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      Language and Social InteractionSociolinguisticsInterpreting StudiesConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
RESUMO: Neste artigo, revisamos, em linhas gerais, as noções básicas que norteiam os estudos que se valem da abordagem teórico-metodológica da Análise da Conversa, ou como vem sendo chamada mais recentemente pelos seus pesquisadores, dos... more
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      Conversation AnalysisConversation Analysis (Research Methodology)Conversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionConversation Analysis (Languages And Linguistics)
Psychiatric practitioners are currently encouraged to adopt a patient centered approach that emphasizes the sharing of decisions with their clients, yet recent research suggests that fully collaborative decision making is rarely... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychiatryHealth CommunicationMental Health
The article focuses typical turns and sequences occuring in teenage Internet chats. The author uses the American ethnomethodology and the German Gesprächsanalyse as methodology.
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      Internet research methodsConversational DiscourseConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionGesprächsanalyse
2018, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Rys. 272 S.
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      Conversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionTalk showsSpoken languageGERMAN SYNTAX
Dear Dr. Mitul, The EMN Meeting is proud to announce that the EMN Meeting on Energy and Sustainability 2016 will be held during November 28 to December 2, 2016 in Osaka, Japan, providing an excellent platform to bring together... more
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      Renewable EnergySustainable DevelopmentEnergyInstitutional talk
A MULTIMODAL ANALYSIS OF THE MM TOKEN IN CHILEAN SPANISH INTERACTION What are the interactional outcomes of the use of nonverbal and verbal behaviour in combination? We answer this by looking at how Mm, a token with minimal lexical... more
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      Speech ProsodyConversation AnalysisConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionProsody
The volume Urban Voices presents studies, which analyse how speakers of Russian convey social meanings across a variety of speech situations. Rooted in different methodological frameworks including quantitative and qualitative approaches,... more
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      PragmaticsSociolinguisticsConversation AnalysisUrban Studies
Drawing from a corpus of naturally occurring parent–child interactions, this paper documents a common verbal practice used by US dual-earner parents to issue an early inquiry into children’s homework. This practice is analyzed as a first... more
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      PragmaticsChildren and FamiliesParent InvolvementParental Behavior
Goffman's work on footing has paved the way to specifying the analytic concepts of speaker and hearer in social interaction. This article empirically examines participants' momentby-moment negotiated understandings of speakerhood in the... more
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      Conversation AnalysisConversation Analysis (Research Methodology)Conversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
Disagreements are integral to fruitful team collaboration but have rarely been studied within actual team interactions. We develop a temporal account of how disagreement episodes begin and are resolved during team interactions, testing... more
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      Organizational BehaviorConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionMultilevel modellingTeam Processes
The goal of this special issue is to examine how certain modes of classroom dialogue might contribute to students' learning outcomes. The articles in this special issue share the idea of classroom talk as a problem-oriented dialogue. In... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducationLanguage and Social InteractionEducational Research
The Danish pronoun de and its inflections are traditionally described as 3rd person plural, but, as this article demonstrates, it is also used as a gender neutral 3rd person singular pronoun. As this pronoun - termed singular de - has not... more
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      Language and GenderConversation AnalysisConversation Analysis (Research Methodology)Pronouns
Discussions about ‘athlete-centered’ coaching and ‘coach-centered’ coach education have started to gain increasing popularity in the field of coaching science. While it has been suggested that these ‘learner-centered’ approaches arguably... more
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      Self and IdentityFootball (soccer)Research MethodologySocial Identity
Cet article présente une recherche sur l'organisation sociale des appels publics aux services d'urgence et se concentre sur la fonction constitutive de la conversation au cours de l'«appel au secours». Les auteurs examinent comment ces... more
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      Ethnography of CommunicationEmergency CommunicationConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
The validity of interview data for social science research is under sophisticated critique. In this article, verbal interaction in semi-structured interviews (SSIs) is compared to that in naturalistic conversation in terms of participant... more
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      Critical TheoryPolitical SociologySport PsychologyGender Studies
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      SociologyConversation AnalysisQualitative methodologyConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
In this chapter, we examine a significant shift in research in the learning sciences, mathematics education, and science education that increasingly attends to the co-construction of power and learning. We review articles in these fields... more
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      Critical TheoryTeaching and LearningScholarship of Teaching and LearningLearning Sciences
In 1965, as an undergraduate student enrolled in Harvey Sacks' lecture course and later in her position of 'clerk/typist', Gail Jefferson undertook the task of typing out everything that was said in the tape-recorded conversations Sacks... more
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      Language and Social InteractionConversation AnalysisConversation Analysis (Research Methodology)Conversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
A serious problem faced in the service of emergency phone calls stems from potential language barriers, which can severely impede the operator in collecting and processing important information, and in decision making for emergency... more
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      Translation StudiesLanguage and Social InteractionConversation AnalysisSocial Interaction
Tasks that promote a collaborative communication strategy may help learners produce more accurate and fluent language in conversation with foreigners. To develop my Japanese learners' awareness of this strategy, I designed a syllabus with... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionTask-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)Conversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
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      InteractionismSelf and IdentityNarrative and IdentityConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
This study is primarily concenrned with applying Genette’s narratological framework of time to the study of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily. This study aims to provide insights about the time shift processes in this short story.... more
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      Discourse AnalysisNarratologyPsychonarratologyConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
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      Languages and LinguisticsConversation AnalysisEnglish languageDiscourse
The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of productive classroom talk and metacommunication on the development of young children’s oral communicative competence. This study can be characterized as a quasi-experimental... more
