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      European LawComparative Public LawPublic LawEuropean Administrative Law
Se la struttura sociale assume un volto sempre più frammentato e quasi disarticolato, il ruolo delle istituzioni rappresentative non può più essere quello di imporre politiche, ma deve divenire, invece, quello di discutere le politiche,... more
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      Constitutional LawPolicy Analysis/Policy StudiesPolicy Analysis and Decision MakingParliamentary Studies
Handbook produced with co-author Varda Bondy. This handbook is intended to address the gaps in legal practitioners’ understanding of how mediation can be used as an alternative to, or alongside, judicial review and to provide practical... more
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      Judicial reviewMediationPublic Law
Esta pesquisa investiga o período de formação do direito administrativo brasileiro, procurando compreender o modo como ele se desenvolve e as funções que cumpre no país, em comparação com as sociedades européias onde ele foi construído... more
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      Legal HistoryHistory of Public AdministrationAdministrative LawPublic Law
The policing of football supporters in the UK is resource-intensive and expensive, with football crowds seen by many forces as inherently prone to misbehaviour, disorder and violence. As a result they are regularly subjected to... more
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      Football (soccer)Human Rights LawSports LawFootball
In Constitutional and Administrative Law, the authors draw upon their extensive teaching and research experience to provide a contemporary and engaging account of the key topics which make up a typical Constitutional & Administrative or... more
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      Constitutional LawHuman Rights LawPublic Law
Il volume raccoglie i contributi presentati e discussi all'interno del Convegno internazionale Italoiberoamericano di diritto costituzionale, tenutosi tra il 4 ed il 7 aprile 2016 in Abruzzo. Tre atenei organizzatori (Università "G.... more
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      Constitutional LawPublic Law
BEKTOSOL Final Conference
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      Criminal LawConstitutional LawComparative Public LawComparative Constitutional Law
The Football Banning Order was the first Civil Preventive Order (CPO), predating the many similar measures that followed the election of New Labour to government in 1997 by 10 years. CPOs have been held by the domestic courts to be... more
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      Sociology of SportFootball (soccer)Human RightsSports Law
Malgré le récent amendement de 2011 qu’a connu la Constitution haïtienne, il a été présenté au grand public le 29 mars 2017 une commission spéciale sur l’amendement de la constitution au niveau de la Chambre des députés. Le but principal... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative PoliticsPolitical ScienceComparative Constitutional Law
Cyprus Administrative Law and Procedure Costas Paraskeva, Assistant Professor of Public Law at the University of Cyprus, Advocate Abstract Article 146 of the Cyprus Constitution introduced the judicial review of administrative acts in... more
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      Human Rights LawAdministrative LawPublic Law
Czytelnik z lektury publikacji dowiaduje się jakie funkcje realizują służby specjalne w państwie demokratycznym. Poznaje zasady organizacji i funkcjonowania służb specjalnych. Zapoznaje się z rozwiązaniami prawnymi decydującymi o kontroli... more
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      Constitutional LawPublic AdministrationPublic SecurityPublic Law
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      Public LawDerecho AdministrativoDireito AdministrativoFinanzas Públicas
The aim of this paper is to show the limits of the discretionary power that EU primary law provides for public authorities in determining the polluter in order to allocate the costs of pollution under the polluter pays principle.... more
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      Environmental LawEuropean Union LawPublic LawEuropean Public Law
Anayasa Hukuku Dergisinin 18. sayısında yayımlanmıştır.
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      Constitutional LawPolitical SciencePublic Law
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      European LawEnvironmental LawEuropean Union LawPublic Law
The authors question whether the Supreme Court of Canada has a grander agenda in its formulation of Aboriginal Title in Tsilhqoti'n Nation v. British Columbia than that of merely ensuring financial utility. While private ownership... more
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      Indigenous PeoplesPublic LawPrivate and Property Law.Aboriginal Law
Il volume raccoglie gli atti del XVIII incontro del gruppo che si è svolto a Padova dal 10 al 12 maggio 2018 con la partecipazione di oltre quaranta studiosi dei due Paesi. Nel corso del colloquio si è discusso della crisi migratoria... more
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      Constitutional LawMigration StudiesAdministrative LawPublic Law
Conspiracy is the agreement of two or more individuals to perform an illegal act or or cause it to be done by illegal means. The actual agreement alone is conspiracy and it is not necessary to prove that the act was actually committed. In... more
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      Political SciencePublic LawLaw and Criminal Justice
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      Public LawDiritto RegionaleDiritto pubblico italianoDiritto regionale e degli enti locali
Parliamentary history between public law and politics (book review)
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      Parliamentary HistoryBook ReviewsPublic LawHistory of Law
This study analyzes the organizational, technological and societal changes of Gdansk in the process to become a smart city. The Gdansk's planning to climate change to reconcile social, cultural and environmental pillars. Finally analyzes... more
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      Public AdministrationUrban PlanningGovernanceUrban Studies
Parish, town and community councils raise a precept that enables money to be spent on matters that are important to and benefit the local community. There is, however, confusion over whether or not a parish, town or community council may... more
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      FinanceLocal GovernmentPublic LawLaw reform
