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A reexamination of Aldous Huxley's _Brave New World_ in light of recent theorizations of the Anthropocene.
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      BioethicsDystopian LiteratureAldous HuxleyBiopolitics
M rs. Dalloway models an ecological understanding of human life and the nonhuman world, thus o ering a corrective to harmful and outmoded scienti c perspectives. e kind of science Woolf critiques is represented not only by the cold and... more
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      Virginia WoolfEcocriticismEcology and Literature
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      AllegoryJ.G. BallardAnimal Studies, Human Animal Metamorphosis in LiteratureRepresentations of animals and human-animal relations in literature.
Piya, the cetologist protagonist of Amitav Ghosh's The Hungry Tide, includes binoculars and a GPS in the equipment that she carries with her on a research trip to the Sundarbans, or “tide country”, region of West Bengal and these can be... more
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      Postcolonial LiteratureGlobalization and literatureContemporary Indian LiteratureLiterature and Environment
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      ShakespeareHistoricismTragedyHenrik Ibsen
La natura nei versi tra desiderio utopico e percezione distopica Due tradizioni a confronto: Gary Snyder e Pier Luigi Bacchini La parola ecologia ha almeno due accezioni principali: la prima, di ambito scientifico, è lo studio di un... more
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteraturePoetryUtopian Studies
Ekolojik felaketler ve zararlarıyla mücadele etmenin birden fazla yolu vardır. Bu mücadelenin bir boyutu egemen yapının değiştirilmesi ise öteki ekolojik bilgelik ve doğayla empati yapmaktır. Doğaya tahakküm kuran değil, doğanın bir... more
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      American LiteratureLiteraturePolitical EcologyLiterary Theory
[IT] Nell’opera di Luigi Meneghello, la rappresentazione del mondo vegetale rimanda a un sottotesto di immagini e simboli: una rete di isotopie botaniche che, nel farsi sistema, autorizza una lettura alternativa e inedita. Dalle pagine... more
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      Landscape EcologyCryptozoologyComparative LiteratureAesthetics
The first eighteen lines of Chaucer’s General Prologue to The Canterbury Tales are often referred to as the ‘reverdie passage’. The word reverdie means regreening. It is interesting to note that Chaucer does not merely celebrate the... more
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    • Ecology and Literature
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      Comparative LiteratureGeorges BatailleEcocriticismEcopoetics
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      Comparative LiteratureEcocriticismCultural power and resistancePoetry and Poetics
In the past years, the agentic and semiotic properties of material reality have been the focus of many areas of research, producing an exuberant “turn to the material” also in the debate about the humanities. This “material turn” is... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEnvironmental StudiesEcocriticismEnvironmental Humanities
This article aims to demonstrate how the notions of identity representation and ecological narrative complement each other in defining both the characters and stories that Caribbean writer Derek Walcott sketches in his well-known epic... more
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      World LiteraturesEnglish LiteraturePostcolonial StudiesCaribbean Literature
The spectre of global warming has shaken mankind like never before. Uncontrolled urbanization and industrialization coupled with emissions from vehicles, air-conditioners, etc. on the one hand and senseless deforestation and exploitation... more
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      Environmental StudiesEcologyAmitav GhoshArundhati Roy
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      Medieval LiteratureClimate ChangePaleoclimatologyMedieval Studies
The spectre of global warming has shaken mankind like never before. Uncontrolled urbanization and industrialization coupled with emissions from vehicles, air-conditioners, etc. on the one hand and senseless deforestation and exploitation... more
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      Environmental StudiesEcologyAmitav GhoshArundhati Roy
У раду представљамо могуће теоријске домете екокритике, као једне од новијих перспектива у проучавању књижевности. Посебна пажња се посвећује историјском утемељењу ове теоријске позиције, као и њеним импликацијама на поимање целине неке... more
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      EcocriticismSerbian LiteratureHistory of LiteratureTheory of literature
Ghaʾib Ṭuʿma Farmān's novel al-Murtajā wa-l-muʾajjal (The Yearned for and the Postponed, 1986) depicts the lives of Iraqi exiles in Russia. By using a new ecocritical analytical approach-a combination of Georg Lukács's theory (1974)... more
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      Theodor AdornoCultural LandscapesModern Arabic LiteratureExile Literature
Contributions to The International Encyclopedia of Surrealism, Michael Richardson, Dawn Ades et al (eds.). Bloomsbury, 2018.
