Reception of Ovid
Recent papers in Reception of Ovid
Ci par di vedere la natura umana spinta invicincibilmente al male da cagioni indipendenti dal suo arbitrio, e come legata in un sogno perverso e affannoso, da cui non ha mezzo di riscuotersi, di cui non può nemmeno accorgersi. (A.... more
Omstreeks 1250 verscheen in Noord-Frankrijk het Latijnse epos 'De vetula' (het oude vrouwtje), zogenaamd geschreven door Ovidius. Dit artikel poogt een interpretatie te geven van dit hoogst vermakelijke gedicht.
Das Gemälde «La Primavera» (Frühling) gehört zu den bekanntesten Werken der abendländischen Kunst und hängt heute in den Uffizien in Florenz. Es wurde in den späten 1470er oder mittleren 1480er Jahre vom berühmten italienischen... more
En este trabajo se examinan varios pasajes de las estorias alfonsíes (General estoria y Estoria de España) que son traducción de los mismos textos latinos para comprobar qué cambios sufren los textos en el proceso de traducción y en el de... more
METAMORFOSIS de Publi Ovidi Nasó.
Exordi, selecció i traducció de Xavier Mata Oroval.
Il·lustracions d’Aitana Carrasco.
Sembra Llibres, València 2020, pp. 264, ISBN: 978-84-16698-38-7
Exordi, selecció i traducció de Xavier Mata Oroval.
Il·lustracions d’Aitana Carrasco.
Sembra Llibres, València 2020, pp. 264, ISBN: 978-84-16698-38-7
Chapter on the reception of Ovid's love poetry (Amores, Ars amatoria, Remedia amoris) from Roman antiquity to modernity with text interpretations of Martial, Carmina Burana, Petrarca and Goethe.
After the audacious study and profound interest in Latin literature by the autodidact Charles Chesnutt is presented, this contribution argues that, unlike scholarship up to now pointing to orally-passed African American folktales, many of... more
o utinam liceat collo complexa tenere braciola et teneris | 2 oscula ferre labellis. i nunc, ventis tua gaudia, pupula, crede. | 3 crede mihi, levis est natura virorum. 5 saepe ego cu(m) media | 4 vigilare(m) perdita nocte haec mecum... more
La Puglia del XII secolo fu il fulcro di un pellegrinaggio «circolare» che coinvolgeva Compostella, Roma, Bari, Monte Sant’Angelo e Gerusalemme. Questa rete comportava una concorrenza tra i santuari, che tentavano di offrire ai pellegrini... more
and Keywords This chapter examines the intermingling of rhetorical theory, educational training in Latin grammar and rhetoric, and literary representations that designate bodies, texts, genres, figures, and tropes as "male," "female,"... more
Returning to the work begun in Amy Richlin's seminal essay on the unsettling topic of sexual violence in Ovid's work, "Reading Ovid's Rapes," this paper takes another look at the rich interpretive problems posed by the incessantly... more
Reservados todos los derechos © Iberoamericana, 2010 Amor de Dios, 1 -E-28014 Madrid Tel. + 34 91 429 35 22 Fax + 34 91 429 53 97 © Vervuert, 2010 Elisabethenstr. 3-9 -D-60594... more
This paper discusses three very influential contributions to contemporary Ovidian criticism: Italo Calvino’s "Ovid and Universal Contiguity" (1979) and "Six Memos for the Next Millennium" (1988), Gianpiero Rosati’s "Narciso e Pigmalione"... more
BLOCH Jonathan, « Translatio Ovidii. De l’Ovide moralisé en vers à sa traduction (et impression ?) par William Caxton », dans Pérégrinations et métamorphoses. Actes de la journée d’études du 19 oct. 2017, Presses universitaires de l’ICES,... more
Non appena vide Le bagnanti di Gustave Courbet al Salon del 1853 Eugène Delacroix raccolse il proprio disappunto in una pagina di diario che si cita diffusamente ancor oggi 1 .
Atalanta o dell'ambiguità di 'genere' (met. 8,322-323)
This article examines two Dutch diplomatic missions, in 1627-28 and 1635, by which the United Provinces intervened in a Polish-Swedish armed conflict in Prussia. The focus is on 'diplomatic poetics': the ways in which literature... more
In these essays Peter Dronke looks at some of the relations between sacred and profane ideas and images, and Christian and pagan motifs, particularly in the early Middle Ages. The first two parts of the book dwell on aspects of (in the... more
MA Thesis Classics on the reception of the Narcissus myth
La 'fabula' di Piramo e Tisbe ("Metam.", IV, 55–166) è stata, attraverso i secoli, al centro di una nutrita serie di rielaborazioni, riscritture e transcodificazioni di varia natura che hanno evidenziato e, per così dire, celebrato... more
As the author has argued in a previous paper, CIL IV, 5296 is only the rather clumsy and partial transcription of a poem that has not been composed by the graffito writer himself; its author – very likely a woman – was working with a... more
Didone, esule regina fenicia, fonda Cartagine, accoglie Enea, profugo da Troia, se ne innamora follemente e, abbandonata, si toglie la vita per aver tradito la fedeltà alla memoria del marito Sicheo. Questa è la storia che racconta... more
Il contributo prende in esame alcune riprese del mito di Deucalione e Pirra nelle riscritture delle Metamorfosi di questi ultimi anni, coincidenti con quella che è stata definita la «nuova età ovidiana»: nella poesia "Deucalion and... more
Hamilton Sérgio Nery de Medeiros é natural de João Pessoa, Paraíba. Possui Licenciatura em Letras Clássicas (Grego e Latim), pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba, e mestrando na mesma área, pela linha de pesquisa em Estudos Clássicos do... more
This article argues that Machiavelli’s description of reading Dante and Ovid, in his letter to Francesco Vettori of 10 December 1513, illuminates some of the most surprising and scandalous sections of The Prince. Beginning with... more
Link alla rivista "L'Ulisse", n, 23, novembre 2020, "Metamorfosi dell'antico":
This article treats the medieval allegorizations of the Ovidian myth of Actaeon, focusing on Bersuire's treatment in his Ovidius Moralizatus. This work is important because it reunites all allegorical readings of Metamorphoses and... more
1 Alcuin, letter 43 to Charlemagne; PL 100,col.208. All translations are mine. 2 Brinkmann (1979) passim. 3 Beissner (1965) 24-45. 4 Etymologiae 1.39.14: Elegiacus autem dictus eo, quod modulatio eiusdem carminis conueniat miseris Lindsay... more
This book review was published in the Summer 2013 issue of Nuntius, the biannual publication of Eta Sigma Phi, national classical studies honorary.