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El diseño y la práctica de los referéndums latinoamericanos. Reseña del libro: “El diablo está en los detalles. Referéndum y poder político en América Latina” de Fernando Tuesta Soldevilla y Yanina Welp (coordinadores). Lima, Fondo... more
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      Constitutional LawComparative Constitutional LawReferendumNew Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
The fruit of a referendum should be political clarity. The people have spoken; the state will act in accordance with their wishes. Yet the Brexit referendum had the opposite effect. After a majority of the UK electorate who voted in the... more
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      Spatial ModelingPublic LawRepresentative DemocracyReferendums
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      Derecho constitucionalReferendums
2. Abstract Referendums on electoral systems are relatively rare. In most countries changes to the electoral system are enacted through the legislatures. The British referendum in May 2011 is thus one of the rare examples. In this article... more
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      British Foreign PolicyReferendaVoting SystemsReferendums
In der politischen Debatte rund um die eidgenössische Volksinitiative "Für mehr Transparenz in der Politikfinanzierung (Transparenz-Initiative)" wird die direkte Demokratie entweder als Anlass oder als Hürde für weitergehende... more
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      Political PartiesCampaign FinanceDirect DemocracyTransparency
THE sample of my book forthcoming with Oxford University Press in February 2018 in Oxford Constitutional Theory series.
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      AlgorithmsPolitical TheoryInternational LawDemocratic Theory
Scotland is not the only sub-state unit in Europe where relevant political actors make claims for independence. To generate insights on these independence demands, we compare the drivers, arguments and popular support for secession in... more
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'Four More Points than Moses': Dr H. V. Evatt, the Press and the 1944 Referendum'
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      Australian PoliticsWorld War IIAustralian HistoryPress and media history
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      Deliberative DemocracyParticipatory DemocracyDeliberationSwitzerland
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      Catalan StudiesCatalan LanguageCatalan Modern LiteratureMedieval Catalan Literature
The Brexit vote has sparked renewed criticism of the UK’s ad hoc constitutional arrangements, particularly in relation to the status of popular sovereignty. While the people is politically recognised as “sovereign” through the apparent... more
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      Political TheoryLiberalismConstitutional TheoryReferendums
In this study, I set out to explore the role media plays in reinforcing national identity and belonging. Through this study I aim to contribute to the wealth of literature on the sociology of nationalism, particularly in relation to... more
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      SociologyMedia StudiesSocial SciencesBritish Politics
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      Constitutional LawDemocracyReferendumReferendums
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      Legislative HistorySame Sex MarriageReferendumsEuropean Convention on Human Rights
While the power to legislate is generally lodged with the Congress, the Philippine Constitution ensures that the people retain their lawmaking power through the system of initiative and referendum. It expressly provides that the people... more
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      Constitutional LawPhilippinesElectoral SystemsInitiative, Referendum, Recall
Uruguay: reformas políticas en la nueva etapa democrática .
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      Latin American StudiesComparative PoliticsPolitical PartiesUruguay
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      Constitutional LawChildren's RightsIrish Constitutional LawReferendums
In this article, we argue that most of the existing explanations for Brexit are unsatisfactory because they fail to answer two critical questions: ‘Why was it that the UK voted to leave rather than any other member state?’; and‘Why did... more
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      British PoliticsIdentity (Culture)European UnionElections and Voting Behavior
En el presente documento se analiza la figura de la revocación del mandato como mecanismo de control político de democracia directa, su regulación en México y las razones por las que el Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación... more
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      DemocratizationDemocracyDirect DemocracyReferendum
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are generally lauded for their potential to increase economic growth and foster private investment by introducing business-friendly institutions such as competitive tax and regulatory frameworks. However, a... more
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      Latin American StudiesConstitutional LawEconomicsInternational Law
Résumé La fameuse note de Hans Corell sur l’exploitation des ressources naturelles du Sahara est devenue, en l’espace de quelques années, la doxa « juridique » pour un certain nombre d’acteurs internationaux (Etats, ONG, etc.). Mais ce... more
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      European LawInternational LawHuman RightsSovereignty
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      European UnionScotlandReferendums
""During the "Orange Revolution" in Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe came close to a violent break-up similar to that in neighboring Moldova, which witnessed a violent secession of the Transdniestria region. Numerous... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
This article reviews the Constitution Unit’s Interim Report of the Working Group on Unification Referendums on the Island of Ireland. After placing referendums in the context of political history and theory, the paper critically analyses... more
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      NationalismElectoral administrationReferendumsIndependence Referendums
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      Canadian PoliticsCanadaCanadian and Quebec PoliticsReferendums
Απογοητευμένη η κυπριακή ηγεσία της εποχής από τις επανειλημμένες αρνητικές απαντήσεις της Βρετανίας στο αίτημα των Ελλήνων Κυπρίων για αυτοδιάθεση, το οποίο ήταν σύμφωνο με τον Χάρτη των Ηνωμένων Εθνών, αποφάσισε να λάβει πιο δυναμικά... more
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      Cold WarColonialismBritish Imperial and Colonial History (1600 - )History of Cyprus
This analysis stems from a desire to understand more thoroughly one of the most interesting political and participatory processes that have taken place in the first two decades of the 21st century in Europe: the referendum on... more
