Edmund Husserl
Recent papers in Edmund Husserl
Name-Theology is a central aspect of Jewish religion throughout its history, from the Biblical text where the Name dwells in the Temple to the Kabbalah's accounts of the Name as the fount of all existence. This article will argue that... more
The plot of Bartolone’s thought evolved through a fundamental series of theoretical experiences that find above all in Rosmini, a privileged interlocutor of his metaphysics of freedom. What emerges is a vision in which the plural... more
In Bartolone’s original thinking pathway, the theme of freedom is at the center of his meditation since his earliest works and over time it became a metaphysical current of freedom. In his vision, absolute freedom is the vertex of... more
Bu çalışma, Gettier Problemine fenomenolojik bir bakış açısı sunar. Gettier Problemi, geleneksel bilgi tanımının yeterli olmadığını sunarken, fenomenoloji, bilgiye erişmek için doğal tavrın geride bırakılması gerektiğini savunur. İnancın... more
The following article aims to outline the relationship between Hermes and Prometheus for Stiegler, that is, between hermeneutics and the philosophy of technology. In order to do this, I will use as a guiding thread an expression that... more
"El alma nunca piensa sin fantasmas" es una expresión aristotélica tomada por Cornelius Castoriadis para titular un ensayo publicado en 1977. En él, el psicoanalista de origen griego traduce el concepto de fantasma que emplea Aristóteles.... more
- by Rubén Dittus
En el siguiente trabajo analizaremos el estatuto de la cosa en trabajos fundamentales de la Kehre heideggeriana: Der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes (1935-1936), Das Ding (1951) y Die Frage nach der Technik (1953) .A partir de interpretar sus... more
La ricerca teoretica di Pareyson è contrassegnata, lungo tutto l’arco del suo sviluppo, dall’importanza dell’esistenzialismo. Nel pieno della maturità, a metà degli anni ’60, Pareyson ha dedicato alcuni corsi a Kierkegaard, Pascal e... more
This book discusses the ethics of engaging with the paradigm of lived experience, particularly through an interest in the spatiotemporal constructs of such experiences via a comparative conceptual map across Husserlian phenomenology and... more
Durch eine eigene Lekture von Tillichs Werk will die vorliegende Arbeit zeigen, inwiefern Tillich zufolge das Sein jenes Prinzip der Positivitat ist, das das Sein affirmiert, und inwiefern das Nicht-Sein jenes Prinzip der Negativitat ist,... more
Patočka ülkemizde çok bilinen bir filozof değil. Sadece iki kitabı Türkçeye tercüme edilmiş. Üzerine yazılmış makale sayısı da çok azdır. Bu çalışmamızla Türk akademisinde Patočka'nın daha iyi tanıtılmasına vesile olmayı amaçlıyoruz. Bu... more
Trata-se de estabelecer um perspectivismo fenomenológico em sentido forte, a partir do qual a noção de perspectiva vale como condição necessária, mas também suficiente da aparição. Isso será realizado por meio de um diálogo crítico com a... more
一般对马克思的平等思想解读都局限在《哥达纲领批判》中,不涉及到马克思早期思想转变,并基于历史唯物主义将平等视作观念论的产物。但实际上,马克思早在《论犹太人问题》中就存在平等思想,并在对鲍威尔的深刻批判中深化了其平等思想。马克思不仅将平等视作共产主义思想重要的理论范畴,而且马克思认为平等是社会现实的需求体现。因此,对于马克思而言,平等不再是观念论的产物,而是人类解放的现实诉求。(Generally, the interpretation of Marx's thought... more
En los últimos 20 años se ha desarrollado progresivamente la tesis de que la esquizofrenia puede ser entendida como un trastorno de la ipseidad. Esta es la ‘escuela de Copenhague’. Pese a su productividad, esta tesis ha oscurecido la... more
En el presente artículo, señalaremos que la determinación husserliana de lo vivo incluye tanto momentos genéticos como generativos, los cuales funcionan en paralelo y que no pueden ser ignorados. A partir del análisis de las propuestas de... more
Der vorliegende Beitrag nimmt die Diagnose zunehmender gesellschaftlicher Polarisierung zum Anlass, über die Herausforderung und Möglichkeiten einer ‚agonalen Didaktik‘ nachzudenken, die Bildungs- und Subjektivierungsprozesse im Sinne des... more
The paper in czech language presents a key characteristic of Islam, i.e., inner intent (ar. niyya). With the adjective "right" intention appears in all important areas of Islam (ethics, law, sufism, ...). This study will try to introduce... more
The contribution investigates the influence of Avenarius and Mach’s empiriocriticism on Husserl’s phenomenology. Despite his critical reservations, Husserl acknowledges the role of both in anticipating his phenomenological method and... more
This paper provides an interpretation of two paragraphs from Heidegger's 1925-26 lectures on the question of "truth". First, I will consider Heidegger's criticism of Lotze's notion of "ideality"; then, I will focus on Heidegger's claim... more
Wie bekannt hat Scheler den Begriff der "phänomenologischen Reduktion" ausdrücklich von Husserl übernommen1, dennoch behauptet in der letzten Schaffensperiode ebenso deutlich, den Terminus "Phänomenologie" vermeiden zu wollen2, und... more
s. 91] 1. "Udatnym rymem opisując boje, / do których miecza nie trzeba ni zbroje". Popularność dzieła W dobie staropolskiej Szachy Kochanowskiego cieszyły się sporym zainteresowaniem. Utwór najpierw trzykrotnie wydała oficyna Macieja... more
