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Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, ob in Offb 12,17 mit dem "Halten der Gebote" die Zehn Gebote gemeint sind.
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      New TestamentSeventh-day Adventist historyDecalogueSeventh-day adventist theology
On a societal level Philo argues for a ius talionis based on values of equality, life itself, and health. The first principle results in democracy as the best political system. It also implies that every killing is unjust, including... more
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      Jewish LawHomicidePhilo of AlexandriaTen Commandments
The detailed review includes abstracts of, and comments on, the 21 papers published in the volume. The reviewer offers the following suggestion about the origin and the early history of the Ten Commandments: th festival of Tabernacles may... more
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      Hebrew BibleAudience and Reception StudiesBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
Krzysztof Kieslowski's television series called Decalogue (1989), based on the Ten Commandments, depicts various moral and ethical concerns of a group of people living in an apartment complex in Warsaw. Academicians like Christopher... more
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      ReligionTen CommandmentsPolandKrzysztof Kieslowski
The Decalogue in Exodus was composed and strategically embedded in its literary context in order to reflect the discourse of Northwest Semitic monumental inscriptions. Monument making in the ancient Near East involved primarily the... more
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      Ten CommandmentsExodusMonumentalityDecalogue
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      Medieval StudiesDecalogueFourth Lateran CouncilPope Innocent III
Among American evangelicals, the command to honor one's parents (Exod 20:12; Deut 5:16) has usually been interpreted as a command for young children to obey their parents. However, close study of this command reveals that it was primarily... more
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      DecalogueParentsHebrew Bible/Old Testament
This article discusses the controversy surrounding the issue of whether the Tablets containing the Ten Commandments (Luchos) were squared or round. It also discusses the opinions of various Rabbis concerning whether to uphold the custom... more
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      ReligionIconographyJewish StudiesCovenant Theology
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      Jewish StudiesMoral TheologyTen CommandmentsThe Use of the Old Testament in the New
From Hellenistic Judaism to the Reformation era. For a chart sorting out the Jewish, Orthodox, Anglican, Reformed, Roman Catholic, and Lutheran traditions on how the Ten Words God spoke on Mount Sinai should be numbered, go here:... more
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      Ten CommandmentsDecalogue
Bernhard Lang, Der Dekalog (Dtn 5,6-21): Eine Sachanalyse. In: Volker Garske und Bernhard Lang, Die Zehn Gebote. Dtn 5,6-21 (EinFach Religion; Paderborn: Schöningh 2015), S. 18-40. The Decalogue, here considered in its original... more
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      Old Testament TheologyTen CommandmentsDecalogueThe Ten Commandments
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      ReligionHistoryEthicsHistory of Religion
From medieval Europe to contemporary USA.
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      Ten CommandmentsChurch and StateDecalogue
In this article I propose – together with Frank Crüsemann – an interpretation of the Decalogue based on a concentric structure. The center of the structure is occupied by the prohibition to kill (Ex 20:13), making the respect for the... more
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      DecalogueLiterary Structure
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      Biblical StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsIconsDecalogue
This article investigates the intellectual history of the argument for the antiquity of Exodus 34,11–26. In the contemporary debate about pentateuchal theory, a question that remains insufficiently addressed is how and why the idea... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureEthics17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
The biblical text is explicit that God revealed Ten Words to his people at Mt. Sinai (Exod 34:28), but uncertainty still remains as to the proper enumeration of these ten. Many recent studies of the Decalogue accept without discussion the... more
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      Discourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsLinguisticsTen Commandments
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyTheological HermeneuticsRevelation
Although there are many studies on John Calvin's teaching on natural law, the relation between natural law and Roman law has received relatively less attention. This essay examines the relation between natural law and Roman law in... more
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryEthicsHistory of Ethics
What function do the two versions of the Decalogue in Exodus 20 and Deuteronomy 5 have within the framework of the Tora of Moses? Markl shows that the ‘Ten Words’ constitute Israel within the making of the covenant at Sinai in analogy to... more
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesTen CommandmentsTorah/Pentateuch
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      DeuteronomySamaritan PentateuchBook of JoshuaDecalogue
El autor de este trabajo compila información bibliográfica sobre la dimensión histórica de las tablas del pacto y el becerro de oro como objetos clave en la narrativa de Éxodo 32-34. El objetivo es considerar lo que estos elementos... more
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesBook of ExodusDecalogue
Genevan Reformer John Calvin produced a half dozen catechisms during his tenure in the city from 1536 to 1538 and 1541 to 1564. While not nearly so well-known as his Institutes of the Christian Religion or Geneva Bible, and not nearly so... more
