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"It is important to establish the “Proto-dynamo” as concept that represents an entirely new paradigm of economic infrastructure. The concept alludes to the “dynamo” which is a machine that uses opposing magnetic forces to efficiently... more
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      Future StudiesEconomicsInternational EconomicsFinancial Economics
J.F. Kennedy once said: “Consumers, by definition, include us all.” Indeed, no matter where we look in the Croatian legal system, we come across a new consumer. Sometimes this is a consumer protected by lex generalis for consumer... more
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      European StudiesEuropean LawEuropean UnionCommercial Law
O presente artigo analisa o IRDR e a possibilidade de fragilização das ações coletivas pela utilização do instituto, a partir de reflexões feitas por problemas teóricos e práticos. Por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental,... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchConsumer Protection (Law)Procedural Law
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Derecho PrivadoDerecho del ConsumidorDerecho Regulatorio
O artigo tem por objetivo demonstrar que o consumismo na sociedade contemporânea, embora tenha sofrido influência da ética e dos valores morais consolidados na responsabilidade social empresarial, permanece com práticas... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Law
O presente artigo possui o objetivo de analisar alguns dos graves efeitos da pandemia da Covid-19 nas relações consumeristas e laborais inseridas na estrutura estatal brasileira, que, atualmente, é assumidamente neoliberal, e que, em... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer Protection (Law)International Labour LawDireito Do Consumidor
It is not enough for conventional rules on traditional consumer protection to regulate remote contractual relations or online shopping. In the diversity and wide geographic environment of the global market through the Internet it can't... more
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      Civil LawPrivate lawConsumer Protection (Law)Marketing (Electronic Commerce)
La ricerca si propone di lumeggiare l’esistenza di una linea di tendenza latinoamericana finalizzata all’unificazione della normativa a tutela del consumatore nell’area sub-regionale del MERCOSUR. Nel lavoro sono esaminate le esperienze... more
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      Latin American StudiesCivil LawConsumer ResearchConsumer Protection (Law)
To carry out any type of Business, there must be consumer. Without consumers, no goods can be sold, no services can be provided. So it is very important to take due care of the needs of the consumers. This study critically analyzed the... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Consumer Protection
Through its case law, the CJEU has developed and established various legal institutions and principles guaranteeing the effectiveness of EU law including consumer protection law. Although much time has passed since the CJEU required from... more
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      European LawConsumer BehaviorEuropean UnionConsumer Research
The clothing sector is a low wage, labour-intensive industry and a dynamic, innovative sector. Franchising is a business system in which a company (franchisor) sells an individual (franchisee) the right to operate a business using the... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Marketing ManagementSustainable Marketing
We often think about justice and social change in terms of refinement and better implementation of legal or economic theories and categories. Justice and change are often understood as more accountability and participation, as resistance... more
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      Social TheoryEuropean StudiesConstitutional LawContract Law
Opublikowane w: Przegląd Legislacyjny nr 3/2010, s. 25-41.
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Prawo KonsumenckieConsumer Sales Law
Based on reading the, Case Connection, I cannot quite make a correlation for its relevance. Initially when it was introduce and put in place in 2007 it served a purpose due to the economic state our country was in at the time; however I... more
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      EconomicsFinancial EconomicsConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Behaviour
Despite over 50 years of reform (Blandy and Robinson, 2001) leasehold as a tenure is in crisis (Brady & Co 2016, Property Mark 2018). The latest tranche of reform proposals (DCLG, 2017, MHCLG, 2019, Best 2019, TFG 2019, CMA 2020, Law... more
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      Property LawConsumer Protection (Law)Leasehold IssuesLeaseholder Law
There have been several recent lawsuits in which problem gamblers (or those affected by problem gambling) have sued casinos or other gaming companies for damages relating to bankruptcies, suicides, and other negative consequences of... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsAddictionGambling Studies
The outsourcing of client-related tasks to service providers in other countries is likely to generate malpractice claims against American law firms. This Article discusses the wide range of theories under which an outsourcing American... more
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      Intellectual PropertyConsumer Protection (Law)Legal Process OutsourcingJoint Ventures
(capítulo de libro de investigación) Universidad Diego Portales. Calos Pizarro Wilson, Íñigo de la Maza Gazmuri, Francisca Barrientos Camus Editores. 2013. Thomson Reuters, Santiago, 2013.  pp. 265-282.