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      Early Childhood EducationSociocultural TheoryEarly Childhood LiteracyTeachers' professional development
"Who’s Swearing Now? represents an investigation of how people actually swear, illustrated by a collection of over 500 spontaneous swearing utterances along with their social and linguistic contexts. The book features a focus on the use... more
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      Discourse AnalysisSex and GenderLanguage and Social InteractionSociolinguistics
PhD Dissertation. Thessaloniki: Enyalio Foundation, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2011. This dissertation examines the methodic construction of the social identity old person in everyday talk. It combines two strands of the... more
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      Conversation AnalysisEthnomethodologyMedia DiscourseAgeism
This paper provides a worked exemplar of psychotherapy research using the approach of conversation analysis inspired discourse analysis (CA/DA), sometimes known as discursive psychology (Edwards & Potter, 1992; Potter, 2003; Potter &... more
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      Discourse AnalysisClinical PsychologyPsychoanalysisEmotion
This short, introductory paper presents an up-to-date account of works within the field of Applied Linguistics which have been influenced by a Conversation Analytic paradigm. The article reviews recent studies in classroom interaction,... more
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      Discourse AnalysisTeaching and LearningTeaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language Acquisition
This article reports on the use of syntactically incomplete utterances in talk-in-interaction as a resource for doing two sorts of inquiries: seeking information and initiating repair. The element inquired about is made relevant next, and... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage and Social InteractionConversation AnalysisConversation Analysis (Research Methodology) “This book demonstrates conclusively and richly the importance of studying language in particular situations in order to understand the production of meaning. It makes conversation analysis central... more
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      AnthropologyEthnolinguisticsSocial AnthropologyPractice theory
Uma delimitação precisa do campo da Pragmática está longe de ser trivial, mas uma definição preliminar é relativamente simples. De modo geral, a Pragmática é entendida como o campo que investiga o significado linguístico que emerge em... more
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      PragmaticsAutism Spectrum DisordersDeixisConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
describes interpretations of signs in intercultural situations
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      Intercultural CommunicationCultural SemioticsConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionIntercultural training
bstract Goffman's work on participation marks a watershed in linguistic studies on speaker and hearer roles in interaction, both in everyday conversations and in media discourse. Goffman is thus widely credited for having expanded the... more
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      Language and Social InteractionConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
This article extends prior conversation analytic research on the preference organization of sequence-initiating actions. Across two languages (English and Russian), this article examines one such action: explicitly soliciting an account... more
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      Discourse AnalysisInterpersonal CommunicationLanguage and Social InteractionPragmatics
Esse estudo analisa a coconstrução da interação entre entrevistada surda e entrevistador ouvinte e, também, as formas de perguntar e de responder no percurso interacional. A fundamentação teórica estará centrada nos estudos da... more
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      Sign LanguagesConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionTalk in interactionAnálise da Conversa Etnometodológica
This paper provides an analysis of swearing in casual conversation using both a pragmatic and a conversation analytic methodology using Gail Jefferson's 'Laughter in Interaction' study as a template. This dissertation helps to add to the... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPragmaticsConversation AnalysisEnglish language
This article considers a practice in French talk-in-interaction, formally characterized as other-repeats prefaced by the change-of-state particle 'ah'. The target practice accomplishes a claim of receipt, while at the same time indexing... more
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      Speech ProsodyConversation AnalysisFrench languageFrench linguistics
This paper contributes to the study of the interactional functions of so-called formulations, while at the same time proposing an account for variability in phonetic design with reference to the observable interactional and sequential... more
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      Conversation AnalysisFrench linguisticsIntonationConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
This article examines affirming answers to polar (yes/no) questions in Russian, that is, responses that confirm or agree with the propositional content of the question. Drawing on a corpus of telephone conversations and using the... more
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      Conversation AnalysisRussian LanguageConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionTalk in interaction
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      Discourse AnalysisPsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Psychology
Die Art und Weise, wie Menschen miteinander interagieren, ist seit langem Gegenstand interdisziplinärer Forschung. Die vorliegende Arbeit greift auf diese Ergebnisse und Methoden unterschiedlicher Forschungs- und Fächertraditionen zurück,... more
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      Conversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionComputer-Mediated Communication (CMC)Gesprächsanalyse
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      Language and Social InteractionDiscourse MarkersConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionDiscourse particles
"Es conocido que la comunicación no verbal involucra el uso de expresiones faciales, gestuales y posturas para comunicar intenciones, objetivos, sentimientos e ideas; lo que permite reforzar un mensaje dentro de una dinámica de diálogo.... more
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      SemioticsInterpersonal CommunicationGesture StudiesData Mining
This paper is a talk-in-interaction investigation of the multimodal design of peer correction in reading picture books. The focus is on what Erickson (1982a) calls the double functionality of moves involved in engaging in a learning task,... more
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      Reading Habits/AttitudesMultimodalityConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interactionCorrections
This article provides an empirical demonstration of the saliency of epistemics to two core conversational organizations, turn-taking and repair. To that end, I examine cases in which a participant of a multiparty conversation intervenes... more
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      Conversation AnalysisConversation Analysis, Talk-in-interaction
This article provides a conversation analytic description of a previously unstudied conversational action: 'articulating the unsaid' via and-prefaced formulations of other people's talk. Contributing to the extant research on formulations... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguage and Social InteractionPragmaticsConversation Analysis
In den Inkongruitätsexperimenten von Harold Garfinkel werden stabile Alltagssituationen durch künstliche Ereignisse gestört und Krisen herbeigeführt (vgl. z.B. Garfinkel 1980(vgl. z.B. Garfinkel , 1963(vgl. z.B. Garfinkel , 1952). Seinen... more
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      Qualitative methodologyPhenomenologyMaurice Merleau-PontyEthnomethodology