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      John CalvinGenevaDecalogueApostle's Creed
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      Hebrew BibleOld Testament TheologyTheological HermeneuticsBiblical Studies
The relationship between Ezekiel 18:1-4 and Exodus 20:5-6 is sometimes interpreted in a way that highlights three difficulties encountered by modern exegetes when assessing the motivations underlying inner-biblical exegesis. From these... more
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      Book of EzekielInner-Biblical ExegesisBook of ExodusDecalogue
This is the second of my studies on the Decalogue (see also "Counting the Ten"), this one considering the exegetical, theological, and pastoral payoff of numbering the Ten Words as I do. Consideration is given to the development of the... more
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      ChristianityLawOld Testament TheologyBiblical Theology
Riassunto Un’analisi ravvicinata della composizione delle due versioni del decalogo in Es 20 e Dt 5 evidenzia la posizione centrale degli unici due comandamenti positivi della lista: la consacrazione del sabato e l’onore dovuto al padre... more
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      Rhetorical CriticismDecaloguebiblical and Semitic rhetoric
“You shall not kill” seems to be a self-evident norm, both in modernity and in antiquity. But what does this prohibition exactly mean? Does it only apply to humans or also to non-human beings? And what about indirect or unintentional... more
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      Jewish LawHomicideTen CommandmentsBiblical Law
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      PhilosophySigmund FreudLevinasSimone Weil
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      Biblical StudiesJewish - Christian RelationsIconsDecalogue
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      Early ChristianityDecalogue
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      Rhetorical CriticismAniconismDeuteronomyBook of Hosea
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      Italian PoetryJuan Rodríguez del PadrónCancionero poetryDecalogue
From a literary point of view the Sabbath-Commandment is the most extensive and most elaborated part of the Decalogue. In modern times critical research has devoted much attention to the differences between the two text-versions (Exo.... more
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      Biblical StudiesSabbathDecalogue
A decalogue (5:7–21) is ten instructions, a handbook explaining the obligations of clients to their patrons (10:12—11:32; 16:18—17:13; 22:1–12; 24:6). A long-standing tradition of interpretation considers decalogues to be a genre... more
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      Feminist CriticismSocial-Scientific CriticismDecalogue
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      TalmudRabbinicsMidrashRabbinic Literature
Rudie van Leeuwen The painting Moses and the Israelites from 1574, which was commissioned by Peeter Panhuys (1529-85) from the Antwerp painter Maerten de Vos (1532-1603), serves as a case study for answering the question how the choice of... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesCalvinismLutheranism
This Article analyzes the development of rights talk in the pre-Enlightenment Protestant tradition, especially as formulated by the sixteenth-century Calvinist theologian and jurist, Theodore Beza. Responding to the horrific persecution... more
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      Human RightsCalvinCalvinismProtestantism
D'après les enseignements des Rabbanim de AskNoah international : Rav Michael Schulman (directeur) Rav Moshé Weiner (auteur du Code de Lois pour bnei Noah-sefer sheva mitsvoth HaShem [en hébreu] The Divin Code [en anglais]) Rav Ya'aqov... more
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      TalmudRabbinicsMidrashRabbinic Literature
The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Law provides a state-of-the-art analysis of the major questions, principles, concepts, texts, and critical methodologies pertinent to biblical law. The thirty-three chapters, written by an international... more
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      LawCriminal LawEthicsHistory of Religion
For Pseudo-Phocylides, and probably also for Pseudo-Menander, the Decalogue was so important that it was used to present Jewish wisdom in a Hellenistic disguise. In the work of Pseudo-Phocylides this is more or less explicit, and he... more
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      Ten CommandmentsEarly JudaismDecalogueUnwritten Law
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      Biblical StudiesTen CommandmentsPentateuchDecalogue
This study conceives Christian ministry as a vocation defined by the New Covenant. Addressing a gap in the application of the New Covenant to moral and spiritual formation, it proposes and illustrates a two-dimensional method for the... more
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      Virtue EthicsCharacter EducationSpiritual FormationThe Letter to the Hebrews
The Unifying Theme of Biblical Theology explores the claims of God in the epiousion as well as in the honor of Father and mother.  Luke agrees.  Many others do not.
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      Systematic TheologyCalvinismLutheranismBibliology
This Article analyzes the transformation of Western legal philosophy in the sixteenth-century Lutheran Reformation, with a focus on the legal thought of theologian Martin Luther, moral philosopher Philip Melanchthon, and legal theorist... more
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      Criminal LawContract LawNatural LawConscience
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      Ten CommandmentsDecalogueThe Ten Commandments
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      Reception StudiesTheologyBiblical StudiesTen Commandments
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      PhilologyReligionAncient HistoryNear Eastern Archaeology
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      Ten CommandmentsGospel of JohnBook of ExodusDecalogue