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Full title: Inwentarze pośmiertne i działy spadkowe ludności wiejskiej klucza pelplińskiego. Z dziejów kultury materialnej i praktyki prawnej w Prusach Królewskich w XVIII wieku [Posthumous inventories and inheritance registers of the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryDeath Studies
Testaments in Lübeck Law. Exemplified with the practice of Elbing from the 15th to the early 16th c. The article presents the practice of making testaments in towns governed by the Lübeck Law, illustrated with the mediaeval Elbląg... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval willsElblągEast Prussia
The reconstruction of family relations and of their impact on the socio-economic activities of Wallachian merchants in the 18th and early 19th centuries is a rewarding, yet difficult, task. The difficulty results from two main factors:... more
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      MerchantsFamily RelationsProfessional PracticeLast Wills and Testaments
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      Patronage and collectingQuitoArte Colonial En La Audiencia De QuitoLast Wills and Testaments
The article discusses three registers of funeral expenditures that were presented to the urban authorities of Cracow in the 1650s. Unlike last wills and testaments, 16th-17th-century sources documenting the costs of burial and other... more
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      Early Modern HistoryUrban HistoryFuneral RitesLast Wills and Testaments
Edition of last wills from Friesland west of the Lauwers before 1550
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      Medieval History16th Century (History)Medieval Low CountriesMiddle Ages
The Last will as a historical source was mainly used by the middle age and early modern period reasearchers, especially those dealing with economic and social histories. Altough the three Zemun merchants from the early 19th century, whose... more
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      ZemunLast Wills and Testaments
U radu se govori o svojeručnom testamentu kao jednom od najčešćih oblika zavještanja. Autor navodi većinu nedoumica koje se pojavljuju u teoriji i praksi u vezi sa formom olografskog testamenta. Primjenom naučnih metoda, kritički su... more
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      Succession LawInheritance LawTestamentLast Wills and Testaments
Práce se zabývá problematikou zbožných odkazů v pozdně středověkých testamentech olomouckých měšťanů, kdy vychází z testamentů dochovaných v Nejstarší olomoucké knize a v Kodexu Václava z Jihlavy mezi lety 1360 až 1466. Pracováno bylo... more
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      ReligionHistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Church History
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      Medieval HistoryLegal HistoryWomen's RightsHistory of Law
Holografic wiil and testament is more used than one can expect in private internacional law.
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      Private International LawLast Wills and Testaments
Succession, as provided by the Civil Code, is a mode of acquisition by virtue of which the property, rights, and obligations to the extent of the value of the inheritance, of a person are transmitted through his death to another or others... more
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      Civil LawFamily LawSuccession LawWills and Estates
It is certain that human life is not perpetual and surely does come to an end. That notwithstanding, during one’s lifetime, several properties whether movable and/or immovable are acquired but cannot be carried along into the afterlife.... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawDevelopment StudiesDisability Studies
PRÊMIO ARQUIVO NACIONAL/2003 (1º Lugar). Este trabalho analisa o processo de secularização das atitudes e representações católicas diante da morte, no Rio de Janeiro, nos século XVIII e XIX. Parte da constatação de que, no século XVIII,... more
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      Death StudiesSecularizationDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Religion, Laicity, and Secularisation
წინამდებარე რეფერატი ეძღვნება ისეთ მნიშვნელოვან და ამავდროულად ცხოვრებისეულ საკითხს, როგორიცაა ანდერძის დამოწმების ფორმები. სანოტარო საქმიანობაში ერთ-ერთ მნიშვნელოვან და მრავალრიცხოვან სანოტარო მოქმედებას ანდერძის დამოწმება შეადგენს.... more
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    • Last Wills and Testaments
PhD thesis, University of Edinburgh
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      Civil LawScots LawMedieval Canon & Roman LawIus commune
The book aims to investigate the changes in the intimate feeling of men in the face of their own death. It covers the crucial period of  the Counter-reformation in the Venetian mainland between the two great plagues of 1575-77 and 1630-31.
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      History of PlagueHistory of VeniceLast Wills and TestamentsHistory of the Venetian Mainland
The analysis of Dalmatian urban last wills from the Late Middle Ages shows great similarity to the results previously reached by European scholars dealing with this subject in other regions. As in other parts of the Mediterranean, and to... more
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      Medieval HistoryCharitable BequestsDalmatian historyLast Wills and Testaments
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      Social NetworksWomen's HistoryMedieval HungaryAristocracy
Resumen El presente artículo tiene como objeto contribuir al conocimiento de la religiosi-dad bajomedieval castellana y dilucidar las actitudes ante la muerte del hombre medieval. Con el propósito de esclarecer la mentalidad de los... more
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    • Last Wills and Testaments
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      TextilesHistory of CostumeMedieval HungaryMaterial Culture
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval urban historyMedieval Europe
This article discusses the origins and development of the benevolent interpretation of wills. Modern law tends to construe a will, as far as possible, in a way that gives effect to the testator's intention and consequently avoids... more
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      Roman LawInterpretationReception of Roman lawRoman Private Law
RESUMO Os homes e mulleres da Galicia medieval prestaron unha atención especial á elección de determinados espazos como lugares de inhumación. Isto resulta particularmente evidente entre os membros da aristocracia, preocupados por... more
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      Medieval HistoryDeath StudiesGalician StudiesMedieval Studies
A temática da Morte e do momento terminal ganhou particular importância a partir da centúria de 1300, quando se agudizaram as incertezas em relação ao destino da Alma e se dramatizou o momento final, em grande parte devido às pregações... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryDeath StudiesManuscript Studies
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMusicChurch Music
Culegere de practică testamentară selectată, cu texte de testamente, decizii in extenso, adnotări in extenso și comentariile autorului.
