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PhD thesis investigating implicit and explicit attitudes towards non-native (Asian) speakers of English in China, Japan and South Korea using a cross-cultural research instrument for direct comparison. The study also investigates factors... more
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      Social PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsEnglish as a Lingua Franca
Initial research on Indian Sign Language (ISL) in 1978 determined that it is indigenous to India and does not have a strong influence from any European sign language or American Sign Language. Despite observable lexical varieties across... more
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      Sign LanguageLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Indian sign languageInternational Sign
This paper focuses on the variety of Italian spoken in Bozen (South Tyrol, Italy) by Italian L1 speakers. Due to the peculiar multilingual situation of South Tyrol, Italian speakers are concentrated in the big towns of this area (e.g.... more
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      Italian (Languages And Linguistics)Language AttitudesLanguage and Identity (Languages And Linguistics)Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
Parents' assessment of children's development in the first and the second language is an essential part of their family language policy (FLP) and an important component of parent–child communication. This paper presents a pilot study... more
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      Social PsychologyMulticulturalismSecond Language AcquisitionLanguages and Linguistics
The optimal language for literature and educational materials is not the same for all Zay areas. The data gathered during the current study points to Zay as optimal for the islands on Lake Ziway and Oromo as optimal for the lakeshores.... more
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      MulticulturalismLanguages and LinguisticsSemitic languagesMultilingualism
Uno de los factores más importantes que determinan la vitalidad de una lengua es la actitud de sus hablantes y el ambiente general en el que se desarrolla el proceso de la interacción lingüística. El trabajo presenta los resultados de un... more
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      SociolinguisticsEndangered LanguagesMinority LanguagesEcuador
La notion de norme et de référence à la norme est absolument fondamentale pour qui s’intéresse aux langues humaines. Langues, dialectes, parlers et accents suivent tous des règles rigoureuses, que l’observation permet de déterminer. Il... more
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      LanguagesCultural StudiesMulticulturalismSecond Language Acquisition
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    • Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
This project is the extension of my bachelor’s degree thesis focused on linguistic stereotypes. Both the bachelor’s degree project and master’s degree project are focused on linguistic stereotypes. If the bachelor’s degree project... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionChildren's PerceptionsLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Linguistic stereotype
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      Contact LinguisticsLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)SoziolinguistikDaF-Unterricht
Guided by sociolinguistic theories—including indexical order (Silverstein, 2003), folk linguistics (Niedzielski & Preston, 2000, 2009), and enregisterment (Agha, 2003, 2007), this article reviews research on Taiwan Mandarin and explores... more
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      SociolinguisticsLinguisticsLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Taiwan
Durante el siglo XIX español, se operó un gran cambio tanto en el porcentaje de la población que era capaz de leer y escribir como en la consideración social de estas habilidades. La prensa, en continuo crecimiento durante todo el... more
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      Literacy19th Century SpainHistorical sociolinguisticsLanguage Attitudes
In the project reported on here, the researcher conducted focus group discussions with participants during a fifty-day data-collection trip round South Africa in early 2014, twenty years after the end of the apartheid regime.... more
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      Language AttitudesLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Bilingualism and MultilingualismLanguage Use
Attempts to standardise a Scots written language have been met with challenges stemming not only from what I perceive to be an inability to decide how to select and codify an official written standard, but also a lack of popular awareness... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and Policy
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      HistorySociolinguisticsCuban StudiesLinguistics
This chapter deals with Italian speakers’ perception of the Italian and the German varieties spoken in Bozen (South Tyrol). A qualitative approach has been preferred to quantitative ones. The data presented here have been collected during... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Language AttitudesLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the motivations that may lead certain bilingual adults to reject and/or limit their use of Valencian. Why is it that a significant number of speakers are able to speak both Valencian and... more
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      Catalan LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Valencian language
Der vorliegende Beitrag fordert einen Perspektivenwechsel in der Einstellungsforschung, der in stärkerem Maße, als dies bislang geschehen ist, die soziokulturellen, situativen und interaktionalen Kontextbedingungen von... more
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    • Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
The dissemination of the standard form of the language has not always been easy for such languages as Catalan. Even so, the standard form of Catalan has taken root among the Valen-cian people with a certain success (Segura, 2003;... more
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      Catalan StudiesCatalan LanguageLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Standardization
This book explores stereotypes that learners of six Asian languages-Japanese, Mandarin, Korean, Myanmar, Thai and Vietnamese-hold about the target language country, its cultures and people. Some of the findings, such as the language... more
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      Asian StudiesStereotypesApplied LinguisticsAsian Languages
English is clearly the most important language in many fields, particularly in higher education and in the business and economic fields, predominantly among the Chinese and Indian, saying that English appears to have higher prestige among... more
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      Language AttitudesLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
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    • Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
La población inmigrante en España experimentó un crecimiento rápido y progresivo desde la última década del siglo XX hasta los comienzos de XXI. En este contexto, los flujos migratorios procedentes de Ecuador han sido unos de los más... more
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      Language and IdentityLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)InmigrationPrestige
sito: www.offi ISBN edizione cartacea: 978-88-9765-705-7 ISBN edizione digitale (pdf ): 978-88-9765-706-4 studi AItLA
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      Minority LanguagesLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Dolomitic Ladin Language
The social function and place of basque language: the case of trademarks The basque language and identity have a clear symbolic role. The basque language has been used to enhance and highlight the expressive function of trademarks; there... more
