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Culture is a central factor in both the understanding of organisations as human communities and from the perspective of business strategy. Organisations, as communities, consist of human groups interacting, which subjects them to the... more
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      Organizational CultureOrganisational ChangeCultureCulture Studies
The question addressed in this contribution is whether fear / anxiety is an emotion that inhibits or fosters the sustainability of our planet. To be meaningful, this question has to be modified straightaway: Can fear be a factor for the... more
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      Political ScienceSustainability
La télémédecine est porteuse de nombreuses promesses quant à l'amélioration de la qualité des soins et la coopération entre les acteurs de santé. La mise en place de projets de télémédecine reste cependant complexe et ne répond pas... more
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    • Computer Science
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The eventual success of the product is valued based on the degree of its acceptance by the consumer market. In this paper, due to the frequent and rapid placement of new/modified products within a variety of industries and markets, the... more
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      BusinessMarketingDiffusion of InnovationsEconomics and Business
This paper investigates the role of medical professionals in the success and longevity of the implementation of workplace innovation and organizational change in the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Departments of two large public hospitals,... more
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      BusinessMarketingLeadershipOrganisational Change
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      Museum StudiesMuseum EducationMuseologyEducation and Cultural Heritage
Os Anais apresentados nesta publicação não passaram por um processo formal de revisão por pares. A responsabilidade pelos métodos e materiais aqui descritos é exclusivamente dos autores, cujos artigos não devem ser considerados... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceLawLibrary Science
Este trabalho objetivou a avaliação da Usabilidade do Projeto Era Virtual 360º sob perspectiva de sua Curadoria Digital, através da visitação virtual do Museu Vale como produto de espaço de memória social disponibilizado como acervo de... more
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    • Humanities
In an era of technological ‘Oppenheimer momentum,’ Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as the new frontier in military decision-making, presenting enormous promises and challenges. This paper investigates the transformational impact... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDecision MakingMilitary InnovationsLand Forces
Constant renewal of the self-image and self-knowledge of the organisation becomes part of the day-to-day knowledge-in-use of front-line practitioners. The Network Enterprise is a model of business conducted by shifting alliances of... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsComputer ScienceTechnology
Whilst an executive's behaviour may be viewed as the single most significant factor when examining an organisations performance it may not be the only one as (i) the organisation's internal culture as well as its (ii) external market... more
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      Organisational ChangeChange ManagementOrganizational LeadershipHRM & Organisational Behaviour
A presente tese, numa ampla abordagem aos variados conceitos e aplicação do uso de marketing na dimensão da museologia contemporânea portuguesa, tem como objectivo a reflexão e a análise, numa delimitação espaço-temporal que abrangerá o... more
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Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information... more
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      BusinessIndustrial OrganizationTechnologyOrganisational Change
Resumo Na continuação de uma diversidade de acções já anteriormente levadas a cabo para o conhecimento dos seus públicos, o Museu Nacional de Etnologia conduziu um inquérito aos visitantes individuais ou em grupo não organizado e não... more
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Fragen des Wandels, der Anpassung und tief greifender Umbrüche, geplante oder auch evolutionäre Entwicklungen von Unternehmen stellen einen zentralen Problembereich betriebswirtschaftlicher Forschung dar. 1 Gleichzeitig sind hohe... more
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      ManagementSociologyPolitical ScienceChange Management
This paper reports on the evaluation of an English experiment which, for the first time, moved statutory social work support for children and young people in out-of-home care from the public to the private or independent sector. Five... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicyOrganisational ChangeSocial Care
Entrepreneurs are under immense pressure to gain a competitive advantage in the global markets, but limited resources and opportunities are making it increasingly difficult. Despite this, there are still sociological and other factors... more
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      Complexity TheoryOrganisational ChangeStrategic ManagementStrategic Planning
Rahmonov O., Majgier L., Andrejczuk W., Banaszek J., Karkosz D., Parusel T., Szymczyk A.: Landscape diversity and biodiversity of Fann Mountains (Tajikistan). Ekologia (Bratislava), Vol. 32, No. 4, p. 388-395, 2013.The aim of study is a... more
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multiple actors in a Dutch region
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      BusinessComputer ScienceProduction economicsEmpirical Research
Irish nursing home care has become a complex and contentious issue in recent years with the traditional approach of care coming in for a lot of criticism. In response, a change in care culture to a person-centred approach has been growing... more
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      NursingOrganizational CultureJob SatisfactionCulture Change
This article investigates emerging masculinities in Turkey’s massive Muğla forest fires of 2021 and their aftermath. The findings are based on a multi-stage qualitative field study: the disaster research was conducted in Köyceğiz and... more
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      Gender StudiesMasculinity StudiesEcofeminismTurkey
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      SociologyOrganisational ChangeReflexivityConflicts
This thesis investigates environmental sustainability practices and strategies within European music festivals from an organiser's perspective, structured around three interlinked research domains. Each domain directly corresponds to a... more
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      Festivals and musicEnvironmental StudiesOrganisational ChangeEnvironmental Sustainability