Garnishee proceedings, a sui generis, is a laudable method designed to attach the money of the judgement debtor in the hand of a third party (the garnishee) in such a manner that the garnishee is under a duty of law to pay over the money... more
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    • Public Law
In questo articolo l’autore analizza i viaggi di Montesquieu, dove si manifesta il trionfo del piacere della scoperta. Il viaggio è indagine della realtà sociale, politica e istituzionale. Le certezze e le nozioni iniziali sono... more
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      Sociology of LawPhilosophy Of LawMontesquieuPublic Law
Markus Appenzeller is an architect, urban designer and thinker on related subjects. With his company MLA+ he is working on projects in Europe, Asia, South America and Africa. Markus work focusses on strategic urban design on all scale... more
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      Public AdministrationUrban PlanningGovernanceUrban Studies
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      Constitutional LawPolitical PartiesItalian PoliticsReferendum
Im Freistaat Sachsen gibt es einen Streit zwischen dem Verwaltungsgericht Dresden und dem Oberverwaltungsgericht Sachsens um die Rechtmäßigkeit von Kopfnoten auf Abschlusszeugnissen. Insbesondere geht es um die Frage, ob das Sächsische... more
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      Public LawPublic EducationEducation Law
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      Constitutional LawPublic Law
There has been several reports of hospitals and health practitioners declining to attend to persons seeking medical attention brought before them. This article discusses generally medical negligence and whether the raging Covid 19... more
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      LawNegligence (Medical Law)MedicinePublic Law
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      Constitutional LawLearning And Teaching In Higher EducationAdministrative LawPublic Law
Labour law is generally conceived of as private law. Yet from its very inception labour law includes elements of public, and perspectives of public law have influenced private law developments over time. This contribution addresses such... more
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      Labour LawLabour StudiesPublic Law
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      Criminal LawComparative LawLaw EnforcementAdministrative Law
There is a consensus among courts and commentators on the grounds for a duty to give reasons in administrative law. Traditionally, the duty has been justified as a way to promote good decision-making, show respect for the parties, and... more
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      ExpertiseReasonsAdministrative LawPublic Law
Il volume raccoglie gli atti del convegno tenutosi a Macerata il 25 e 26 febbraio 2010 e fa il punto sul ruolo dei Comitati regionali per le comunicazioni nell'ordiamento giuridico italiano, indagandone la posizione istituzionale nel... more
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      Constitutional LawInformation Technology LawAdministrative LawPublic Law
SINTESI Il saggio ripercorre le trame costituzionali della giurisdizione amministrativa, quale giurisdizione soggettiva, per affrontare i temi dell'ampiezza della legittimazione ad agire, quello degli interessi diffusi e dei regimi... more
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      Political ScienceJudicial reviewAdministrative LawPublic Law
La Historia nos enseña que las catástrofes han asolado nuestro planeta desde tiempos inmemoriales. Incendios devastadores, arrasadoras inundaciones, erupciones volcánicas, guerras de todos los colores, atentados terroristas, accidentes... more
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      EpidemiologyPublic Health LawPublic LawDerecho Administrativo
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      Comparative LawPostcolonial StudiesLegal TheoryPostmodernism
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      Public LawCompensationExpropriation
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      Public Health LawDeathDeath StudiesHuman Rights Law
In “Il lavoro nelle Pubbliche Amministrazioni”, Milan, 2015, 5, 755-790, ISSN 1591-7681
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    • Public Law
This latest book from former South African Constitutional Court judge Albie Sachs is an unconventional look at judicial practice and the workings of the judicial mind. It is a book written from the viewpoint of both a highly influential... more
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      Constitutional LawSouth African Constituional LawSouth African Constitutional CourtPublic Law
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      Constitutional TheoryPublic LawIndian Political Thought
The defence of superior orders is not new. However, within Australia, its statutory codification is lamentably underexplored. The 2018 Amendments to Part IIIAAA of the Defence Act 1903 (Cth) provides a neat catalyst to expand the defence... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary LawInternational Criminal LawWar Crimes
This thesis aims to establish the presence of influence of EU procurement law and the hierarchy between different legal regimes applicable in contractual relations of procurement. Characteristic features of public contract relations are... more
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      Civil LawEuropean LawContract LawPublic Law
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      Energy LawPublic LawDireito PúblicoDireito Administrativo Econômico
Resumen: El Derecho de la Unión Europea ha diseñado una serie de instituciones, procedimientos y recursos destinados a hacer efectivo el Derecho a tutela judicial efectiva. En lo relacionado con la contratación pública por medio de las... more
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      Italian StudiesAdministrative LawPublic LawDerecho Administrativo
ÖZ: Temel hak ve özgürlükler ile kamu güvenliği arasındaki dengenin nasıl sağlanacağı konusu, insanlığın toplum halinde yaşamaya başlamasından bu yana tartışılmaktadır. Temel hak ve özgürlüklerin, kamu güvenliğinin sağlanması için nereye... more
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      Human RightsSecurityPublic LawFreedom
The fruit of a referendum should be political clarity. The people have spoken; the state will act in accordance with their wishes. Yet the Brexit referendum had the opposite effect. After a majority of the UK electorate who voted in the... more
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      Spatial ModelingPublic LawRepresentative DemocracyReferendums
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      Constitutional LawEuropean integrationEuropean LawHuman Rights