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A joint design project for the 2006 MIT-Tsinghua University Beijing Urban Design Studio by Non Arkaraprasertkul, Alex H.C. Lee, Liang Sisi, Jue Wang, and Ai Yamamoto. The Beijing Studio is a Joint Program of the MIT School of Architecture... more
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      SociologyAnthropologyArchitectureChinese Studies
The discourse of creative industries arrived in China in the early 2000s via the epistemic network of international scholars and consultants. It has since garnered enthusiastic support on the domestic policy circuit, where it is viewed as... more
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      Cultural IndustriesBeijingArts Districts
Currently the international military situation on the whole tend to ease, but the world is not peaceful, 21th century, international relations are complicated, various forces continue to divide the world in combination. Exchanges and... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary ScienceMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)
This study investigated the pattern of urban heat island changes based on the relationship between land surface temperature and the water index in Banda Aceh City for 1998 and 2018. Landsat TM 1998 and Landsat OLI-TIRS 2018 were used in... more
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      EngineeringRemote SensingWetlandsAgriculture
Nous allons maintenant examiner l’aménagement de l’espace dans les trois capitales Qing afin de mieux comprendre comment les concepts géomantiques s’appliquent à l’aménagement du paysage naturel en un paysage culturel, pendant le... more
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      Cultural GeographyHistorical GeographyUrban GeographyUrban Planning
Reviews "China Marine: An Infantryman's Life after World War II" by E. B. Sledge (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002). This sequel to Sledge's celebrated "With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa" (1983) has three themes -- how one... more
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      Cultural StudiesIntercultural CommunicationCatholic Missionary HistoryIntercultural Education
The use of spectrophotometers for color measurements on printed substrates is widely spread among paper producers as well as within the printing industry. Spectrophotometer measurements are precise, but timeconsuming procedures and faster... more
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    • Beijing
Previous literature has demonstrated that hosting mega-events can provide both positive and negative effects on a host country or city's economy. This paper examines three different case studies of past Olympic Games to isolate the... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsChinaBeijing
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      Urban StudiesLate Imperial-Modern ChinaBeijingChinese Temples, Interior Design, Architecture
Misunderstanding and misreading characterized China-US relations in an early and mid-twentieth-century narrative economy framed by distance, conflict, cultural distrust, xenophobia, and periods of closure. To exemplify these... more
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      Black Studies Or African American StudiesTravel WritingMarxismChinese Studies
Property-led urban redevelopment in contemporary Chinese cities often results in the demolition of many historical buildings and neighbourhoods, invoking criticisms from conservationists. In the case of Beijing, the municipal government... more
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      ArchitectureRehabilitationHeritage ConservationChina
  從明太祖時期,北京城就是明代北方邊防體系中的軍事重鎮,後因明太宗遷都北京城、北邊防線內縮,北京城更是緊臨長城邊境的戰地前線。為鞏固明朝京師,明太宗宣示天子守邊,北京城因而提升為北邊國防的戰略核心。在明朝天子守邊的體制中,天子是最高的軍事指揮官,負責統籌戰略、調度兵馬糧餉。隨著土木堡之變與庚戌之變的發生,凸顯天子親臨戰場的高度風險,以及後代天子的將才武略不及明太祖、明太宗的問題。為不再重蹈覆轍,明世宗以恢復祖制為政治正統宣告,再從文臣督撫的經驗中,創置協理京營戎政一職,以兵... more
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      Military HistoryMing DynastyChinese Military HistoryBeijing
The Metropolis of Manila has poor wastewater management practices which costs the economy around AUD$ 2 Billion per year, results in around a third of all recorded illnesses and has left the rivers biologically dead. However, with a... more
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      EngineeringEnvironmental EngineeringChemical EngineeringUrbanization in Developing Areas
In this paper, I investigate the motivations behind the construction of the first line of the Beijing Subway. I argue the subway was built mainly for military defense, specifically in case of air raids or a nuclear attack. I further argue... more
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      Military HistoryNuclear WeaponsCold WarChina
Published in “Urban Design” (Tsinghua University Press, Beijing), 1 (2014), pp. 35-46
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      Urban HistoryIndustrial HeritageArchitectural HistoryChina
Tutto è iniziato nel 1985 "presi il mappamondo lo feci girare e puntai il dito, dove avrebbe indicato li sarei andata e fu Cina per diversi anni, viaggiando da sola con itinerari che spesso cambiavano a causa della burocrazia, dopo il... more
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Da alcuni anni sempre piu studenti della Repubblica Popolare Cinese scelgono di studiare italiano come lingua straniera. Il presente articolo si propone di approfondire il fenomeno indagando gli aspetti di contesto della scuola Senmiao,... more
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      HumanitiesArtChinaItalian language
In late 1900, while foreign troops occupied Beijing in the wake of the Boxer Rebellion, alarming news reached the German government from China: High-quality works of art were on sale in Beijing and would soon be displayed in museums in... more
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      Chinese ArtChinaChina studiesBeijing
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      BeijingUniversity of the Philippines Diliman
Cada muro infiere un contrato social. Un grado de privatización colectiva del espacio metropolitano."
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We often hear the frustrations of villagers whose lands are violently taken away against their will with no or poor compensations (e.g. Hoffman 2014; Johnson 2013; Pomfret 2013). Sargeson (2013) argues that violence is an integral element... more
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      PhonologySyntaxMorphologySinitic Languages
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage contactBeijingManchu Studies
shared their knowledge and skills.
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      ArchitectureUrban StudiesUrban EcologyHong Kong
“So where is your hamburger actually from? In practical terms, the answer is everywhere.”
