Intercultural competences
Recent papers in Intercultural competences
Some suggestions and balance of experiences about the development of Intercultural Competencies at the University.
The aim of the paper is to report on the collaborative task-based case study that was organized bilaterally between the students at the University of Novi Sad and the University of Zadar, as a part of two translation courses, at the... more
This study is primarily concenrned with applying Genette’s narratological framework of time to the study of William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily. This study aims to provide insights about the time shift processes in this short story.... more
This paper presents the results of a survey conducted among Croatian elementary school students learning English and German as a foreign language to investigate the level of their intercultural knowledge and attitudes. The initial... more
Las competencias ejecutivas se refieren al conjunto de conocimientos, habilidades, destrezas y actitudes que son aplicados por los colaboradores en el desempeño de su cargo u ocupación; esto en correspondencia con el principio de... more
A reflection on our identity and racism after the controversy over the expression “Africanized Buenos Aires suburbs” that shook social media days ago.
L’éducation au patrimoine devient de plus en plus importante dans les contextes éducatifs et patrimoniaux. Les décideurs politiques des institutions de l’UE (Conseil de l’Europe et Commission européenne) ainsi que les organisations... more
The survey featuring foreign students of a college in China reveals that (1) they know artifact part of culture well but do not understand the conceptual and behavioral parts of Chinese culture, (2) they have stereotypes of Chinese... more
In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which... more
In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which... more
In recent years, the reflection on intercultural education has focused on the importance of managing everyday situations in intercultural contexts. This focus is generally recognized as fundamental for the shift from the perspective of... more
Učitelji v obmejnem prostoru so v razredu nenehno izpostavljeni situacijam, za katere je značilna izrazita jezikovna in kulturna raznolikost. V prispevku je predstavljen model tako imenovanih čezmejnih razredov, ki je bil razvit v okviru... more
Nowadays, we are living in a world wherein the education is becoming more and more a self-development process for both its ends teacher and student. The former must apply a trans-disciplinary approach during the development process of... more
In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which... more
Television series and shows are important cultural artefacts and thus, are widely used as they serve to develop both linguistic as well as intercultural competence. With an internet connection, anybody can have access to any TV series,... more
Intercultural and interreligious dialogue through the eyes of Tullio Tentori and Arnaldo Nesti, two preminent protagonists of the contemporary sociological universe. Il dialogo interculturale e interreligioso attraverso lo sguardo di... more
This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three‐year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing intercultural competency... more
Learning materials are powerful resources in facilitating students’ intercultural communication competence; therefore, this study aims to investigate the cultural contents presented in the textbook for Year 11 students in Indonesian... more
The current state of ethnic-national structure of the population of Ukraine and Kharkiv region has been defined. On the basis of the concept documents analysis (The Concept of the Civil Education of an Individual, the Concept of the... more
In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which... more
The aim of the paper is to report on the collaborative task-based case study that was organized bilaterally between the students at the University of Novi Sad and the University of Zadar, as a part of two translation courses, at the... more
This paper explores intercultural competencies in Georgian, Armenian and Azerbaijanian students. Furthermore, it aims to study bases of effective intercultural communication in the representatives of the selected ethnic groups. Such terms... more
L'enseignement/apprentissage des langues étrangères, quelque soit le contexte et les objectifs de l'apprentissage, ne peut se permettre de faire l'impasse sur les aspects d'ordre culturel de la langue cible. Ces aspects de la langue... more
Competencias investigativas y formación de jóvenes investigadores en educación media1 Resumen Este escrito se desprende del desarrollo del proyecto de investigación en curso, Aprendizaje cooperativo: una estrategia para el fortalecimiento... more
En el estudio de la participación de las familias en los centros educativos es indispensable analizar qué canales de comunicación se utilizan entre padres y docentes, ya que éstos se consideran uno de los principales factores que influyen... more
The current state of ethnic-national structure of the population of Ukraine and Kharkiv region has been defined. On the basis of the concept documents analysis (The Concept of the Civil Education of an Individual, the Concept of the... more
In spite of policy impetus, research shows that teachers struggle to address the increasing diversity in classrooms, among others, due to the lack of competences to deal with it. The acquisition of Intercultural Competence (IC), which... more
Background and Purpose: Learning materials are powerful resources in facilitating students’ intercultural communication competence; therefore, this study aims to investigate the cultural contents presented in the textbook for Year 11... more
Background and Purpose: Learning materials are powerful resources in facilitating students' intercultural communication competence; therefore, this study aims to investigate the cultural contents presented in the textbook for Year 11... more
The aim of the paper is to report on the collaborative task-based case study that was organized bilaterally between the students at the University of Novi Sad and the University of Zadar, as a part of two translation courses, at the... more
"La integración de competencias interculturales en el currículum de la universidad es una necesidad justificada por las políticas educativas y la configuración de nuestra sociedad actual. El presente... more
RESUMEN Durante una investigación llevada a cabo durante 6 años entre España y México, hemos observado cinco centros educativos. En todos los centros, multiculturales, observamos el fenómeno sobre el fracaso y/o éxito educativo y sobre... more
"Interculturalidad y Transversalidad : competencias necesarias para la empresa del S. XXI" WWW.CCLAM.ORG Introducción al problema y objeto de este análisis Para abordar y comprender este espinoso tema de las competencias clave, que... more
This paper is based on the findings of a survey on 120 students involved in the Interdisciplinary Course on Intercultural Competences (ICIC), a three-year EU Lifelong Intensive Program project aimed at developing intercultural competency... more