Private military contractors
Recent papers in Private military contractors
En el contexto posterior a la Guerra de los Siete Años (1756-1763), la política defensiva de la Monarquía Hispánica en América experimentaba un proceso de cambio en el que la defensa colonial se basaba, cada vez más, en el envío de tropas... more
Amidst arguments that the nature of war has changed, notably by Kaldor (2006), Keegan (2004), Münkler (2005), and Van Creveld (2008), Private Military Companies (PMCs) have received increasing media and scholarly attention over the past... more
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung... more
The thesis examines the politics surrounding the regulation of PMSCs, which exempts companies from criminal responsibility. In addition to using secondary sources of data, the interdisciplinary analysis made use of international critical... more
The use of mercenaries in conflict exploded in the 1960s during the spate of post-colonial conflicts, particularly in Africa, as European powers drew back from their former imperial possessions. The trend continued in the 1990s as... more
On 30 September 2014 the long-awaited Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between Afghanistan and the US and the post-2014 Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) between Afghanistan and NATO were signed, ending a process that dragged on for... more
The rise of Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Private Security Companies (PSCs) in military or civilian missions stands as an important change in the dynamics of the security and defence world, as they change how operations can be... more
International humanitarian law by lubogo
- by Lubogo Isaac
The essay explores the crisis of visual witnessing in media and the transition from documentary to operational visual paradigm.
Chapter from my book, Chapter from my book, The Chickenhawk Syndrome
- by cheyney ryan
Abstract: The article analyses the tactics of the rebellion of Russian oligarch Yevgeny Prigozhin and the Wagner Group of 23–24 June 2023. Referring to the concept of communicative tactics, the article argues for the thesis that Yevgeny... more
Esen, B. (2015) ‘Has Turkey turned back to the ‘90s?’, Daily Sabah, 21.08.2015. A state has the right to fight a terror organization that is killing civilians and public officers on a daily basis. Nobody can expect a sovereign state to... more
En la ultima decada hemos asistido al rapido y constante crecimiento de un nuevo actor en la escena internacional que ha modificado sustancialmente el rostro de la guerra, pero ha sido solo y a traves de ciertos acontecimientos de los que... more
Prywatne przedsiębiorstwa wojskowe (PMC — ang. Private Military Company) i działający w nich prywatni kontraktorzy wojskowi są coraz częstszym elementem współczesnych konfliktów zbrojnych zarówno o charakterze międzynarodowym, jak i... more
This paper deals with the definition and implications of globalism generally and for African interests in particular. Its focus is on globalism as a cluster of social, economic, and political forces contesting for the controlling paradigm... more
Kriege hatten in der griechischen Antike einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Akkumulation und den Verlust von Reichtum, ihre ökonomische Bedeutung war enorm. Dies hat sich in der Forschung jedoch nicht niedergeschlagen: In den... more
Gendered harms include: sexual and gender-based violence, particularly against indigenous women and women human rights defenders; human trafficking; gender-based discrimination in employment; evictions, especially in conflict-affected... more
It is well documented that the private military and security industry has the capacity to do great gendered harms to both those it encounters and those it employs.1 Significantly, it is also a sector where a variety of human rights-based... more
While there has been much focus elsewhere on PMSC-specific regulatory projects, as business actors, there is no reason to suggest that PMSCs are, or indeed ought to be, excluded from the scope of broader Corporate Social Responsibility... more
Minor dissertation toward the completion of M(phil) in Criminal Justice University of Cape Town 2013 Minor dissertation presented for the approval of Senate in fulfillment of part of the requirements for the M(phil) in Criminal Justice in... more
Minor dissertation toward the completion of M(phil) in Criminal Justice University of Cape Town 2013 Minor dissertation presented for the approval of Senate in fulfillment of part of the requirements for the M(phil) in Criminal Justice in... more
Studies provided regular commentary for the Australian and overseas media. On 17 April Melanesian and Australian scholars in the School led a well-attended seminar to discuss the events and their implications. Most of the papers presented... more
Současná regulace lobbingu v EU (EP a EK), v podobě formální dokumentace, vykazuje pohledem projektu mezinárodních standardů nevládních organizací značné rezervy. Systém je dle tohoto projektu nejsilnější z hlediska svého vymezení či... more
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
Contemporary development assistance often takes the form of subcontracted statebuilding. Foreign donors hire for-profit firms to provide services and to improve or create institutions in developing countries, particularly those... more
The warfare is evolving and it is confirmed by last conflicts in which Russia was involved. They were asymmetric in nature and their objectives, developments, consequences in broader sense and end states have been a matter of research by... more
The causes of all the problems with the American invasion of Iraq have been often misidentified: the war did not begin with lies and deception, but overconfidence about American abilities, inadequately understood intelligence, and a... more
To avoid mass mobilization, Moscow has called on Russian regions to start forming “volunteer battalions” to assist and even act in place of the regular armed forces. Battalions have formed in the North Caucasus, a region that suffered... more
La guerre russo-ukrainienne. Réalités et enseignements d’un conflit de haute intensité, CF2R/The Book Edition, Paris, pp. 373-384.
Russia is struggling to attract more volunteers to fight in Ukraine, and Moscow has increasingly turned to the outer regions for recruitment. Such an approach has raised ethnic tensions in some regions where the volunteers are largely... more
This article analyses the 2015 intervention of Specialized Tasks, Training, Equipment and Protection (STTEP International Ltd), a South African private military company (PMC), against Boko Haram, the Islamic terrorist group in Nigeria.... more
Research and theorizing on state crime has come to play an important role in the fields of criminology and criminal justice for understanding the worst of crimes: those of powerful state agencies and agents. Since William Chambliss’... more
The concept of state-corporate crime has been invoked and applied quite widely for more than 20 years now. We acknowledge the value of this concept but here address some of its conceptual limitations, especially in relation to crimes of... more
- The Russian private military company (PMC) Española grew out of a subculture of soccer hooliganism in Russia. - Española’s connection to soccer has important implications for using sports to recruit private soldiers for Russia’s war... more
One just has to switch on the news to realize that mercenaries and private military companies live a life of their own and shape headlines. Chaos and mayhem dominate the streets of Haiti after Colombian mercenaries killed the president.... more
Coloquio Internacional "Resistencias y conflictos sociales en los imperios ibéricos", Santiago de Compostela: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 15 de marzo de 2024.