Recent papers in Prosumption
Digital technologies are now considered important in shaping young people's engagement in and with health and physical activity. Recent discussions show that the use of digital technologies to track health and fitness may over-emphasize... more
Resumen Introducción: En este estudio se establece un paralelismo entre el pensamiento de Marshall McLuhan, uno de los primeros en explorar el fenómeno del prosumidor, y los llamados nuevos medios. Y por la otra, se analizan dos... more
In this paper, I explore the concept of multitude according to the writings of Toni Negri, Michael Hardt and Paolo Virno and in opposition to the concept of mass, developed by the French thinker Gustave Le Bon. Multitude appears as a kind... more
Practices and rhetorics of sharing. Operators of the sharing economic and forms of economic, social and normative innovation The lack of a shared definition of «sharing» is a recurring subject in the academic literature. In this article... more
Resumen El concepto de prosumidor puede ser comprendido como un articulador entre la comunicología, anclada en la comprensión de los medios de comunicación tradicionales, y una comunicología transformada, encaminada al estudio de las... more
Digital and social media systems/environments are a result of collective knowledge by the wisdom of crowds and Web 2.0 participatory cultures. They reveal the digital convergence of media, communication and content production/consumption... more
representation of knowledge to representation of an action. Because of the technological advancements, social media users do not depend on time and space and can operate in an open and free way. In the social media sphere people are... more
The field of audience studies has undergone something of a change in the last twenty years. From considering film and television viewers to be passive consumers, scholars now recognise the active role that audiences play in the... more
Health impacts and a decrease in the quality of life caused by air pollution is a major problem worldwide. Krakow is one of the most affected cities in the EU by air pollution mostly caused by burning solid fuels in households' furnaces.... more
Mobile sound art serves yet as another example of 'prosumption' processes in the creation of the artwork. Spatial environments influence physical experience and encourage or discourage varieties of social interaction. The emergence of new... more
Questa tesi tratta della percezione del tempo nella cultura digitale. Questa verrà colta nella forma dell’atemporalità, intesa come sradicamento dalla storia e perdeita delle relazioni passato-presente-futuro. L'analisi del movimento... more
Resumen La sociedad, mediada por la tecnología, evoluciona continuamente reemplazando recursos tradicionales por dispositivos electrónicos que permite la comunicación y la interacción con aquellos que tienen los mismos intereses y... more
In this essay, we examine the economic dimensions of the increasingly fluid post-Modern world that Zygmunt Bauman has so famously chronicled over the past decade. We argue that fluidity is not completely unique to post-Modern society, and... more
U podstaw sformułowania problemu legła frustracja spowodowana obserwowanym w literaturze przedmiotu brakiem rozważań dotyczących ograniczeń i odmienności najnowszych trendów popkulturowych polegających na wdrażaniu prosumpcji. Zaistnienie... more
Relationships are complicated things, evidenced nowhere better than in the finicky bond between media producers and their audiences at a time when the tidy borders defining these once seemingly distinct entities are being eroded. As... more
This dissertation begins with the assumption that the porn industry has radically changed in ways we are yet to fully understand. Drawing on interviews and auto-ethnography, it attempts to offer three distinct theoretical lenses through... more
For this study, I conducted qualitative research to explore and identify key aspects of Let's Play production and consumption. This involved interviewing three individuals who had been involved in Let’s Play production for a long time.... more
O K-pop é um fenômeno cultural, comunicacional e mercadológico complexo. A guinada inédita a oriente que ele promove no centro do mainstream midiático global nos anos recentes o torna um objeto fundamental e privilegiado para analisar as... more
Resumen La presente investigación se desarrolla tomando como base el contexto académico de las artes y el diseño en la ciudad de Bucaramanga, siendo este el que mayor sensibilidad tiene para abordar la problemática de la... more
In this essay I examine the material and everyday practices of a community of thrift shoppers at the Goodwill Bins. Their practices reveal that shopping in these cutthroat environments is anything but leisurely. Through attending to how... more
