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      HeraldryEmblem studiesEmblems (Renaissance)Medieval Bestiaries
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      HistoryCultural HistoryRussian StudiesArt History
Marek L. 2019, Life Stones and stone pommels: medieval sword amulets. A legacy of the Classical Age, AMM XV: 109-121 This contribution deals with the amuletic nature of stones related to swords. The author's main objectives are to analyse... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryHistorical ArchaeologyMedieval Studies
In 1616, the Nuremberg goldsmith Christoph Jamnitzer completed a commission for one patrician, Ernst Haller von Hallerstein, that served as a gift to another, Jacob Stark von Reckenhoff. In depicting at the cup’s stem the image of the... more
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      German StudiesSecular HumanismEarly Modern HistoryRenaissance Studies
Ephemeral ornamentation has a crucial role as a display of the rhetoric of power and as a medium of political and religious messages, but in the quest for an immersive experience for which the early-modern festivals and ceremonies aim,... more
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      Festivals and musicEarly Modern EuropeEmblematic studiesBaroque Ceremonies
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      Visual StudiesIconographyArt HistoryRenaissance History
Resumen: El perro, animal al servicio del hombre desde los tiempos más remotos, ha ido adquiriendo una serie de atribuciones significativas derivadas tanto de sus muchas cualidades como de su fama de criatura impura y despreciable,... more
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      Animal SymbolismEmblematic studiesPerroEmblemática
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      Medieval HistoryHeraldryMedieval Art HistoryEmblematic studies
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      Medieval BestiariesIconography and IconologyEmblematic studiesBestiario
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      Emblem studiesGabriele D'AnnunzioMario PrazEmblematic studies
The objective of this book could be easily summarised as ‘to provide an introduction to the emblematic culture in Colonial Ibero-America’. However, establishing the parameters of this endeavour was not a particularly simple task: it was... more
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      Print CultureArt HistoryIntermedialityCross-Cultural Studies
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      Tridentine CatholicismEmblem studiesOld Polish literatureEmblematic studies
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      Art HistoryArtRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism
(in: Cuadernos de Ayala, 87, julio/septembre 2021, pp. 7÷12) --- Lo stemma di una famiglia nobile, presente dal medioevo nell’area meridionale dello Stato pontificio, era dapprima caratterizzato da un “parlante” albero di pero che,... more
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      HeraldryIconologyAncient Greek ArtEmblematic studies
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      Emblematic studiesFelipe IVCupidoGuido Reni
La heráldica desde antaño se ha inspirado en todo tipo de figuras relacionadas con la naturaleza, tanto humanas, como animales, vegetales, celestes…etc., a las que los heraldistas engloban bajo el término de figuras naturales . En este... more
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      HeraldryHeraldry and VexillologyBotanical literatureHeraldic Imagery and Alchemy
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      Game TheoryLabyrinthsTennis16th Century Netherlandish Art
Mens emblematica, mens juridica, mens anthropologica. Réflexions autour de la contribution des jurisconsultes humanistes auteurs d'emblèmes à l'anthropologie (premier XVIe siècle). Clio@Themis n. 16, juin 2019. Cet article se propose... more
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      AnthropologyRenaissance StudiesRenaissance HumanismSocial and Cultural Anthropology
In the central body of the "Portada Rica" of the University of Salamanca is found the triple heraldry of Charles V as King of Spain, Emperor Elect and King of Germany. From this fact, we propound an iconogralphic reading which would... more
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      HeraldryHistory of ArtEmblematic studiesDevises (emblematic badges)
Resumen En el año 2003, a instancias del Alcalde-Presidente del Ayuntamiento de Iznatoraf (Jaén), me fue encomendada la investigación para la realización de la preceptiva memoria histórica, heráldica, vexilológica y sigilográfica para la... more
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      SymbologyEmblematic studiesMunicipal HeraldrySigilografia
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      Art HistoryRenaissance HumanismEmblematic studiesHistory of Transylvania
ABSTRACT: We sketch out an itinerary of the development of the epigram from the autonomous compositions of witty character, festive or satirical, carried out in imitation of the Greek Anthology and the latin classics or neo-latin poets... more
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      Spanish LiteratureEmblem studiesSpanish Golden AgeGreek Anthology
ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the meaning of the impresa or device of the pomegranates, with the motto «Agro dulce», utilized by Henry IV (1425-1474), of the House of Trastámara, King of Castile from 1454 until his death. By means of a... more
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      HeraldryMedieval and Renaissance StudiesCharles VEmblematic studies
In the Middle Ages kings and princes often found it dif cult to exert personal authority over territories that could be very extensive. This led them to act through the mediation of multiple agents; they also resorted to symbolic... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Art HistoryEmblematic studiesMedieval Heraldry