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      SociologyProject ManagementProject Management Triangle
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      Computer ScienceUnified Modelling LanguageBoolean SatisfiabilityUsability Evaluation Method
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      Regulation And GovernanceRisk ManagementHigher Education ManagementQuality Assurance
This paper provides clarification on the use of the terms 'hard' and 'soft' in the context of project and program management, by exploring what it means for a project to be hard or soft. This paper draws on the authors' practice based... more
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      EngineeringProject ManagementManagement ScienceSoft Systems Methodology
Veränderte Marktstrategien und die fortschreitende Technisierung der Produktion machen eine Neugestaltung betrieblicher Abläufe notwendig und zugleich möglich. Die Gestaltungsinnitiativen bewegen sich in einem Spannungsfeld zwischen den... more
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    • Political Science
The objective of this research was to explore the nature of employee commitment and to determine if this commitment is enhanced if the company encourages a climate of inclusive change and whether there is a difference in the nature of... more
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      BusinessOrganisational ChangeIrishNationality
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      Computer ScienceArtArteEducação
What this essay sets out to argue is for inclusion of futures studies within business studies as a way of broadening the primarily economics discourse business schools are required to have. This can balance humani- ty's needs for... more
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      BusinessConsciousnessFutures StudiesFutures Contract
Higher Education has been widely recognised as a principal agent for addressing the current sustainability challenge that society is facing, because of its key mission of knowledge generation and transfer through research and teaching.... more
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      HumanitiesHigher EducationOrganisational ChangePolitical Science
The paper argues that reflexive methodology in organisation-based research can be further developed by a detailed engagement with the senses, in this case 'smell'. We discuss how smell as a noun, verb and metaphor perceived through the... more
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Lo scopo di questo elaborato è dare rappresentazione delle caratteristiche della motivazione di un gruppo di volontari. Si analizzano le due più importanti classificazioni di motivazioni dei volontari. Dopo averne evidenziati i limiti,... more
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Organisations which began from scratch will begin to face challenges in developing their organisational culture as it begins to growth. Top management will begin to seek for suitable culture to be introduced and practised in their... more
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      BusinessOrganizational CultureOrganisational ChangePublic Relations
Einleitung Goffman's Ansatz "Individuum im öffentlichen Austausch" (1974): lässt sich dies auch auf Organisationen beziehen? Die Verwendung von Goffman für die Organisationsforschung, insbesondere im Bereich der Schulforschung, zu... more
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesPolitical Science
Enroll now for this exciting conference. We are honoured that it will be opened by John Shotter and will include papers and workshops on a wide variety of topics across clinical, educational, organisational and philosophical topics
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      Clinical PsychologyPersonality PsychologyConstructivismPsychotherapy and Counseling
Equity literacy refers to the skills and mindsets needed to recognize, respond to, and redress conditions that deny equitable access to education. It involves understanding how identities such as ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation,... more
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    • Social Justice
Effective implementation of the strategy developed in a company depends on the structural and procedural capacity of the organisation. Change of the strategy implies the necessity of structural transformations; failure to make such... more
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      BusinessOrganisational ChangeStrategic ManagementOrganizational structure
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      ArtDigital ArtMuseumsVirtual Museums
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    • Humanities
This thesis presents an interpretive case study of a Malaysian Government-linked Company (GLC) namely Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB) which has recently implemented a business reengineering programme. This change programme was... more
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      BusinessOrganisational ChangeInstitutional ChangeMalaysia
The Appreciative Inquiry (AI) model is based on the assumption that the questions we ask will tend to focus our attention in a particular direction. Instead of asking “What is the problem?” which AI argues maintains a basis of deficiency,... more
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      PsychologyAppreciative Inquiry
Secondary processes in hospitals are causing a major part of hospitals’ carbon footprint. At the same time, initiating change towards sustainability is more difficult in secondary processes than in other processes: Often, they are not... more
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      BusinessMarketingSociologyOrganisational Change
Background: The potential role of the food and beverage industry in addressing diet-related disease is much debated, particularly amidst evidence of the targeted strategies, including voluntary self-regulation, used by the industry to... more
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      BusinessOrganisational ChangeAccountabilityAustralia
This paper explores the effect of the post-2007 recession on UK managers using a unique data set derived from the Quality of Working Life Project. This project has been running since 1997 in partnership with UK's Chartered Management... more
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      BusinessOrganisational ChangeQuality of Working LifeJob Satisfaction
Publicação no âmbito do Encontro Arte Efémera e Con servação: O Paradigma dos Bens Etnográficos e da Arte Contemporânea Publication within the framework of the Meeting: Ephemeral Art And Conservation: The Paradigm of Contemporary Art And... more
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    • Art
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      ManagementEngineeringQuantity SurveyingProductivity
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      NursingOrganizational CultureOrganisational ChangeHealth Care