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      SurrealismEcologyArt And EcologyNature
Published in Asian Highlands Perspectives, Centering the Local: A Festschrift for Dr. Charles Kevin Stuart on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday. 2015 (37):99-121. While researching how animals, plants, and the natural environment... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyCervids
Promosso da Fondazione Educatioon e Istituto Ferruccio Parri (12-16 luglio 2021)
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      Climate ChangeEnvironmental StudiesEcologiaEcology and Literature
Parlare "senza mezzi termini". Esprimersi con parole piene, decise e non equivoche. Oppure, ribaltare l'espressione per affermare con forza la volontà di fare il contrario: parlare con-fondendo, prediligere le forme ibride, praticare... more
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      Performance ArtPostmodernismGraphic NovelsContemporary Literature
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      Russian LiteratureHistory and Philosophy of EcologyTurgenevEcology and Literature
This essay will address some of the intersections between surrealism and the ecological view, looking at the latent Darwinian position of the surrealists' uncanny dissolution of the boundaries between the human and non-human natural... more
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      SurrealismEcologyGregory BatesonNature
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      EcocriticismEnvironmental HumanitiesEcology and LiteratureLanguage and Ecology
In the framework of contemporary ecocritical and posthumanist theories, this comparative analysis of works by Paolo Mantegazza, Ouida, and Vernon Lee focuses on the conflictual relationship of proximity and differentiation at stake in the... more
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      British LiteratureIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
Looking at Simon McBurney's award-winning solo performance The Encounter (2015), this paper examines the play's contribution to environmental humanities through an ecocritical study of its combined use of state-of-the-art sound design and... more
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      Critical TheoryBritish LiteratureCultural StudiesPerforming Arts
The article examines the representation of the African woman in a twenty-first century Nigerian novel, Vincent Egbuson’s Womandela. Critical attention is shifted from the popular feminist reading of African literature which privileges... more
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    • Ecology and Literature
Postcolonial Literary Geographies examines how ideas about place and space have been transformed in recent decades. It considers the ways in which postcolonial writers have contested views of place as fixed and unchanging and are... more
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      Cultural GeographyUrban GeographyCartographyIndigenous Studies
Utopian literature provides a compelling vision of epistemological and moral clarity: a dream of harmony and justice. But in an age of surveillance, utopia is also the nightmare of a perfectly controlled, sealed and monitored world that... more
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      Dystopian LiteratureUtopian StudiesEcologyUtopian Literature
Ecological crisis challenges the regenerative capacity of nature, revealing all life to exist in anticipation of death. In the face of this realisation, the human subject enters a melancholic state, which, in turn, permits deeper insight... more
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      PsychoanalysisCultural LandscapesContemporary British LiteratureContemporary Irish Poetry
Attraverso la testimonianza di Primo Levi e di Italo Calvino si ricostruisce il modo in cui in Italia ci si è rapportati al problema dell'amianto: alla dismissione delle cave e dei siti adibiti al suo trattamento e all'invasiva presenza... more
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      Environmental StudiesEcologyEnvironmental SustainabilityItalo Calvino
Il 12 dicembre 2015 a Parigi è stato siglato da 195 paesi un accordo globale sui cambiamenti climatici, con l'obiettivo principale di limitare l'aumento del riscaldamento della Terra di molto meno di 2 °C rispetto ai livelli... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEcologyContemporary LiteratureEcocriticism
Tafat Hacohen-Bick, "Green Chaos: 'The modern version of hell is purposelessness'," Ma'alah 1 (2021). Book review on Idan Landau, trans., The Tree by John Fowles (Asia: 2021), (Hebrew)
