Field Studies
Recent papers in Field Studies
Gongs are one of the key elements of traditional culture and play a significant role in the lives of indigenous peoples. This article, based on the author's field research conducted in 2017–2018, is dedicated to comparing and describing... more
This article considers methodological issues arising from recent efforts to provide field tests of eyewitness identification procedures. We focus in particular on a field study (Mecklenburg 2006) that examined the ''double blind,... more
The study of human cultural evolution has made enormous strides over the last three decades. For most of the 20 th century, evolutionary biology was highly genecentric and the human behavioral sciences developed largely without reference
Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
This paper presents a novel task-oriented, user-centered, multi-method evaluation (TUME) technique and shows how it is useful in providing a more complete, practical and solution-oriented assessment of the accessibility and usability of... more
II. Record babbling [1.2.3]. III. Elicit and record imitation of prosodic aspects of speech according to standardized tests [1.2.2]. IV. Elicit and record imitation of phonological aspects of speech according to standardized tests [1.2.2,... more
The Mount Ousley Road section of the M1 Princes Motorway is one of the main transportation links between the cities of Sydney and Wollongong, New South Wales (NSW), on the east coast of Australia. The road was originally constructed... more
Randomized field experiments have been regarded as a gold standard in producing good evidence about the effects of social programs. But they have not been easy to conduct. I n the past decade, the use of alternative randomimtion plans and... more
Behavioral change interventions based on social norms have proven to be a popular and cost-effective way in which both researchers and practitioners attempt to transform behavior in order to increase environmental and social... more
Buildings give rise to several environmental problems over the whole life cycle. To reduce these, technical measures with focus on energy are commonly used. However, environmental problems are more than energy and cannot be solved with... more
Ice clouds, especially cirrus, have been shown in general circulation model (GCM) and satellite studies to have a major effect on the Earth's radiation balance and climate as a result of the significant contribution they make to the... more
Information about the effects of agriculturally derived insecticide input on the aquatic fauna in the field is sparse. Runoff-related insecticide input and the resulting toxicological effects on the aquatic fauna (abundance, drift,... more
Author(s): Wu, L.Y.; Kellogg, L.E.; Schadt, C.W.; Devol, A.H.; Tiedje, J.M.; Zhou, J.Z. | Abstract: Marine sediments play important roles in global biogeochemical processes such as carbon degradation and nutrient cycles. To determine the... more
The first field measurements of volcanic gases using mid-IR difference frequency laser spectroscopy are reported. The results were obtained at the summit crater of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, with the gases being drawn into a multi pass... more
Which is the strongest predictor of Duchenne smiles? Is it emotion or sociality? Two field studies on the production of facial behavior by winning judo fighters (N = 174) are presented, testing if judo fighters smiled while being happy or... more
Premessa e obiettivi. La viticoltura in Italia è un’attività secolare, ma anche un’importante fonte di reddito. Per proteggere il raccolto da malattie indesiderate, sono usati prodotti fitosanitari, e di conseguenza i lavoratori agricoli... more
The application of ICT in education in rural and remote contexts is rapidly evolving and is actively being pursued as a solution to educational issues. ICT in education involves technological as well as pedagogical and social dimensions.... more
Author(s): Bauman, Fred; Raftery, Paul; Schiavon, Stefano; Karmann, Caroline; Pantelic, Jovan; Duarte, Carlos; Woolley, Jonathan; Dawe, Megan; Graham, Lindsay T; Miller, Dana; Cheng, Hwakong; Feng, Jingjuan (Dove); Heinzerling, David;... more
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Author(s): Bauman, Fred; Raftery, Paul; Schiavon, Stefano; Karmann, Caroline; Pantelic, Jovan; Duarte, Carlos; Woolley, Jonathan; Dawe, Megan; Graham, Lindsay T; Miller, Dana; Cheng, Hwakong; Feng, Jingjuan (Dove); Heinzerling, David;... more
River Influences on Shelf Ecosystems (RISE) is the first comprehensive interdisciplinary study of the rates and dynamics governing the mixing of river and coastal waters in an eastern boundary current system, as well as the effects of the... more