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Direito Do ConsumidorDerecho del ConsumidorProteccion Al Consumidor
Esta es una obra que tiene por objeto esquematizar la Ley nº 19.496 como la principal ley del ordenamiento jurídico chileno sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores, incorporando una selección de los extractos de aquella... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawDerecho del ConsumoProteccion Al Consumidor
V hospodárskej súťaži vystupuje niekoľko subjektov, ktorých záujmy sú na prvý pohľad diametrálne odlišné. V hospodárskej praxi do popredia najviac vystupujú organizácie, ktoré v dnešnom hyperkonkurečnom prostredí uplatňujú rôzne,... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Marketing ManagementSustainable Marketing
This article deals with the protection of consumers when they enter e-commerce transactions with foreign companies. Most states reacted to the growing importance of e-commerce by enacting data protection and consumer protection... more
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      International LawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer ProtectionConsumer Protection in E-commerce
Männer und Frauen dürfen beim Zugang zu und der Versorgung mit Gütern und Dienstleistungen nicht diskriminiert werden. Das ist im konsumentInnenschutzrechtlichen Teil des Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes eindeutig geregelt. Gleichwohl gibt es... more
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      Women's StudiesGender EqualityAntidiscrimination LawConsumer Protection (Law)
1. Reminder

2. The Spanish Supreme Court assumed the ECJ doctrine on Consumer Protection

3. Most recent ECJ cases on EU consumer protection
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      European LawEuropean Union LawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Protection
The gradual introduction of a globalized marked, the mass tourism, the enactment of the four EU freedoms, and, above all, the general utilisation of e-commerce, have resulted in a rapidly growing number of cross-border contracts and thus... more
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      ContractsContract LawPrivate International LawConflicts of Law
Opšte je prihvaćeno mišljenje da su od potencijalne povrede svojih prava zaštićeni samo informisani potrošači. Oglašavanje predstavlja jedan od osnovnih načina informisanja potrošača, te je od krucijalne važnosti da ono sadrži adekvatne... more
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      AdvertisingConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer ProtectionDeceptive Advertising
In the context of current pandemic crisis due, social distancing and quarantine measures were imposed by states due to the high risk of infection by going out of the house for buying the goods and services that are required. Naturally,... more
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      European LawContract LawEuropean Union LawConsumer Protection (Law)
The EU Product Liability Directive (Directive 85/374/EEC-PLD) provides for strict liability of producers for defective products. This paper examines its applicability de lege lata and de lege ferenda to software updates of automated... more
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      EU LawConsumer Protection (Law)Artificial Intelligence and LawProduct liability
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      Consumer RightsEuropean private lawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Law
En este trabajo realizaremos una primera lectura de la regulación sobre procesos colectivos de consumo establecida en el cap. 4 del Código Procesal para la Justicia en las Relaciones de Consumo (en adelante, “el Código” ) sancionado el 11... more
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      Constitutional LawProceduresClass ActionsCivil Procedure
Pojem dôvera je v centre pozornosti viacerých humanitných vedných odborov. Týmto fenoménom sa zaoberajú psychológovia, sociológovia. Cieľom tohto príspevku je objasniť pojem dôvery s dôrazom na jeho osobitné postavenie v rámci moderného... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Marketing ManagementSustainable Marketing
Rad proučava uređenje materije potrošačkog kreditiranja u hrvatskom pravu i analizira osnovna prava korisnika kredita sukladno Direktivi 2008/48/EZ o ugovorima o potrošačkom kreditu i Direktivi 2014/17/EU o ugovorima o potrošačkim... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Consumer creditBanking and Finance
This is a brief case note on the Munich County Court's Judgment of 1 March 2018 (Case 12 O 730) which held that the Amazon Dash Button device violates EU consumer law on several counts. The case note analyzes the Court's line of argument... more
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      European private lawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawConsumer protection law
For decades, consumer law has been the stepchild of the legal discipline, neither public nor private law, not classic but post-modern, not 'legal enough', 'too political', in short, a discipline at the margins, suffering from the haut... more