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      HistoryGastronomyWorld HistoryChina
The article explores the theory of "Urban Acupuncture" as an alternative approach for Urban Renewal Development. Taken from the traditional Chinese medical theory, acupuncture involves small-scale interventions within the city to have a... more
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      ArchitectureUrban PlanningChinaEgypt
基於筆者在“視覺再現、世界文學與現代中國和東亞的左翼國際主義” 研討會上的英文發言。
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      Eastern European StudiesWorld LiteraturesVisual StudiesFilm Studies
China is urbanizing at an unprecedented speed. Filmmakers, artists, musicians, and writers all try to come to terms with the changes of their city. How is the Chinese city-as-spectacle, visualised and thus imagined and reimagined, if not... more
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      Popular Music StudiesChinese StudiesGuy DebordSpectacle
Why do central and local government initiatives aiming to curb the proliferation of garbage in Beijing and its disposal continue to be unsuccessful? Is the Uberization of waste picking through online-to-offline (O2O) garbage retrieval... more
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      Environmental EducationChinese StudiesContemporary ChinaBeijing
Using Beijing as a case study, this article seeks to contribute to academic and professional debates about how general Transit Oriented Design principles can be translated into the Chinese context. It focuses on TOD designs of commercial... more
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      ChinaStreet DesignUrban DesignTransit oriented development
This set of city-case-studies across the globe-ranging from Tokyo to São Paolo, from Beijing to Istanbul-confronts different patterns and levels of inequality and segregation with different state and other contexts. Due to this focus it... more
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      SegregationUrban PlanningGentrificationUrban Studies
Par la fiction, avec son aide, vivre et appréhender la « ville », ici mégalopolis et capitale sur-dimensionnée de plus de dix millions d’habitants, permet de donner une image réaliste, bien qu’imaginaire, de l’espace urbain. La fiction... more
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      HistorySociologyAnthropologySoutheast Asian Studies
As this volume shows, Daoism changed in many different directions at the same time during the twentieth century. Many aspects of such change were directly ushered in by political processes of brutal secularization and modernization, which... more
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      DaoismBeijingModern China (especially late Qing and Republican history)Neidan
In 1786, an ordinance of the Qianlong emperor prohibited the five wards, into which Beijing city was divided, from summoning the coroner of the metropolitan prefecture of Shuntian 順天 for a death investigation, and compelled them to... more
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      History of Forensic Science and MedicineBeijingSocial History of Knowledge
Set within the theoretical framework of cultural sustainability, this in-depth case study examines the Juer Hutong new courtyard housing prototype built in the inner city of Beijing, China, whose phase one was completed in 1990 and phase... more
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      Chinese StudiesChinaBeijingChinese Architecture and Urban Issues
Eugenio MENEGON [Mei Oujin 梅欧金]. “Shei zai liyong shei? Qingdai Beijing de Ouzhouren, zhuiqiu yule he zhengzhixing kuizeng 谁在利用谁? 清代北京的欧洲人、追求逸乐和政治性馈赠” (“Qui tirait profit de qui ? Les missionnaires européens à la Cour de Pékin au XVIIIe... more
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      Gift ExchangeMissionary HistoryJesuit historyChinese Art
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      GlobalizationSociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyLocal Identities
Guidelines for Contributors appear on the inside back cover.
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      Ethnic StudiesGender StudiesPerformance StudiesPopular Culture
Comparison of the roles of Peking and Shanghai
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      Urban StudiesModern Chinese HistoryBeijingTreaty Ports
The paper addresses the problem of the cross-cultural study of sexuality in global times. I take issue with the inherent bias in analytical frameworks and theoretical assumptions that typically structure Western studies of non-normative... more
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      GlobalizationQueer EthnographyBeijingUrban China
The growing influence of globalisation and its accompanying mobilities, both corporeal and remote, are particularly clearly portrayed in the context of the cityscape where the built environment contains evidence of contemporaneous... more
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      Media StudiesDigital HumanitiesArchitectureGlobalisation and cultural change
The manuscript travel journals of the jesuit missionary Matteo Ricci (Della Entrata della Compagnia di Giesù e Christianità nella Cina) were published in a latin translation (De Christiana Expeditione apud Sinas suscepta ab Societate... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryModern History
To gain an understanding of the characteristics of nitrate, sulfate and ammonium in the urban atmosphere of Beijing, an experiment was conducted in October 2004, using a method involving the rapid collection of particles and analysis... more
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      Chinese StudiesAtmospheric ScienceSinologyMeteorology
The housing market in Chinese metropolises have become inflated significantly over the last decade. In addition to an economic upturn and housing policies that have potentially fueled the real estate bubble, factors that have contributed... more
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      Real EstateReal Estate EconomicsOpen AccessHousing
The Boonself Youth Apartment is a temporary residence for young people in Beijing’s West Pingfangqiao neighbourhood in Chaoyang district, the richest and most densely populated in the city with its 3.6 million inhabitants. The project... more
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      ArchitectureHousing & Residential DesignUrban StudiesHousing
Inspired by informal observation of changes in social behaviour and personal propriety in Beijing in the 1980s and 2010s, this research assesses the view of young and educated Beijingers of the dynamics behind these changes, hypothesising... more
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      AnthropologyChinese StudiesSocial and Cultural AnthropologyChinese Language and Culture
Da alcuni anni sempre più studenti della Repubblica Popolare Cinese scelgono di studiare italiano come lingua straniera. Il presente articolo si propone di approfondire il fenomeno indagando gli aspetti di contesto della scuola Senmiao,... more
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      ChinaItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Italian languageBeijing
This paper presents a hazard-based duration approach to investigate riders' waiting times, violation hazards, associated risk factors, and their differences between cyclists and electric bike riders at signalized intersections. A... more
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      HistoryIdentity (Culture)PoliticsIdentity politics