Recent papers in EU-NATO
Les temps où l’évocation de la défense européenne suscitait au mieux les sourires des eurosceptiques et au pire les critiques virulentes des atlantistes les plus militants sont révolus. Toutefois, pour l’observateur en dehors du cercle... more
A comprehensive analysis of the European Union's foreign policy over 40 years, this study describes how multilateralism has been used in the fields of peace, security, and military crisis management. Relying on detailed case studies, this... more
This article explores the historical evolution of research on the “European Union (EU)–North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) relationship” since the 1950s and examines the numerous ways in which it has served as an important case... more
NATO-EU cooperation almost came to a halt after 2004. This article scrutinizes the evolution of NATO-EU cooperation and argues that the major problem with regard to this cooperation goes beyond the vetoes by Turkey and Cyprus. Rather,... more
Traditionally the EU has been a civilian power, leaving the conduct of its security issues in the hands of the North Atlantic Organisation. The end of the Cold War and the new millennium brought new security challenges making it harder... more
My contribution to the nuclear debate presents 3 possible concepts for complexity evolution, which make understood that what is at a stake right now is the evolution of complexity. The use of missiles in any war scenario has very little,... more
La mise en œuvre différée, en 2017, de la Coopération structurée permanente (PESCO) donne une nouvelle dimension à l'intégration de la défense de l'Union européenne. 25 États membres se sont engagés à accroître leurs dépenses de défense... more
Today the power and influence of the EU is growing in the UN. On the othe hand, UN provides legitimacy and authority for the EU military operations. However, is it necessary to obtain permission and command from the UN in case of threat... more
Turkey’s relationships with the West, particularly its relationship with Western security institutions, are today more important than ever. As the United States fights two wars in the region and attempts to rebuild its reputation in... more
The USA’s support for Turkey, which is on the European Union path, has showed itself not only as “intense diplomacy from be hind a curtain” but also as incessant opposition against Turkey’s isolation from defence organizations like... more
In this study, the evolution of the NATO-EU relationship from the Cold War years to present day is examined and this relationship is comprehensively analysed politically, economically and militarily. This analysis consists fundamentally... more
This report discusses the emergent trend of inter-organizational security cooperation in international peace operations. It takes a closer look at bilateral collaboration among the ‘big four’ security organizations of today – the UN,... more
Bu makalenin amacı, NATO-AB işbirliği ve Türkiye’nin Ortak Güvenlik ve Savunma Politikası’na katılımı ile ilgili açmazı değerlendirmektir. Makalenin ileri sürdüğü argüman, bu açmazını derinleştiren iki önemli faktör olduğudur. Bunlardan... more
The EU’s new defense strategy runs the risk of adopting a bleak worldview while suggesting measures that are inadequate to address such a world of dangers. Moreover it threatens to undermine the EU's unique identity and its real... more
Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan have different hopes for the Atlantic Alliance.
Today, an Intermarium could stretch from Narva in the north to Batumi in the south. Significant parts of the populations and the majority of foreign affairs experts of the countries between the Baltic and Black seas view Putin’s Russia... more
The EU’s common security and defence policy (CSDP) was launched in the 1990s as a quest for “autonomy.” Fifteen years of efforts failed to deliver that objective. The coherence of the EU member states in their security dealings with the... more
The aim of this article is to discuss all aspects of NATO’s approach to global partners, as well as how the Alliance’s new partnership policy can affect relations with these countries. This article examines the implications of the change... more
Western decision-makers should signal to the new East-Central European NATO and EU member countries that they can, and should, engage in cross-border multilateral coalition building with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. There is an urgent... more
Con base en el análisis de la política de Francia dentro de la OTAN tras el fin de la Guerra Fría, este libro aborda cuestiones más generales relacionadas con las dificultades para consolidar un pilar europeo de defensa dentro de la Unión... more
Threats from Africa undermine the security of Europe. The European Union and NATO have 22 member countries in common, namely most of EU member states. The fundamental role of the Atlantic Alliance is to safeguard the freedom and security... more
The meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Wales was convened to confront a set of challenges which emerged in its close neighbourhood and to ask tough questions about the Alliance’s capabilities to adjust to a rapidly changing security... more
The emergence of a security and defence policy of the European Union (EU) and the questions it raises for the relationship between the Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have always been closely linked to the question... more
Les effets de la fin assez brusque de l’unipolarité, conjugués à l’accélération des changements climatiques, ont accru d’une manière significative l’importance de la région de l’Arctique en tant qu’enjeu stratégique. Bien entendu, les... more
For the observer outside the circle of the initiated, European defence remains a source of confusion and misunderstanding. Two factors explain this lack of understanding and erroneous conclusions it leads to. The first results from a... more
The main goal of this study is to contribute to the academic debate concerning EU-NATO relations and to consider the main sources of difficulties in their relationship. In particular, this analysis takes into account the possible role of... more
NATO Defence College Occasional Paper No 15, May 2006. U K Defence Forum Reviews Editor Roger Green notes that this publication comprises the twelve papers presented at a seminar on NATO and EU post-conflict reconstruction operations in... more
Помимо продолжения сегодняшнего состояния невключенности в значимые международные структуры безопасности, у Украины есть пять альтернативных сценариев: «финляндизация», вступление в ЕС, присоединение к НАТО, отдельный договор с США,... more
In a January 2016 national survey of Israelis’ attitudes toward Europe and the European Union (EU), 45 percent of those surveyed supported the idea that Israel should join NATO as a full member, simply because NATO countries would help... more
2018 yılında NATO Zirvesi sonrası ABD Başkanı Trump Rusya'ya 1987 yılında kabul edilen Orta Menzilli Nükleer Kuvvetler Antlaşmasını (INF) defalarca ihlal ettiği gerekçesiyle iki aylık süre verince uluslararası toplumda büyük yankı... more
The EU and NATO announced the start of their ‘strategic partnership’ with the Declaration on the ESDP in 2002. Through this strategic partnership, the two organizations aim to achieve their high-priority goals in the context of security... more
Armenia—Russia’s closest ally in the South Caucasus—appears intent on revitalizing its partnership with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). This agenda turned explicit on February 27–28, when Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan... more
Background Policy Paper for the Arab Geopolitics 2021 high-level conference organised by the NATO Defence College Foundation on 21 October 2021. This brief policy paper gives an overview of the geopolitical developments in the Middle East... more
Donald Trump ve Joe Biden arasındaki ABD 2020 Başkanlık Seçimi resmi olmayan sonuçlara göre Joe Biden’ın galibiyeti ile sonuçlanmıştır. Bu sonucun hiç kuşkusuz Avrupa Birliği (AB) üzerinde de etkileri olacaktır.