Alongside growing research interest in the lifestyles of young people has come recognition of the need for ethical codes of conduct to protect children and young people from exploitation. While many academic papers provide valuable... more
Runoff from hillslopes is generated by processes such as infiltration‐excess and saturation overland flow, subsurface stormflow and subsurface return flow. Preferential flow through macropores can affect any one of these runoff generation... more
Estimates of the costs of including hands-on measures of science skills in large-scale assessment programs are drawn from afield trial involving more than 2,000 fifth-and sixth-grade students. These estimates include the resources needed... more
Estimates of the costs of including hands-on measures of science skills in large-scale assessment programs are drawn from a field trial involving more than 2,000 fifth- and sixth-grade students. These estimates include the resources... more
The Louisiana Intern Teacher Assessment Program, part of the Louisiana Teacher Appraisal System, began with a preliminary field test, followed by a pilot test and implementation in 1993-94. Evaluation of the preliminary field test was... more
Multiyear monitoring and simulation of a conservative tracer was used in this study to investigate preferential flow and macropore-matrix interactions in low permeability, macroporous soil. 2,6-Difluorobenzoic acid (DFBA) tracer was... more
Applying pig slurry to the land as fertilizer at appropriate agronomic rates is important to close nutrient cycles and optimize the value of organic matter. However a long-term discussion has taken place about its effects on soil quality.... more
Operating modern multi-modal surface transportation systems are becoming increasingly automated and driven by decision support systems. One aspect necessary for successful, safe, reliable, and efficient operation of any transportation... more
Zoonoses are increasingly recognized as an important burden on global public health in the 21 st century. High-resolution, long-term field studies are critical for assessing both the baseline and future risk scenarios in a world of rapid... more
Multilevel designs are used by researchers in many areas (Raudenbush and Bryk (2002) and Milliken and Johnson (1992)) and those researchers have used different terminologies to describe the designs. Multilevel designs are designs that... more
In 1989, a landmark pavement project was opened to traffic in Blair County, Pennsylvania, that received national attention. The pavement was a two-mile section of prestressed concrete pavement that was constructed on the northbound lanes... more
This paper presents a general methodology to model and activate the energy flexibility of electrically heated school buildings. The proposed methodology is based on the use of archetypes of resistance–capacitance thermal networks for... more
The first field measurements of volcanic gases using mid-IR difference frequency laser spectroscopy are reported. The results were obtained at the summit crater of Masaya volcano, Nicaragua, with the gases being drawn into a multi pass... more
DNA from 2.8 km deep in the Earth's crust reveals the genetic complement necessary for a single species ecosystem.
This article describes an application of nonparametric regression to study the spatial structure and identify persistent spatial patterns of the perennial weed Convolvulus arvensis L. in four years of wheat-sunflower crop rotation in... more
Ferrous iron rapidly oxidizes to Fe (III) and precipitates as hydrous Fe (III) oxides in acid mine waters. This study examines the effect of Fe precipitation on the rare earth element (REE) geochemistry of acid mine waters to determine... more
This study aims at investigating the use of critical thinking in high school social science textbooks based on Fars Province teachers' attitudes in order to present a model for textbook development. To achieve this goal, the use of the... more
We believe that ecology field laboratories are not being taught as they should be. In these laboratories, students should be using the scientific method and working in carefully designed long-term field experiments. Instead, many... more
A methodological-experimental approach is here given, aiming to foresee, during the phase of mix design in laboratory, the physical and functional properties of bituminous layers once in place, by means of characterization tests and by... more
The concept of user-centered systems design (UCSD) has no agreed upon definition. Consequently, there is a great variety in the ways it is applied, which may lead to poor quality and poor usability in the resulting systems, as well as... more