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      Political CampaignsPolitical SciencePolitical communicationDemocracy
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      SemioticsEuropean HistoryMilitary HistoryGeography
Αυτό το χρονολόγιο αποτελεί ένα πρώτο εγχείρημα καταγραφής των πιο σημαντικών γεγονότων, που έλαβαν χώρα στο χρονικό διάστημα ανάμεσα σε δύο ορόσημα: την εξαγγελία του δημοψηφίσματος για το σχέδιο συμφωνίας που πρότειναν οι "θεσμοί" και... more
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      Constitutional LawGreek HistoryPoliticsPolitical History
Abstract: 29 countries in the world have introduced same-sex marriage. 22 have done so by legislation, four by judicial decision, two by a combination of judicial decision and legislation, and one by popular referendum. The Irish same-sex... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawDebate over Same-Sex MarriageReferendumIrish Constitutional Law
During the long history of European unification, several referendums have taken place and most of them proved to be rather historic. Some European demoi-but certainly not all of them-were occasionally given the chance to map their own... more
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      European integrationInternational LawGlobal GovernanceAsylum Law
This article examines determinants of persistent regional political cleavages in post-Communist Ukraine. The question is how significant the role of culture is compared to ethnic, economic, and religious factors in the regional divisions.... more
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      Eastern European StudiesEuropean StudiesRussian StudiesComparative Politics
Etymologically, democracy means the "rule of the people", yet in most countries (Switzerland is a partial exception to the rule, See Kobach (1992)), the role of the populus is limited to periodic elections. Britain is not an exception. To... more
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      British HistoryBritish PoliticsInitiative, Referendum, RecallReferendum
From late 2010 a series of dramatic and unprecedented events swept across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), toppling several autocratic regimes that had held power for decades and ushering in a new climate of dissent and... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
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      NationalismDirect DemocracyReferendaReferendums
Estructuralmente, el Reino de España se encuentra hoy en una situación en la que su modelo de distribución del poder, sometido a una enorme presión por parte de la población de ciertas zonas del Estado, que parecen conformar ya la mayoría... more
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      Self-Determination TheoryReferendumCataloniaPublic Law
Die Staaten sind zu klein geworden, um globalen Herausforderungen wie die sozialverträgliche Gestaltung des Weltmarktes, Frieden und die Erhaltung der naturlichen Lebensgrundlagen im Alleingang begegnen zu können. Nur eine... more
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      Political ParticipationDemocratic TheoryDemocratizationEuropean Constitutionalism
El presente texto propone una aproximación etnopolítica al referéndum para la aprobación del Estatuto de la Autonomía Guaraní Charagua Iyambae, celebrado el 20 de septiembre de 2015 en Charagua, un municipio chaqueño de mayoría guaraní... more
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      Bolivian studiesGuaraniReferendumsEstado Plurinacional
According to some, we are now living in the ‘Age of the Referendum’. But the rise of the referendum is fraught with worry it will usher in a crude populism which will obliterate constitutional constraints and lead – ironically - to... more
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      Comparative Constitutional LawDirect DemocracyReferendumNew Models Of Participatory And Direct Democracy
Today visual factors are effective on the formation of image. In this context, the role of photograph is also quite dominant. The photographs that show many visual appearances of leaders as their clothing preferences and body language can... more
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      SemioticsCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
We provide the first systematic documentation and analysis of a generation gap in direct democracy outcomes across a wide range of topics using postelection survey data covering more than 300 Swiss referenda and four decades. We find that... more
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      EconomicsDirect DemocracyReferendaAge Period Cohort Models
Why have referendums on European integration proliferated since the 1970s? How are referendums accommodated within member states' constitutional orders and with what impact on the European integration process? What is the likely... more
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      Direct DemocracyEUReferendums
This article analyses the factors conducive to recognizing independence referendums. After a tour d'horizon of the history of referendums on creating new states and a summary of the legal position the chapter argues that independence... more
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      ReferendumsIndependence Referendums
Much like the war being over by Christmas, so the 'European question' is always about to be settled for a generation. So it was in 1975, in a simpler Britain, with one seat of government, two major parties, and three television channels,... more
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      European StudiesLabour Party (UK)British PoliticsEuropean Union
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      Direct DemocracyCataloniaReferendums
" In 1920s Germany, radio became a factor in election campaigning. But the state soon stepped in to make public broadcasting services strictly nonpartisan. This made any election news coverage extremely problematic, while growing... more
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      MythologyCensorshipJournalismPolitical Economy of Communication
Right-wing populist parties tend to combine criticism of how liberal democracy functions with calls for greater direct democracy. But do their voters share that support for direct democracy? In this article, survey data is used to... more
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      Comparative PoliticsPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismAustralian politics (Australia)Populism
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      Direct DemocracyInitiative, Referendum, RecallReferendums
The Brexit vote has sparked renewed criticism of the UK’s ad hoc constitutional arrangements. While the people is recognized as “sovereign” through the unassailability of its referendum verdict, this sovereignty has no legal foundation or... more
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      Constitutional LawPolitical TheoryDemocracyReferendums