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    • Ecology and Literature
D egrado ambientale, emergenze climatiche, abusivismo edilizio; e d'altra parte battaglie per le energie rinnovabili, per l'agricoltura biologica, per la tutela del paesaggio: la questione ecologica invade lanostraquotidianità nelle forme... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEcologyEcocriticismLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
This panel reflects on recent developments in Ecological Theory and their intersections with Postcolonial Studies from the Romantic Era to the present, with a broader view towards exploring how these engagements may point us in new... more
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      RomanticismPostcolonial StudiesLiterature and MusicBritish Romanticism
Heure de Bruxelles (CET-UTC+1) (Les intervenant.e.s marqué.e.s par un astérisque participeront en ligne) Lundi 29 novembre 8h-9h Accueil participant.e.s 9h-9h20
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      Georges BatailleEcopoeticsDon DeLilloGarbage
This article discusses an early Steinbeck novel written during his time living in Monterey—To a God Unknown (1933)—as a hermeneutic for assessing his metaphysics, developed out of his observations of natural cycles with marine biologist... more
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      American LiteratureMythologyJungian psychologyJoseph Campbell
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      Comparative LiteratureEcologyEcocriticismEcology and Literature
Pour tenter de comprendre ce que "peut faire" la littérature, comme dirait Roland Barthes, et donner des pistes et des clés pour réfléchir et amplifier le dialogue entre littérature et écologie.
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      EcocriticismEcopoeticsécologieEcology and Literature
Written during his time living in Monterey, Steinbeck's early novel To a God Unknown (1933) may be used as a hermeneutic for assessing his metaphysics, which he developed from observations of natural cycles with marine biologist Ed... more
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      American LiteratureMythologyJungian psychologyJoseph Campbell
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      PsychoanalysisCultural LandscapesContemporary British LiteratureContemporary Irish Poetry
This chapter gives an account of surrealism and pataphysics in the context of René Daumal's novel Mount Analogue: A Novel of Symbolically Authentic Non-Euclidian Adventures in Mountain Climbing. Partly written in the mountains of southern... more
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      PataphysicsSurrealismArt and Science20th century Avant-Garde
Las Américas y el mundo. Conexiones globales, circulaciones transnacionales y experiencias locales en perspectiva universal Universidad de Montevideo 24-26 de Julio, 2019 Simposio N° 15-Humanidades Ambientales: literatura y ecocrítica... more
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      EcocriticismLiteratura LatinoamericanaEcocriticism, Eco-AestheticsPostcolonial Ecocriticism
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      Contemporary LiteratureEcocriticismScandinavian LiteratureEuropean literature
Eric Chevillard est connu pour son travail formel sur les conventions littéraires et sur le langage. Or, dans ses travaux les plus récents, il met son art – apparemment incompatible avec des interventions politiques – au service de la... more
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      20th Century French LiteratureTwenty First Century French NovelEcology and LiteratureLiterary Blog
The Nuosu Book of Origins: A Creation Epic from Southwest China. A key ritual text of the Nuosu sub-group of the Yi ethnic groups of southwest China. Creation of sky, Earth, landscape, flora, fauna, early humans, present-day humans;... more
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      Epic poetryEthnopoeticsChinese literatureFolk literature
In the following entries, Conrad Scott (University of Alberta) shares syllabi and assignments from as well as reflections on three courses: "Narrative Temporalities," "Speculative Indigenous Fiction," and "Humanity and Nature."
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      American LiteratureHuman GeographyEnglish LiteratureIndigenous Studies
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      Trauma StudiesNeoliberalismContemporary American LiteratureAffect (Cultural Theory)