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In der moralphilosophischen Debatte werden analytische Kategorien in der Regel auf moralisches, nicht aber auf unmoralisches Handeln bezogen. Moralität wird gemeinhin unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Gelingens betrachtet und zum Paradigma der... more
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      Psychology of EvilVirtues and VicesProblem of EvilThe Problem of Evil
The paper examines how various forms and categories of art are not been considered as valuable as before.
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      Music EducationPerforming ArtsVisual ArtsMorality and Immorality
The aim of the present study was to examine to what degree different mechanisms of moral disengagement were related to age, gender, bullying, and defending among school children. Three hundred and seventy-two Swedish children ranging in... more
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      SociologyCriminologyPsychologyBehavioural Science
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      Roman HistoryRoman RepublicCiceroAncient Roman Rhetoric
Classic fairy tales, such as the ones told by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were stories that shed light on the uncomfortable truths of the world. Their horrific origins often involved scenes of rape, incest, torture, cannibalism, and other... more
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      Youth StudiesChildren's and Young Adult LiteratureMorality (Social Psychology)Moral Development
This dissertation constitutes an analysis of immorality amongst a group of lesser clerics in the century before the Reformation, based on the evidence of the surviving records of an ecclesiastical court. Part one gives a background to the... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval WomenProstitutionMedieval Church Courts
The immorality of Cepparello. The aim of this paper is a deep analysis of the opening short story of the Decameron. Here Boccaccio plays with the reader, hiding himself behind Ser Cepparello, the main character, and giving rise to... more
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      BoccaccioDecameronMorality and Immorality
Paul writes to address a troubling situation of a man sleeping with his father's wife. Paul directly writes to the Corinthians as they repent of their arrogance of allowing this man in their congregation, and Paul has already judged that... more
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesBiblical InterpretationBible
Institutionalized and internalized,‭ ‬competence intersubjectivity contain many user-illusions and an imaginary or manifest image of reality,‭ ‬including of themselves‭ (‬Dennett and Sellars‭)‬,.‭ ‬This can be contrasted we a... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsNormative EthicsMeta-Ethics
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      Portuguese Contemporary HistoryFernando PessoaHomophobiaHomoerotic Poetry
While brand punishment – through either individual or collective action – has received ample attention by consumer psychologists, absent from this literature is that such punishment can take the form of unethical actions that can occur... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsApplied EthicsMoral Psychology
¿Qué lógica yace detrás de las cláusulas de moralidad? La respues- ta es que este tipo prohibitivo no se encuentra alineado con la función principal de lamarca. En términos generales, podemos afirmar que una marca reputada “inmoral” puede... more
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      TrademarksCopyright and intellectual propertyEmotivismMorality and Immorality
Difficulties in translation between Western and non-Western languages are identified in this article as contributing to corruption, incompetence and hence growing poverty and dependency on the West in much of Africa. The problem with... more
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      ReligionAnthropologyDevelopment StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
Menilik agak jauh di belahan dunia lain, kontraversi tentang aborsi paling runcing terjadi di Amerika. Penyebab aborsi bersifat sederhana. Aborsi yang mulamula merupakan isu moral-yakni persoalan boleh atau tidak boleh-kini diseret dalam... more
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    • Morality and Immorality
Mismanagement, “Jumpers,” and Morality Covertly Concealed Managerial Ignorance and Immoral Careerism in Industrial Organizations Reuven Shapira Routledge, New York and London, 2017 Abstract Managers who advance by “jumps” among firms... more
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      Organizational LeadershipIgnoranceInsiders and outsidersMorality and Immorality
In India’s License Raj, with the permit to produce sulubuloxine in his wife Sneha’s hand, Gautam Prabhu thought of a tie-up with a business house with the license as his share of the capital. But then, Global Facilitators, the grandiose... more
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      Business EthicsFraudBusiness & EthicsGeneral Insurance
Postface à La Haine de la littérature (Éditions de Minuit, 2015). Pourquoi vaut-il la peine de s’intéresser aux discours contre la littérature ? Que nous révèlent-ils de la littérature elle-même ? En quoi les discours antilittéraires... more
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      Comparative LiteratureEthicsEpistemologyHumanities
Executives' morality and ethics became major research topics after recent business scandals, but research missed a major explanation of executives' immorality: career advancement by " jumping " between firms that cause gaps of... more
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      Corporate CorruptionCovert OperationsMorality and ImmoralityLow-moral careerism
The explanation of organizational distrust missed covertly concealed managerial ignorance (hereafter: CCMI), a dark secret veiled on organizations' dark side and facilitated by managers' unknowing of their own ignorance and by unstudied "... more
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      Tacit KnowledgeCareer ManagementPHRONESISTrust/Distrust
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) presents a radical and enigmatic approach to existentialism by over emphasizing the attributes of subjectivity of the individual over the group, community and God, especially the Christian God. This essays... more
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      PhilosophyNietzscheMoralityMorality and Immorality
Extremes can identify the phenomenon as no other means. According to Hanna Arendt’s 1963 book, the vice that promoted Eichmann to a high Nazi position from which he organized the industrialized extermination of millions of Jews and... more
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      Sociology of Ethics and MoralityOrganizational TrustAnthropology of ethics and moralityJumping
The true meaning of the famous poem, secret to people, is revealed thanks to sacred Knowledge. // Тайный людям истинный смысл известной поэмы раскрыт благодаря сакральному Знанию.
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindLanguages and Linguistics
The substitution of freedom of Service by freedom of choice, accomplished in the history of mankind by the logic of Aristotle, plunged people into the abyss of evil. // Подмена свободы Служения свободой выбора, совершенная в истории... more
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      PromisesMorality and Immorality