« Le Theatre des Bons Engins de Guillaume de La Perrière : une théâtrale et opportune illustration du renouveau du stoïcisme à la Renaissance », Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes, 2015, p. 271-304 (ACL)
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      CalvinismStoicismEmblem studiesHistory of Law
This paper deals with Joachim Camerarius (1534-1598), a German botanist and physician, and his emblem Vulnere vulnera sano (Century I, n.º XXXVI), in which the tree of the balsam is represented for the first time in the emblematic genre.... more
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      Literary SymbolismSymbolismClassical philologySymbolism (Art History)
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureFicinoWalter Benjamin
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      Emblematic studiesVexillologyBethlens UprisingGábor Bethlen
Repertorio bibliografico e raccolta di studi sulle 'relaciones' di feste pubbliche della città di Valencia (s.XVII).-capitoli: 1) Una aproximación a los libros de fiestas; 2) Describir en el barroco, 'ut pictura rhetorica': un ejemplo en... more
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      Spanish LiteratureSpanish Literature (Peninsular)Peninsular Spanish LiteratureEarly Modern Spanish literature
II Jornadas de Heráldica, Genealogía y Vexilología General y Militar de la Provincia de Ávila Desde los primeros tiempos de la humanidad el hombre ha dejado testimonio de su existencia, por medio de una serie de marcas que aparecen por... more
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      HeraldryEmblematic studiesGeneral EmblematicsEmblems
En los escudos municipales, a diferencia de la libertad de creación imaginativa que pueden tener los gentilicios, prima la necesidad de adecuarse como factor identificador de las circunstancias históricas, topográficas, económicas o... more
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      HeraldryHeraldry and VexillologyEmblematic studiesMunicipal Heraldry
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryCultural HistoryRussian Studies
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      Matthias CorvinusEmblematic studies
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      Word and Image StudiesJesuit historyEmblematic studiesBook Illustration
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      Emblematic studiesMedieval Heraldry
Dire le silence à la Renaissance. Table ronde. Association d’Études sur la Renaissance, l’Humanisme et la Réforme, Lyon, Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (MSH), salle Élise Rivet - samedi 12 mars 2022, 9h15-16h
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      Renaissance StudiesSilenceSocial HistoryHistory of Law
During the 14th and 15th centuries some new heraldic types were introduced, among them the animal wearing a coat of arms... this article and the small corpus established with seals, coins, statues and manuscripts shows that not only kings... more
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      Emblem studiesSigillographyEmblematic studiesHeraldic
Апстракт: У раду је представљена анализа сликаног програма архијерејског трона епископа пакрачко-славонског Кирила Живковића из 1787. године. Трон није био познат ни разматран као целина у ранијим истраживањима, а скорије је откривен на... more
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      IconographyHeraldryEmblem studiesBaroque art and architecture
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      Habsburg StudiesJesuitsEmblematic studiesHistory of Transylvania
El episodio del gobierno de la ínsula Barataria se cierra con una batalla de la que Sancho sale malparado y queda «como galápago» (II, 53). Esta imagen de Sancho y la tortuga se ha explicado a la luz de algunos emblemas, pero en este... more
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      NarrativeIntertextualityNovelMiguel de Cervantes
Verzeichnis der wissenschaftlichen Publikationen von Anja Wolkenhauer. Die Titel sind innerhalb der Abteilungen chronologisch aufsteigend angeführt. Ältere Titel sind, soweit es die Rechtslage zulässt, auch digital bei oder... more
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      Latin LiteratureTranslation StudiesBook HistoryRenaissance Humanism
Laurent Macé (dir.), Jeux de miroir. Le sceau princier au Moyen Âge (XIe-XIVe siècle)
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      Gender StudiesHeraldrySigillographyHistory of Art
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      Spanish LiteratureArtRenaissance StudiesEmblem studies
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      HeraldrySymbologyRussian HistoryEmblematic studies
English summary in text
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      IconographyArchitectural HistoryBaroque Art and LiteratureEmblem studies
Los cartones para el comedor de los Príncipes de Asturias en el Palacio del Pardo (El Quitasol, Muchachos cogiendo fruta, NIños inflando una vejiga, El bebedor, El baile a orillas del Manzanares, Los jugadores de Naipes, El paseo de... more
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      IconographyEmblem studiesCartoons and preperatory drawingsRetórica
L’Accademia degli Accesi, fondata a Trento nel 1629, adottò fin da subito quale proprio simbolo un’elaborata “impresa” formata da una combinazione di figure e parole, finora descritta e spiegata in modo piuttosto approssimativo.... more
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      Emblem studiesSeicentoEmblematic studiesEmblems
The first information about baroque applied emblematics in Slovakia comes from the text Emblematische Literatur bei den Slaven published by philosopher and literary scientist Dmitrij Tschizewski in 1964. Half of the sixties of the 20th... more
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      IconographyArt HistoryEmblem studiesChristian Iconography
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      Renaissance StudiesShakespeareShakespearean DramaEnglish Renaissance Literature
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookRenaissance StudiesRenaissance Humanism