono sole, di fronte al palazzo reale. Creonte ha appena vietato di tributare onori funebri a Polinice: il suo corpo dovrà essere... more
Hegel's specifi c interpretation of burial rituals in the Phenomenology is an important part of his general understanding of the development of human freedom and of spirit. For Hegel, freedom is not something immediately given, but... more
In Ladson Hinton and Hessel Willemsen (eds), Temporality and Shame: Perspectives from Psychoanalysis and Philosophy (London and New York: Rutledge, 2018), pp. 158–85.
Yorgos Lanthimos’s Dogtooth (2009) – as, amongst other things, a satire on the close-knit (if not suffocating) bonds of the contemporary Greek family ideal – depicts the home-schooling project pursued to its logical (and absurd)... more
Scholars often view Sophocles’ Antigone as a series of binaries established by the conflict between Creon’s desire to leave his rival Polyneices unburied and Antigone’s opposing desire to bury her brother. This has been read as an... more