Recent papers in Milton
A stylistic analysis of the enjambement and its iconic and expressive nuances from Homer to Milton.
Essay on the theology underpinning the angels in Milton's Paradise Lost – using the doctrine of accommodation to suggests that they lie between what we think of as fiction and truth. Dedicated to David Aers
Essay on the theology underpinning the angels in Milton's Paradise Lost – using the doctrine of accommodation to suggests that they lie between what we think of as fiction and truth. Dedicated to David Aers
John Milton was occupied with the idea of education, writing treatises on how to teach to maintain a civil society. Milton received private tutoring and a classical education, aiding him in his passion as an educational reformer. As a... more
This essay takes a look at Satan as a tragic hero by exploring his character in relation to six fundamental conventions that defy all tragic heroes. Along with quotes from the text, and with the assistance of Lauren Alexander’s 2013... more
Free will is the absolute power which God gives to His created beings who in return use it to build their own destiny. In Paradise Lost, the idea of free will is associated with God, Christ, all ranks of the Angels, Satan and his... more
This article examines the context of the Princeton University Chapel (1925-28), and highlights the role of Professor Albert M. Friend in the iconography of what has been called "the finest assemblage of stained glass in the western... more
John Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost has inspired debate among readers over the last several centuries. Chief among the topics of dispute is that of Milton’s intention in creating Satan as an almost-heroic figure with whom readers can... more
This sample of the Teleclass Study Guide, Vol. I, consists of chapters 19-30, dealing with Milton, and English literature of the 18th century..
This essay explores the claim made by Robert Southey that Lord Byron and his "satanic school" were subverting the morals of readers. As Byron did not appreciate this term coined by Mr. Southey, he decided to write a mock poem that... more
This unpublished paper abandoned a decade ago argues that the poetic form in "Lycidas" represents the body of Edward King, at first displaced and decaying but later understood as held and harmonized by the Resurrected Christ, an Orphic... more
A detailed exploration of the representation of spice in British literature from 1650 to 1830.
In this paper, we discuss the treatment and teaching of Milton's Samson Agonistes as prison literature. We do so based on the practical work of teaching this text in an Arizona state prison. The paper's first section describes prison... more
"[English State Letters written to the Grand Duke of Tuscany between 1649 and 1659 and translated into Latin by John Milton]. Between 1652 and 1659 the English Council of State, the Parliament, and Oliver and Richard Cromwell wrote to the... more
... to Jamey Hecht 113 Page 12. Clarke to forestall the threat of being silenced as Cortez is silenced. This silencing occurs in the last line of the poem, making it real, or inclusive of the poem itself. The moment of production of the... more
This Essay aims to prove that despite the sexist characterizations in the epic poem, Milton wants it to be known that Eve is actually the more curious and dynamic character in comparison to Adam throughout Paradise Lost. It is arguable... more
Despite their marginalisation in mainstream Christianities after the European Enlightenment, the figure of the demon endures within modern literature and popular culture, its many artistic "lives" standing in stark opposition to its... more
Philosophical Enquiries : revue des philosophies anglophonesjuin 2017, n° 8 -« Républiques anglaises » 95 Mirabeau, lecteur et « passeur » des textes républicains anglais (François Quastana, Université de Lille, Centre d'Histoire... more
Bentley’s commentary on Milton’s Paradise Lost is an extraordinary work, which has attracted a wide range of verdicts from the critical community, mostly negative. Recent critics have tended to be more lenient towards Bentley than his... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
Orthodox theology generally holds that God is eternal, which means that he exists in a state of absolute timelessness. John Milton, however, believed that God experiences the passage of time just as angels and humans do, except that God... more
This thesis is an interrogation of the viability of transitive production, which I associate with the Aristotelian term hylomorphic. The central axiom of hylomorphic production that will be targeted for critique is that the agent of... more
This essay argues for a reevaluation of the critical commonplace that John Milton abandoned romance after 1649 because of the genre’s Royalist overtones. I read Paradise Regained against two postwar Royalist romances, Percy Herbert’s The... more
The song that is popularly known as Jerusalem was written in 1916 by British composer Sir Hubert Parry (1848-1918, from a lyric by William Blake that first appeared in 1804.
Colloque international organisé par l’UMR 5824 GATE Lyon Saint-Étienne & l’UMR 5189 HiSoMA avec le soutien de l’Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne (Université de Lyon), de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme Lyon Saint-Étienne, de... more
In this beautifully conceived book, Ayesha Ramachandran reconstructs the imaginative struggles of early modern artists, philosophers, and writers to make sense of something that we take for granted: the world, imagined as a whole. Once a... more
Castiglione’s Alcon (1515) and Milton’s Epitaphium Damonis (1638/39) are pastoral laments that, in following Virgil’s second Eclogue in certain aspects of form and content, translate tropes of unrequited desire into those of... more
This essay examines humankind’s prelapsarian connection to the divine as depicted in Milton’s Adam and Eve from “Paradise Lost” to show that the contrasting nature of postlapsarian lovers, as seen within Donne’s work, prove that intimate... more
SCWARTZ, John Pedro, "Rendering the Formless: Language and Style in Fausto" (2018). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 14, Fall, pp. 59-83. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.... more
O melancholy, who ever yet could sound thy bottom?
Illustration from literature (particularly Shakespeare and Marlowe) and clinical work of Aesthetic Conflict - that is, the emotional struggle of the infant in apprehending and responding to Beauty. Five elements of resistance to this... more
Among Milton’s early works are: “Hymn on the Nativity” and “At a Solemn Music”. Probably, he had written “L‟Allegro” before 1632. As its title means ‘the cheerful man’ and the work is the young poet’s celebration of mirth, in the delights... more
Problems of Literary Genres/Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 58/116.2 (2015), 13–28. Freely available at . Abstract: Many early modern... more
RUSSOM, Geoffrey, "Metrical Complexity in Pessoa's 35 Sonnets" (2016). Pessoa Plural―A Journal of Fernando Pessoa Studies, No. 10, Fall, pp. 151-172. Brown Digital Repository. Brown University Library.... more