This article traces the development of Edmund Husserl’s approach to the concept of the ego through the different stages of the evolution of his phenomenological project. The aim is to delineate Husserl’s shifting viewpoints from a Humean... more
Stream of Consciousness: The Hard Problem________________________Abstract: Stream of consciousness is one of the main topics of psychology, as well as in new fields that have emerged in parallel with scientific developments such as... more
In this contribution, I address the problem of memory and the epistemological issues introduced in contemporary debate by electronic memory with its impact on biological memory. I will propose a phenomenological revision of the Hypothesis... more
How does unconscious matter become conscious? How does our physical part, which lacks consciousness, have such a subjective quality? This is the explanatory gap in the problem of consciousness or the hard problem of consciousness which... more
This article examines the theory of mind proposed by the esteemed Islamic philosopher, Mulla Sadra, through a phenomenological lens. We specifically focus on how Mulla Sadra’s framework addresses the question of the individual human mind... more
After a series of autobiographical testimonies there is no doubt about the philosophical importance of Franz Brentano in Martin Heidegger's thought. In his letter to William J. Richardson of April 1962, Heidegger pointed out the... more
CfP for the workshop "On What There Is (in Terms of Phenomenology)", Stony Brook University, September 19 2025
L’œuvre de Jean-Luc Nancy se tisse autour du concept d’existence, modifié ou plutôt explicité comme co-existence. Nancy effectue sur l’existence l’opération que Heidegger menait à propos de l’être-au-monde ; en effet, comme Heidegger... more
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi evolusi kognitif manusia dari keadaan primordial emosional menuju pemikiran logis yang matang. Diawali dengan analisis "Wawasan Primasi pencarian Individu Kepada Esensi," studi ini menyelidiki perkembangan... more
This course sets forth your independent research in intercultural philosophy. If you have some basic knowledge in European continental philosophy and Chinese philosophy and are looking forward to learning the implications of the... more
Scholars trace phenomenology as a philosophical movement back to the early twentieth century. The origins of the phenomenological movement are mostly credited to two German philosophers: the "founding father" of phenomenology, Edmund... more
Colloque AMAPOL, organisé par Laura Fournier-Finocchiaro et Pierre Geal
UGA - Grenoble
Jeudi 21 novembre 2024
Vendredi 22 novembre 2024
UGA - Grenoble
Jeudi 21 novembre 2024
Vendredi 22 novembre 2024
A. M. Turing argued that there was "little point in trying to make a 'thinking machine' more human by dressing it up in ... artificial flesh." We should, instead, draw "a fairly sharp line between the physical and the intellectual... more
In this paper, presented during the ATMOS and PEA Conference: "Atmospheres of Objects, Places and Events" for the PRIN-PNRR Project: “Atmospheres (ATMOS): What They Are and How They are Grasped” held in the University of Genoa (18-21... more
This paper examines whether classical extensional mereology is adequate for formalizing the whole-parts relation in quantum chemical systems. Although other philosophers have argued that classical extensional and summative mereology does... more
Endereço para correspondência RESUMO O artigo aborda a relação entre as obras literárias e as obras filosóficas ou técnicas de Sartre. Um dos aspectos essenciais no conjunto da produção intelectual do existencialista foi a proposição de... more
Endereço para correspondência RESUMO O artigo aborda a relação entre as obras literárias e as obras filosóficas ou técnicas de Sartre. Um dos aspectos essenciais no conjunto da produção intelectual do existencialista foi a proposição de... more
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Given the recent debates between Giorgi, van Manen, Smith, Morley, and Zahavi with regard to whether or not Husserl's reflective method - with its epoché and reductions - makes sense as a foundation for empirical psychological research, I... more
El presente trabajo se propone destacar el valor que tiene para Levinas el análisis sobre la sensación que Kant lleva a cabo en la Estética trascendental kantiana como ámbito de una realidad más acá del orden objetivante del... more
Thank you for agreeing to this interview, Richard. I think it would be helpful to the readers of the journal, if you first said a bit about how you would characterize the trajectory of your thought as a whole concerning your recent book... more
Dossier con cuatro trabajos desarrollados por alumnos de licenciatura durante año y medio de trabajo aula-taller: 1.- Daniel Pineda Pérez, "La tipificación como un sistema organizativo". 2.- Juan Pablo Bernabé Arévalo, "El recuerdo y la... more