Recent papers in Fungus
An unidentified species of wood-feeding fungus was observed in an old gelam tree (Fig. 1a) which fell during a storm
Laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs) are defined as infections acquired through laboratory or laboratory-related activities. Whether the infected host remains asymptomatic or becomes symptomatic with overt illness depends on many... more
Two inoperculate discomycete genera, Petr. and Neobulgaria Trichopeziza Fuckel, within the family Raitv., are recorded for the first time from Turkey, Lachnaceae based on the collection and determination of (Pers.) Petr. and Neobulgaria... more
The skin of amphibians has unique structural properties and physiologic functions that make amphibians particularly sensitive to environmental perturbations and cutaneous injury. This inherent sensitivity makes the skin a critically... more
Nanotechnology is a rapidly developing field because of its wide range of applications in science, nanoscience and biotechnology. Nanobiotechnology deals with nanomaterials synthesised or modified using biotechnology. Fungi are used to... more
Neotropical Entomology 36 : 161-179 (2007) Controle Microbiano de Artrópodes-Praga em Fruteiras Tropicais RESUMO -Muitos insetos e ácaros atacam fruteiras nos trópicos. O método tradicional para controlar a maioria dessas pragas é a... more
A new salamander disease is spreading around the world and we need your help to find out where it's going! Please join my citizen science project to help save the salamanders:... more
Human nature is an interspecies relationship. In this essay, Haraway's concept of companion species takes us beyond familiar companions to the rich ecological diversity without which humans cannot survive. Following fungi, we forage in... more
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of different biological treatments (Trichoderma reesei, Trichoderma viride and two fungi) added to some field crop residues of corn stalks (CS) on chemical composition, cell wall... more
Mucormycosis is a disease caused by the fungus of the Mucorales species. These fungi are present in the environment and are common commensals in the human body, mainly in the nose and sinuses, or respiratory tract and lungs. Rarely, in... more
Agriculture is one of the main activities that provides food for the world population. One of the greatest challenges faced by agriculturalists is their ability to control pathogens, insect pests and weeds that destroy crops in which time... more
A systematic study was conducted to develop the cost effective entomopathogenic fungal biopesticide. The different grains like Sorghum, Ragi, Paddy and Rice were selected based on their local availability and their lower in cost. However... more
The bracket fungus, Ganoderma boninense Pat., causes basal stem rot (BSR) disease in oil palm plants. Previously the disease was reported only in older age palms and currently found on young stages palms as well. Therefore, Ganoderma can... more
Post-COVID-19 sepsis boosted by opportunistic black fungal infection called mucormycosis • Comorbidities and immunosuppression fuels mucormycosis in COVID-19 cases • Cascade of clinical snags are seen in grave cases and immune breaching... more
Clotrimazole is marketed as a regularly occurring drug under numerous distinct names and via means of numerous agencies because of its antifungal activity. Clotrimazole, an artificial imidazole derivative, is often used domestically for... more
, an outbreak of candiduria occurred in the surgical intensive care unit (SICU) of a university-affiliated hospital in South Korea. This outbreak affected 34 patients and was caused by Candida tropicalis. To determine the source of the... more
Polysaccharide production at extracellular as well as intracellular level in wheat flour medium by five mushroom mycelial liquid cultures of R. lepida, R. brevipes, R. nigricans, L. tuberregium and C. indica was evaluated in the present... more
Mold Problem in Toronto - Health Hazards & Removal -If you have mold problems in your home and are looking for ways to get rid of mold in toronto gta, you've come to the right place. In this article we will explain the nature of mold, how... more
Natural colorants have been used in several ways throughout human history, such as in food, dyes, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and many other products. The study aimed to isolate the natural colorant-producing filamentous fungi Aspergillus... more
En este informe se presentan los resultados obtenidos del aislamiento selectivo de microorganismos productores de metabolitos de interés industrial presentes en la cascara de durazno. Para ello se realizaron cuatro diluciones de la... more
Fungi are known to be nature’s decomposers, allowing the recycling of nutrients for the utilization of other organisms. Members of Kingdom Fungi are known to have inhabited various habitats. On the other hand, lichens are the result of a... more
Phomopsis azadirachtae is the causal agent of destructive die-back disease of neem. The molecular mechanism of pathogenicity is not clear. Pectinases, cellulases, hemicellulases and ligninases have been extensively studied because of... more
Objective.The aim of our study was to try to determine the possible environmental risk factors for noninvasive fungal sinusitis in Egyptian patients.Methods.This is a prospective epidemiological case control study on the environmental... more
sınırları çer s nde yapılmıştır. Makromantar gel ş m ne uygun dönemlerde toplanan örnekler n lg l l teratür yardımı le teşh sler yapılmış ve kurutulan örnekler fungaryum materyal hal ne get r lm şt r. Sonuç olarak 2 bölüm, 21 fam lya, 34... more
A proposal was made for a method to search enzymatic restriction patterns in silico, in order to reduce the search space of restriction enzymes for Amanita muscaria rDNA region Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS). It contains around 647... more
Considerable numbers of viruses that cause the significant economic losses on plant are transmitted by vectors from one host to another, and many of them are specifically transmitted on the basis of vector genus or species. Unraveling... more
Laboratory-acquired infections (LAIs) are defined as infections acquired through laboratory or laboratory-related activities. Whether the infected host remains asymptomatic or becomes symptomatic with overt illness depends on many... more
Context: Medicinal plants have been reported to produce various bioactive molecules. In this study an endophytic fungus was isolated from the leaves of Coleus amboinicus Lour., a medicinal plant used in Jamu and the fungus was identified... more
Late wilt is a destructive disease of corn: outbreaks occur at the advanced growth stage and lead to severe dehydration of susceptible hybrids. The disease's causal agent is the fungus Magnaporthiopsis maydis, whose spread relies on... more
Alternaria spp. is an important plant pathogen that causes leaf and bunch decay in grapes. Severe infections cause to loss of product by spillage of leaves and drying in grapes. In this study, 125 Alternaria spp. isolated from Bozcaada... more
Investigações na área da antibiose levaram ao desenvolvimento de um grande número de antibióticos para o combate de infeções microbianas, mas poucos estudos têm sido feitos em termos da capacidade fungicida das bactérias. É neste... more
Barley roots were readily colonised by the nematophagous fungus Verticillium chlamydosporium. Light microscopy (LM) but also low temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) revealed details of the colonisation process. Hyphae were... more
Surveys of leucocoprinaceous fungi (Lepiotaceae, Agaricales, Basidiomycota) in the rainforests of Panama and Brazil revealed several freeliving counterparts of fungi cultivated by primitive attine ants (the lower Attini, Formicidae,... more
The toxigenic fungal compounds called mycotoxin are poisonous substances produced by different species of fungus. Basically three major genera of fungus are identified to produce mycotoxins: they include Aspergillus, Fusarium and... more
Öz: Mantar yet şt r c l ğ nde üret m sonrasında ortaya çıkan materyale atık veya kullanılmış mantar kompostu/substratı (AMS) adı ver lmekted r. Her geçen yıl artan mantar üret m , hasattan sonra atık hal ne gelen kompost m ktarında da... more
COVID-19 is associated with a significant incidence of secondary infections, both bacterial and fungal immune dysregulation. Additionally, the widespread use of steroids, monoclonal antibodies, broad spectrum antibiotics as part of the... more