Legal interpretation
Most cited papers in Legal interpretation
The present paper started as a commentary on Giorgio Pino’s article presented in the II Lisbon Meeting on Legal Theory on Legal Interpretation and Scientific Knowledge, but soon gained independence. Nevertheless, in addition to the issues... more
Sumário: Introdução: A pré-história constitucional brasileira. Parte I: A nova interpretação constitucional. I. Tradição e modernidades: uma nota explicativa; II. Póspositivismo e a ascensão dos princípios; III. Princípios e regras, ainda... more
Assessing a year's worth of debate over the 2009 Supreme Court decision in Ashcroft v. Iqbal, this Article provides a novel explanation for the decision and presents it as radical indeed, but in a way previously unremarked by... more
The article presents Merkl’s main contributions to Kelsen’s pure theory of Law. The employed method consists in the bibliographical research of Merkl’s and Kelsen’s writings as well as the relevant literature on the subjects covered. The... more
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El autor explica sistemática y críticamente la visión de Francesco Viola sobre el derecho y su cognoscibilidad. Ambos puntos son, dada la inusual perspectiva de Viola, inseparables, pues, para Viola, el significado focal de diritto es una... more
The United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf is expected to play an essential role in delineating the rights of the Arctic states to seabed resources in the Arctic Ocean. In this article, the authors look to the... more
This article deals with the implications of the widespread practice of use of legal databases in Polish judicial practice. Apart from the undeniable positive effects of development of an electronic civilization, the article deals with the... more
A contemporary phenomenon – multiplicity of authentic sources of law in different languages – complicates the process of statutory interpretation. In multilingual jurisdictions, problems arise when a literal interpretation of authentic... more
The central issue of this paper concerns the discretion of judges in the application of the law, discretion that has expanded enormously, since judges are engaged in the direct application of principles drawn from the constitution or even... more
"This article discusses a rare instance of the highest national courts explicitly addressing traffic signs in their judgments or decisions. It critically examines the standpoint expressed by the Polish Constitutional Tribunal and the... more
Can we dispense with lawyers as intermediaries between the law and its subjects? Can laypeople have direct access to the law? The Plain English Movement (PEM) has long promoted the use of plain language in legal writing as the way to... more
Much controversy has emerged on the demarcation between legal positiv-ism and non-legal positivism with some authors calling for a ban on the-as they see it-nonsensical labelling of legal philosophical debates. We agree with these... more
In this paper I'm primarily concerned with framing the role of precedents in terms of reasons that they can give to judges in various legal systems. The main purpose of the paper is to identify the ways in which precedents can be... more
By designating defence of individual rights in terms of a higher goal, "to anchor the values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and Democratic State" the legislator created the basis for a weakening of the Supreme Court and of the... more
IF YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD THE PAPER, PLEASE USE THE LINK TO THE PAPERS.SSRN.COM PAGE: Legal philosophers distinguish between a static and a dynamic interpretation of law. The... more
Camayd-Freixas, Erik. “Court Interpreter Ethics and the Role of Professional Organizations.” Christina Schäffner, Krzysztof Kredens, and Ivonne Fowler, eds. Interpreting in a Changing Landscape: Selected Papers from Critical Link 6.... more
This article, which places the development of the "law-and-interpretation" or "legal hermeneutics" school of legal scholarship in historical and political context, is meant to serve as an accessible introduction to the literature on legal... more
It has long been noticed that there is no predetermined meaning of legal terms. Rather, meaning depends on the context and the interpreter (Engberg in Brook J Int Law 29:1135, 2003. https ://brook lynwo rks.brook more
Academic analysis of pronouncements of human rights treaty monitoring bodies has tended to focus on their contribution to the promotion of human rights in domestic jurisdictions, particularly to convey the desire of scholars to see more... more
The subject of the study is the ideas of classical institutionalists (M. Hauriou and S. Romano) on the role of court and the nature of justice. The methodological basis of the work is the method of interpretation, which is the main one... more
For most of the Middle Ages, canon law’s position toward the Jews of Latin Christendom was straightforward: they were to be marginalized, but not expelled. Over the course of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, however, jurists began... more
Ronald Dworkin and Duncan Kennedy represent arguably two opposing poles in legal theory. This paper offers a novel frame for reading their respective legal theories which reconceptualizes the traditional way in which they were opposed,... more
This paper looks at transgender identities and the law in the context of marriage in common law jurisdictions. It particularly focuses on the nature and sources of authority over word meaning as well as the role of language and definition... more
This article demonstrates the overlooked contribution of the ancient Near East to the development of constitutional law. The legal corpus of Deuteronomy provides a utopian model for the organization of the state, one that enshrines... more
The so-called conversational model claims that legal interpretation does not significantly differ from ordinary understanding: both are inferential processes complying with a pattern that can be traced back to Paul Grice’s thesis. This... more
The aim of this paper is to compare different conceptions of the role of (normative) coherence in the legal field. More precisely, it aims to deepen Neil MacCormick's theory of legal reasoning, in which coherence is essentially considered... more
This draft report was prepared with the EU Blockchain Observatory & Forum as a discussion document for the workshop, “Blockchains & smart contracts legal and regulatory framework”, held in Paris, France, 12th December 2018.
When a judge follows the letter of the law, her judgment may be considered blinkered by the man in the street. Legal professionals, however, would classify the judgment as formalistic. From a theoretical perspective, formalistic... more
""The study is focused on analysing formalism which is a strategy of applying laws by stressing the formal features of the law, even if the consequences of the strategy like that are difficult to accept in light of legal principles and... more
This book provides a history of legal thinking and reasoning. It focuses on the tools, methods and procedures to interpret legal texts. The book analyses 10 consecutive models : rhetorical; biblical-talmudic; patristic; scholastic;... more
The interpretation and the indirect reporting of a speaker’s communicative intentions lie at the crossroad between pragmatics, argumentation theory, and forensic linguistics. Since the leading case Masson v. New Yorker Magazine, Inc., in... more
This essay challenges the idea according to which, in legal interpretation, a well-defined literal meaning is always (or in the most of cases) detectable. I will claim that this idea is untenable and, at any rate, when lawyers talk of... more
El artículo se centra en una sólida e importante orientación adoptada por la Corte constitucional italiana desde comienzos de los años 90: la llamada doctrina de la interpretación conforme a la Constitución, que fuerza a los jueces a... more
IF YOU WANT TO DOWNLOAD THE PAPER, PLEASE USE THE LINK TO THE PAPERS.SSRN.COM PAGE: The speech-act approach to rules is commonplace in both Anglo-American and continental... more
Este estudio intenta responder a la siguiente pregunta: ¿cómo introduce John M. Finnis en la teoría ius-naturalista del derecho, la idea hartiana y raziana de que el derecho proporciona razones excluyentes para la ac-ción? En la búsqueda... more
Ripropongo qui il draft di uno studio risalente, che discute però di problemi e questioni che tornano di attualità nel campo dell'interpretazione del diritto e della sua evoluzione nazionale e trasnazionale, con vari riferimenti alle... more