Recent papers in Proto-Turkic
There is a notion, in popular beliefs as well as in academic works by histo- rians and anthropologists, that Turkic peoples had in their common past a developed religion with an established pantheon, along with cosmogonic and... more
Scythians VIII BC. Century and M.S II. Between the centuries, from the vast Central Asian steppes to the Great Wall of China; It is a tribe that extends from the Northern Black Sea to the Danube and even from Anatolia to... more
SEBE MELİKESİ BELKIS (BİLGE KIZ) TÜRK KRALİÇESİ MİYDİ? Nelm Suresi: 20- (Süleyman) Kuşları gözden geçirdikten sonra şöyle dedi: "Hüd-hüd'ü niçin göremiyorum? Yoksa kayıplara mı karıştı?" 21- "Ya bana (mazeretini gösteren) apaçık bir... more
PROTO-TÜRK SOYLU BİR ULUS: KELTLER VE İRLANDALILARIN TÜRKLÜĞÜ İLE TÜRK-KELT KÜLTÜR AYNILIĞI: İrlanda (İrlandaca: Éire, İngilizce: Ireland) ya da resmî adıyla İrlanda Cumhuriyeti (İrlandaca: Poblacht na hÉireann, İngilizce: Republic of... more
Nota: Descargue el PDF para verlo en alta resolución. (Updated) Infografía resumen sobre el dado ibérico de Foz-Calanda. Los numerales ibéricos: ¿indoeuropeos, afrasiáticos, proto-vascos, urálicos o más bien transeurasiáticos/altaicos?
The present study takes as a starting point the question of whether Proto-Turkic had an onset *h- or *p- and aims at reconstructing its consonantism. The answer to the initial question is searched for in the fourteen Turkic lexical loans... more
Türkçenin en eski yazılı tanıklarından beri, üçüncü tekil şahıs iyelik ekinin üzerine bir çekim veya türetme eki getirildiğinde bu iki ek arasında “pronominal n” adı verilen bir /n/ sesi ortaya çıkmaktadır. Türkçede benzer bir /n/ sesi,... more
Bu çalışma, Stephanos Byzantinos’un Ethnika adlı eseri başta olmak üzere, Bizans kaynaklarında geçen ve ‘Karca’ olarak nitelendirilen bazı sözcükler üzerinde durmaktadır. Bu sözcükler, Karca yazıtlarda tanıklanmadığı için, ilgili... more
In this paper, more Turkic borrowings into the Samoyed languages are described in phonological and semantical terms. Turkic loanword etymologies are given for several non-etymologized Proto-Samoyed (PS) roots, including PS *kürə̂-~*kür-... more
The böms (monophonemic morphemes) of Proto-Turkic language. Bu yazı üç keşfin sunumudur: 1) Türkçedeki bölünemez denen yalın isim ve fiil kökleri harf harf bölünmüş ve anlamları ortaya çıkarılmıştır; bunları böm (morfem değerli fonemler)... more
Despite more than 200 years of research, the internal structure of the Turkic language family remains subject to debate. Classifications of Turkic so far are based on both classical historical–comparative linguistic and distance-based... more
In this paper, more Turkic borrowings into the Samoyed languages are described in phonological and semantical terms. Turkic loanword etymologies are given for several non-etymologized Proto-Samoyed (PS) roots, including PS *kürə̂-~*kür-... more
In this brief essay, four new Tofalar loanword etymologies for Mator lexical roots are presented. The indicated historical interaction between this Turkic and Samoyedic (Uralic) language, respectively, adds some new details to the several... more
In this paper, further Turkic borrowings into the Samoyed languages are described in phonological and semantic terms. This line of research continues the system outlined in the first part of this paper series. In addition to Turkic... more
Book review: AGYAGÁSI, K. Chuvash Historical Phonetics, an Areal Linguistic Study, with an Appendix on the Role of Proto-Mari in the History of Chuvash Vocalism, Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2019, XII+334 pp. ISBN: 978-3-447-11163-8
(An unpublished paper from 2013 containing some opinions on the historical phonology of Turkic which I no longer entertain) The ambiguous verbal suffix -zU occurs only twice in the whole Old Turkic corpus. In the introduction, it is... more
Bu kitapta: Türklerin en eski Tanrı inancını, günümüzde Bilim tarafından kabul gören Evrenin oluşumu ile ilgili (BigBang, Kuantum ve sicim teorisi gibi ) bilimsel keşiflerin, Türklerin yaratılış, mit ve efsanelerinde binlerce yıl... more
Content: (1) Proto-Turkic *mč; (2) Proto-Turkic *nč; (3) Chronology; (4) The Yakut ordinal suffix; (5) The Common Turkic context and the Uralic parallels.
Starostin Memorial Readings 2021
İsmet TEKEREK Bir tarih meraklisi olarak, 29 Haziran tarihli, Sn.Prof.Dr. Bozkurt Guvenc ve Sn.Haluk Tarcan'in konuk olarak katildigi tartismanizi sonuna kadar ilgiyle izlemis bulunuyorum. Bu tartisma sonunda, Sn. Kazim Sirman'in "mevcut"... more
The origin of Proto-Slavic palatal(ized) consonants has interested many linguists. Some of them have tried to connect palatality and velarity of Slavic consonants with the influence of Turkic consonant palatalization or velarization... more
When and where did the Turks first emerge? Who were the neighbours of the Turks when they first emerged in Central Asia, what was the contacts an interactions of the Turks with them like? Were the Huns Turks or some other ethnic group?... more
В статье рассматриваются свидетельства пребывания прототюрков на Урале в IV-II вв. до н.э. в башкирском языке и фольклоре.
segmental vowel pharyngalisation seemed to be historically isolated, lacking any obvious predicessing entity. comparision of Yakut 110-word lists with their Proto-Turkic and Proto-Altaic etymons shows, that any first syllable vowel of the... more
Georgeos Díaz-Montexano, Vitalitius Accepted Member of The Epigraphic Society. En Cástulo, Jaén, apareció hace años una vasija con una inscripción grafitada (mediante ligera incisión superficial sobre cerámica ya cocida y acabada) en el... more
The oronym Ural can be etymologized as a compound name a mountain pass, from the Proto-Turkic *ȫr- ‘1 to rise 2 up, above’ + *(i)āĺ- ‘1 to cross (a mountain) 2 to surpass’. Its solution explains the problem with the semantics of Bashkir... more
There are 22 böms (morphemic phonemes) in the Proto-Turkic language
The purpose of this study is to show that the verb atıl-attested in Dīwān Luγāt at-Turk with the meaning 'to split open' is not derived from the widespread Common Turkic root at- 'to throw', but from the rare root at- 'to open (one's... more
Numerous Tukic words with only partially coinciding meanings (cf. the title and the frst paragraph of the article) are traced back to very similar or even identical Proto-Turkic stems in ÈSTJa, and for most of the stems two or even... more