Kafala system
Recent papers in Kafala system
Resumen El reconocimiento en España de las medidas de protección de menores adoptadas en otros países suscita problemas si estas no tienen una equivalencia fácil con las instituciones de protección españolas. Pero aún más complicado puede... more
El presente ensayo hace un ejercicio de Derecho Comparado tomando como base la figura de la kafala como institución del derecho familiar islámico.
Most studies on the mobility of highly skilled migrants have been examined with a framework of global talent mobility and under conditions of neoliberal governance and economic globalization. In this study we challenge the notion of the... more
A palavra Kafala em árabe significa “patrocínio” e refere-se ao sistema adotado para contratação de mão de obra imigrante para vários países árabes1 . Este sistema se constitui por um arranjo assimétrico entre empregador-empregado e... more
Following the post-2019 economic crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the Beirut explosion, the Lebanese economy, including migration flows, has collapsed, and migrant domestic workers (MDWs) under the kafala system have been among those... more
Küreselleşen dünyada kapitalizmin yeni arayışlar içerine girdiği gerçeği ile karşı karşıyayız. Bu arayışlar daha çok kar elde amacıyla dönem dönem farklı kaynaklara ihtiyaç duyarak beslenmeye çalışmaktadır. Bu çerçevede modern dünyada... more
An advertising brief “to raise awareness of gender inequality in Lebanon” by the private philanthropic Hariri Foundation generated an advertising campaign which through its interactivity and simplicity became a salient cultural moment for... more
This study aims to analyze the forms of social security that occur in the lives of Buton migrant fishermen, both formal and informal. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach to illustrate various forms of social... more
This thesis critically discusses the Kafala system, its mechanism and reason behind its existence in Kuwait. Drawing on ethnographic and field-based observations in Kuwait, there is increasing pressure from NGOs and human rights activists... more
G ovrning Lbour M igation in N epal ija p a ti & Lim b u Governing Labour Migration in Nepal looks at the legal and policy framework that regulates migrant labour originating in Nepal. It examines the country’s laws related to foreign... more
As globalism becomes an increasingly encroaching force, nation-states strive to maintain social solidarity to counter effects such as extensive migration flows and accelerated acculturation. Owing to the unique history and socio-political... more
Professor Mari Matsuda is a civil rights lawyer, peace activist, and an established scholar. Her academic contribution is rooted in the American legal discourse, jurisprudence of the outsider, feminist critique of law and, not in the... more
Most studies on the mobility of highly skilled migrants have been examined with a framework of global talent mobility and under conditions of neoliberal governance and economic globalization. In this study we challenge the notion of the... more
Unskilled, single, uneducated, and those from the low income group do not get health insurance Elkum e al.
With an estimated 250,000 migrant domestic workers (MDW), migrant women perform household chores normally assigned to Lebanese women in their own households. Since labor laws do not apply to MDWs, MDW from the Global South in particular... more
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the Harroudj c. France case, has recently assessed the compatibility of the French national PIL system with the European Convention on Human Rights, regarding the refusal to convert kafala into... more
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted lives globally: while most attention has been on the various challenges faced by each country, there are also the people 'stranded' overseas with little if any support in getting home. The... more
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). Under CC-BY license, the public is free to share, adapt, and make commercial use of the work. Users must always give proper... more
With an estimated 250,000 migrant domestic workers (MDW), migrant women perform household chores normally assigned to Lebanese women in their own households. Since labor laws do not apply to MDWs, MDW from the Global South in particular... more
Despite seemingly open immigration policies and rights-based reforms, the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries recently engaged in international and domestic policies to better control immigration. This article unpacks the... more
There are growing numbers of people who migrate across borders, looking for better employment and life opportunities in recent years, and the number of women who have crossed borders to work also increases significantly. Women migrant... more
At the time of this writing, the United States Senate has passed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744). The bill is the product of countless political compromises and would significantly... more
La Revue des droits de l'homme Revue du Centre de recherches et d'études sur les droits fondamentaux Actualités Droits-Libertés | 2015 Vers un renforcement en France du statut juridique de l'enfant issu d'une GPA effectuée à l'étranger ?... more
Dhobi ka kuta, Na ghar ka na ghaat ka 1 The washer-man's dog belongs neither to the home nor to the river bank. There is no precise English equivalent to this Hindustani proverb. 2 A rolling stone gathers no moss, between the devil and... more
In a global economy where capital moves freely, border and legal restrictions are imposed on human bodies, giving rise to illegal and undocumented migration. The so called feminisation of migration looks at females as a dominant category... more
In contrast to the dominant masculinised discourses on global cities, this project explores the feminised and private spheres of global cities—‘domestic work’ in London. Domestic work is of particular concern for London, given the... more
This presentation, given at the annual Glo-Pent conference, discusses the ways in which the kafala system of sponsorship in Kuwait shapes Renewalist and Pentecostal groups.
Migrant Domestic Workers (MDWs) are among the most vulnerable labour forces around the globe. Nearly all of them are lower-class women who have been forced to migrate by their economic precariousness. Ethiopian female migrants are most of... more
Avec cet arrêt, la Cour a fermement confirmé l’obligation des autorités nationales de faciliter leur entrée en tant qu’ «autre membre de la famille» au sens de l’article 3(2)(a) de la directive 2004/38/CE, autant que l’obligation, pour... more
Unos 70.000 etíopes, en su mayoría mujeres, arriesgan su vida y cruzan anualmente en patera el Mar Rojo y el Golfo de Adén en busca de oportunidades laborales en países árabes No todos los migrantes subsaharianos sueñan con cruzar el... more
Migrating to the Middle East region in search for economic opportunities can sometimes pose a serious risk for the hundreds and thousands of women from Asia who are offered employment in private households across the Gulf as domestic... more
Among South Asian countries, it is for Bangladeshis that the financial cost of migration to the Gulf is the highest. The main reason may be the very large number of labour contracts obtained through ‘personal visas’ (more than 40% in... more
La kafalah e la sua circolazione nello spazio giuridico europeo: una indagine di diritto comparato Salvatore Casabona L'intento dell'indagine è provare a rileggere con un approccio comparatistico la reazione che l'alieno, ovvero la... more
Focusing on a women’s rights group in Lebanon, KAFA, this article offers a discursive reading of the NGO’s cam- paign strategies that transform discussions of gender-based violence from a private familial to a public societal issue. KAFA,... more
The paper critically comments on the M.S. judgment delivered on 26 March 2019 by the Court of Justice of the European Union. It is here argued that this judgment represents another piece of evidence of the influence of EU Law on the... more
This article stipulates a brief review of historical labor use by the state and colonial rulers. The dreaded history of labor exploitation compels us to rethink whether at present there lay any vestiges of those procurement in past. What... more
The Middle East is home to a significant number of noncitizens. These noncitizens include refugees and stateless populations, as well as the millions of migrant workers throughout the region. In fact, refugees, stateless populations, and... more
This paper explores the relationship between the existing kafala system in Kuwait and the resultant effects on Coptic Orthodox practice in a milieu I label as neodhimmitude.
El reconocimiento en España de las medidas de protección de menores adoptadas en otros países suscita problemas si estas no tienen una equivalencia fácil con las instituciones de protección españolas. Pero aún más complicado puede ser... more
Since the early 1990s, hundreds of thousands of female workers from African and South Asian countries have migrated to Lebanon, to primarily serve as domestic workers in private households. These workers arrive, reside and work in the... more