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      Behavioural ScienceEuropean LawEuropean Union LawEuropean private law
Over the past decade, the rise of online marketplaces such as has profoundly changed the retail landscape. The current pandemic has further accelerated consumers' shift towards online buying in general and online marketplaces... more
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      Comparative LawConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawProduct liability
Zavedenie prvkov manažérstva kvality TQM do prostredia školy ako organizácie a výučby odborného predmetu je jeden z moderných spôsobov zvýšenia jej kvality. Zasahuje komplexne celú školu so všetkými jej súčasťami a procesmi ako aj s jej... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Marketing ManagementSustainable Marketing
People with allergies know how important it is to stay away from allergens to which they are sensitive. But what if those substances are in your food and you don't know it? The “natural flavor” loophole in ingredient labeling means that... more
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      Nutrition and DieteticsAnthropologyMedical AnthropologyFood Science
The study aims to analyze the issue of credit worthiness which with the entry into force of Law 3 of 2012 first and the Codice della Crisi d’Impresa e dell’Insolvenza then, has an increasingly central role. This delicate issue, which has... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)BANKERConsumatoreSovraindebitamento
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      European LawContract LawConsumer Protection (Law)European consumer law
PREFÁCIO É com muita alegria que recebi, honrada, o convite dos coordenadores Dennis Verbicaro, Camille Ataíde e Carlos André Acioli para prefaciar esta célebre obra intitulada “Provocações Contemporâneas no Direito do Consumidor”... more
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      Consumer BehaviorConsumer ResearchConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Law
Der Beitrag gibt eine erste Übersicht über die Richtlinie 2011/83/EU über die Rechte der Verbraucher. Das von der Richtlinie verfolgte Prinzip der Vollharmonsierung, wird nicht nur in den Mitgliedstaaten der EU sondern auch in der Region... more
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      European Union LawConsumer Protection (Law)
La Direttiva 2019/2161/Ue (c.d. “Direttiva Omnibus”) prevede numerose novità sul fronte delle tutele dei consumatori che accedono al mercato unico digitale. In particolare, vengono apportate modifiche ed integrazioni alle discipline in... more
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      Remedies (Law)Consumer Protection (Law)Digital ConsumerEuropean consumer law
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      Human RightsConsumer Protection (Law)Consumer Protection in Bangladesh
Available as a free pdf book download from the National Consumer Law Center, the National Association of Consumer Advocates, the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney web sites or directly from This... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawConsumer ProtectionConsumer protection law
Príspevok sa zaoberá rôznymi pohľadmi odbornej verejnosti na princípy marketingového riadenia v súčasnosti. Tieto sa v mnohých prípadoch vyznačujú niekoľkými prívlastkami – dotieravé, rušivé, zavádzajúce, klamlivé. Na základe takýchto... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Marketing ManagementSustainable Marketing
Η παρούσα μελέτη καταπιάνεται με την ανάλυση της απόφασης 4/2019 της Ολομέλειας του Αρείου Πάγου. Μιας απόφασης που θεωρήθηκε ως τέμνουσα το ακανθώδες νομικό, οικονομικό και κοινωνικό πρόβλημα των δανείων σε ελβετικό φράγκο. Πέραν όμως... more
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      Civil LawContract LawBanking LawConsumer Protection (Law)
Price personalisation raises four policy concerns: building trust, fostering competitiveness, increasing access, and avoiding exploitation. The Modernisation Directive introduces an information requirement about personalised prices. The... more
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      European LawPrivacyLaw and EconomicsEU Law
LA RICERCA SULLA DIFFUSIONE DELLA GIUSTIZIA ALTERNATIVA IN ITALIA NEL 2017 - Sommario: 1. Le novità normative in materia di ADR nel 2017. – 2. La giustizia alternativa in Italia nel 2017: individuazione e distribuzione del campione. – 3.... more
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      ArbitrationArbitration LawMediation (Law)Consumer Protection (Law)
Bitcoin is the most important and well known form of digital currency. It is not produced or backed by any single entity. Its production takes place in a decentralised manner and its value derives only from the fact that there is a... more
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      Consumer Protection (Law)Consumer LawBitcoinDigital Currency