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      Basque StudiesLanguage and IdentityCritical sociolinguisticsBranding
Attitudes toward languages of bi- and multilingual children and adolescents have not yet become a focus of research. Despite rapid growth in the number of bi- and multilingual children and adolescents across the globe, surprisingly few... more
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      ThailandBilingual EducationLanguage AttitudesLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
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    • Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
This paper reports on the ongoing (2014-2018), large-scale project 'English in the linguistic landscape of Vienna, Austria (ELLViA)', which investigates (English) language choice on written signs in Viennese public space, and the... more
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      PerceptionSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeLinguistic landscapes
En Brasil, la variación lingüística diatópica adquiere relevancia en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera, debido a la situación geográfica del país entre Hispanoaméricana y a causa de sus relaciones económicas y culturales, por... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsBrazilSpanish as a Foreign LanguageTeaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
RESUMEN En las siguientes páginas se presentan otros resultados complementarios sobre las actitudes lingüísticas de los dominicanos en Madrid. Nos interesa saber, entre otras cosas, cuáles factores pueden estar fundamentando las... more
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Identity
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      LinguisticsLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Variedades Del EspañolActitudes Lingüísticas
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      GrammatologyFacebookSpellingWriting systems
This paper focuses on some representations that Valencian students of Education have as regards plurilingualism, language transmission and the construction of identity in linguistic autobiographies. These students are learning to face the... more
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      Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Mother Tongue Based Multilingual EducationLes Représentations Linguistique Et Attitudes Sur La LangueLinguistic Competence
Complex civil societies which emphasize inclusion and equality need to balance the needs of their diverse population regardless of their migratory status. This is a delicate process especially in contexts with a long-standing struggle for... more
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      European integrationMigrationMigration StudiesLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
RESUMO: A partir das dinâmicas que ocorrem na região da tríplice fronteira Brasil, Paraguai e Argentina, do contexto multicultural e plurilíngue em que essa fronteira está inserida, e partindo do conceito de língua como patrimônio... more
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      Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Prostitution
(The report was made at: EAAL 14th Annual Conference SÕNA JA GRAMMATIKA / LEXIS AND GRAMMAR, 23.-24. aprill 2015 / 23-24 April, 2015, Tallinn) The google search for 'linguistic arrogance' gives a top link 'I can't help smiling when I... more
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      DialectologyRussian LanguageLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Standard Language Ideology
Hasta el día de hoy, el español de Guinea Ecuatorial es una variedad lingüística poco considerada en estudios sobre historia, dialectología y sociolingüística del español. De modo similar, y a diferencia de otros grupos hispanohablantes,... more
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      Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)MigracionesGlottopoliticsMadrid, Spain
This study analyzes lexical accommodation in Judeo-Spanish (JS) to model Peninsular and Latin American (PLA) Spanish varieties. Data were obtained through sociolinguistic interviews, including an oral translation task, conducted in... more
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      DialectologySephardic StudiesLanguage AttitudesLanguage Maintenance and Shift
In this chapter, I first discuss current understanding of style and register, as well as prestige and stigma, and the way that these are related to, but distinct from, questions of formality. Next, I describe a critical pedagogical SHL... more
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Spanish in the United StatesCritical Pedagogies
The normative tradition in Greek lexicography is remarkably long-lived. As early as the Second Sophistic (I–III CE), Atticist grammarians and lexicographers sought to recapture the quality of classical Attic Greek by composing usage... more
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      LexicographyLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Linguistic purismAncient Greek Language
Bernal, J. & Díaz, C. (2018) Preferencias sobre variedades de español en los medios de difusión: el caso de los hispanohablantes de Bogotá, Colombia. Enfoques. Anuario de investigación lingüística y literaria, 1 (1), 23-32.
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpanish LinguisticsLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Social PsychologySociolinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsLanguage and Identity
В статье дается краткий обзор проблематики в области отношения к языкам и их изучения; рассматриваются результаты данных, полученных в результате опроса дошкольников одного из детских садов Череповца и их родителей об их отношении к... more
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      Early Childhood EducationLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
In the 20th and 21st centuries English has become an indispensable part of educational curriculum in Iranian schools. Despite all the efforts and investments devoted to cultivate and popularize English among Iranian language learners, the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionLanguage AttitudesLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Attitudes (Social Psychology)Language Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Motivation and attitudes in foreign language learning
Un estudio sobre las actitudes lingüísticas frente al castellano y frente a la lengua originaria nomatsigenga en la comunidad nativa Cubantia, ubicada en la Selva Central del Perú.
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      SociolinguisticsAmazoniaLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)Pueblos indígenas
ABSTRAK Percampuran kod merupakan satu fenomena biasa dalam kalangan penutur yang mengamalkan lebih daripada dua bahasa. Terma ini digunakan secara meluas di dalam bidang linguistik terutamanya bidang Pemerolehan Bahasa Kedua dan... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsCode-SwitchingLanguage and IdentityNovel
It is a truism, but one frequently ignored in research, that how something is said is part of what is said." DELL HYMES (1972: 59) Einleitung Im Bereich der angloamerikanisch orientierten Forschung zur Intra-SprecherInnen-Variation ist... more
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      SociolinguisticsSpeech perceptionLanguage and IdentityInteractional Sociolinguistics
Recent anthropological and socio-historical research on Maroon populations suggests that Maroon communities have undergone significant social change since the 1960s spurred by processes of urbanization. However, to date very little is... more
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      Self and IdentityMultilingualismSociolinguisticsLanguage and Ideology
Children in Canada, a highly multicultural nation, are exposed to a variety of accented speech. This study examines the linguistic tolerance of 6- to 12-year-old children in Canada. A gamified and matched-guise approach to the written... more
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      MultilingualismEnglishPerceptual DialectologyLanguage Attitudes (Languages And Linguistics)