1. INTRODUCCIÓN La franquicia transmedia se ha convertido en la gran consumida en los últimos años, sobre todo, por el llamado “nativo digital” de Prensky (2001). Dicho “nativo digital” es el consumidor de variedad de forma- tos de las... more
Resumen Se parte de influencia de los medios y redes sociales para analizar el papel de los «pro- sumers» (productores, reproductores y consumidores) y su participación en el fenó- meno viral. Se abordan los conceptos de «viralidad» y... more
Recent socioeconomic and technological advancements are transforming the routines of consumption into post-consumerist practices. From a socio-spatial perspective, this is primarily driven by the augmentation of two main processes:... more
RESUMO Este estudo analisa as metamorfoses em curso nas organizações, em decorrência da revolução digital e de seus desdobramentos na economia, na sociedade, na cultura e, sobretudo, no sistema comunicacional. O objetivo é indagar em que... more
Resumen - En los 70´s, Alvin Toffler y Marshall McLuhan acuñaron el termino prosumidor para referirse a individuos que ejercen un rol de productor sin dejar de lado su faceta de consumidor. Con la expansión sin precedentes que Internet ha... more
Resumen En este trabajo de grado se analiza si los estudiantes de Periodismo y Comunicación Social de tres universidades de Bogotá, son agentes activos en la generación o réplica de contenidos periodísticos en Facebook y Twitter. Además,... more
Tesis de Maestría (Ma. en sociología y Cs. Política- FLACSO Argentina) Publicada de forma digital en
Resumen El presente estudio aborda lo relativo a las acciones de prosumir en internet, término bajo el cual se conceptualizan las diferentes prácticas sociales asociadas a la creación de contenidos digitales para compartir en medios... more
This article studies non-professional subtitling (NPS) within a holistic framework combining Chesterman's propositions of functional quality and expectancy norms. NPS communities emerged due to discomfort among users regarding translated... more
Las imágenes son, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los contenidos que más circulación tienen por la web. Tan sólo en el año 2014 se estimó que 550 millones de imágenes se subían diariamente a las redes sociales, teniendo un impacto inusitado:... more
This research thesis looks at the new emergent trend of “Prosumption through the use of the Internet”, and in particular of the so-called “How-to contents”. A Prosumer is an economic actor who produces what he or she then consumes. How-to... more
RESUMO O estudo tem como objetivo analisar a proteção do prossumidor no caso da geração distribuída de energia elétrica. Questiona-se se seria possível estender a proteção do Código de Proteção e Defesa do Consumidor (CDC) ao... more
Con base en la Ecología de los Medios refiero la pertinencia del concepto "ambiente mediático" y explicó cómo McLuhan consideraba que los ambientes comunicativos que introduce toda nueva tecnología resultan invisibles hasta que una nueva... more
New work spaces are emerging in physical and virtual domains and with it, an expectation of a new work culture. There is a shift in perception of what counts as a space of productivity. This corporate usurping and appropriation of leisure... more
In "Get on the Mic" Geoff Harkness argues that "the studio is essential to the culture [of rap] in ways that it is not for many other music genres," because it has a particular function as a symbolic space of socialization,... more
RESUMEN Para conocer el comportamiento de los consumidores, hay muchos factores que hay que tener en cuenta. En los últimos años han empezado a tener importancia un grupo que se denominan prosumidores, se caracterizan por tener tanto el... more
Recent socioeconomic and technological advancements are transforming the routines of consumption into post-consumerist practices. From a socio-spatial perspective, this is primarily driven by the augmentation of two main processes:... more
Political struggle cannot be limited to international relations while violence cannot be reduced to political or physical violence. Violence has always been a subject of debate in terms of its representation in media. However, we cannot... more
Abstract. The present research focuses on the prosume of the third wave, being an issue of worldwide interest and known as the intangible wealth of the economy, which has originated from the Internet, where users have the possi- bility of... more
Prosumption refers to the blurring of production and consumption.
Resumen El cuestionamiento sobre la propuesta de agenda informativa en los medios tradicionales, frente a la emergencia de múltiples posibilidades comunicativas, ha llevado a la reingeniería de los consejos de redacción en cuanto a la... more
Las imágenes son, sin lugar a dudas, uno de los contenidos que más circulación tienen por la web. Tan sólo en el año 2014 se estimó que 550 millones de imágenes se subían diariamente a las redes sociales, teniendo un impacto inusitado:... more