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      JurisprudenceWills and EstatesLast Wills and TestamentsDrept Civil - Succesiuni
Essa dissertação tem como objetivo analisar as práticas fúnebres setecentistas, entre livres e escravos, adultos e crianças, empreendidas nas freguesias de São Gonçalo de Amarante e São Sebastião de Itaipu, no Bispado do Rio de Janeiro.... more
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      MorteSouls of the PurgatorySão GonçaloRegistos Paroquiais
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      Late Middle AgesGalician StudiesSocial History of powerDocumentary Heritage
Na presente tese está proposta a reflexão sobre a crença no Purgatório por meio de suas práticas, a exemplo do recurso às indulgências e da requisição de missas pelas almas, entre os católicos da cidade do Rio de Janeiro setecentista.... more
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      PurgatoryBrasil ColonialPurgatorioIndulgences
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      Legal HistoryMendicant OrdersIus Commune (imperial Common Law)Bartolo Da Sassoferrato
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      LiteracyEarly Modern HistoryLast Wills and TestamentsTransylvanian Nobility
Miguel García-Fernández, "O testamento de Rodrigo de Moscoso, cabaleiro e pertegueiro maior da Terra de Santiago (†1458)", Murguía. Revista Galega de Historia, 39 (2019), pp. 13-31. Resumen: el objetivo de este artículo es dar a conocer... more
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      Medieval HistoryGalician StudiesMedieval StudiesIberian Studies
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      Medieval WomenLast Wills and Testaments
Pablo S. Otero Piñeyro Maseda y Miguel García-Fernández, “Documentos de doña Aldonza de Mendoza”, en Eduardo Pardo de Guevara y Valdés (ed.), Mujeres con poder en la Galicia medieval (siglos XIII-XV). Estudios, biografías y documentos,... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryMedieval Studies
Si analizza la prassi della restituzione testamentaria delle usure, attraverso un campione di testamenti bolognesi dei secoli XIII e XIV, provenienti dagli archivi conventuali di S. Domenico e S. Francesco e oggi conservati presso... more
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      Economic HistoryUsuryhistory of BolognaEtica economica
The article publishes the last testaments from the city of Trogir which can be found in the archive of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The testaments contain valuable data on economic circumstances, religious life, social... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval Croatian HistoryDalmatian historyTrogir
It is certain that human life is not perpetual and surely does come to an end. That notwithstanding, during one’s lifetime, several properties whether movable and/or immovable are acquired but cannot be carried along into the afterlife.... more
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      JurisprudenceConstitutional LawSuccession LawWills and Estates
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      Social NetworksWomen's HistoryMedieval HungaryLast Wills and Testaments
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLast Wills and Testaments
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      Women's HistoryMedieval HungaryMaterial CultureEcclesiastical History
LE TESTAMENT D’UN KTITOR JASSYOT: L’ÉCHANSON IORDACHE LOZONSCHI (1827) En 2014, l’auteur a publié quelques informations concernant l’échanson Iordache Lozonschi, fondateur (ktitor) d’une église de la ville de Jassy, qui porte encore son... more
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      Genealogy-Family HistoryIstoria Orasului IasiLast Wills and Testaments
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      Romanian HistoryDeath StudiesLast Wills and Testaments
Il contributo affronta il tema del ruolo politico femminile ai vertici della società europea medievale partendo dalla pratica testamentaria. Utilizzando il “Fondo testamenti” dell’Archivio di Stato di Torino (sezione Corte) il contributo... more
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      Middle AgesHistory of Savoy's DuchyLast Wills and Testaments
The will and codicil of the Basque master mason Juan de Álava, dated on 18th and 20th September, 1537, is made known in this article. Much behavior in common with contemporary urban oligarchy are detected in the analysis of this document,... more
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      ArchitectureEarly modern SpainArquitecturaSiglo XVI
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      Last Wills and TestamentsTestamento e Últimas VontadesÚltimas vontades e TestamentosPrática Testamentária
Summary The Elbląg Last Wills. A Study from the History of the Town and Its Inhabitants in the late Middle Ages 1. The Elbląg last wills - introductory remarks The basis for the analyses presented in the book are the documents of... more
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      Baltic Sea Region StudiesMendicant OrdersMedieval willsLate Medieval economic and social history
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      Women's HistoryMedieval HungaryPietyPauline Order
Controversial recent wills law reforms, embodied in new provisions of both the Uniform Probate Code and the Restatement of Property, excuse so-called harmless errors in will execution and permit judicial correction of erroneous terms in a... more
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      Property LawWills and EstatesWills and TestamentsWills, trust and intestate succession laws
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      Ancient HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesPapyrologyRoman Law