Education Law
Recent papers in Education Law
Readers of a certain age will undoubtedly remember Choose Your Own Adventure children's books. In a normal novel, the author leads the reader through a series of fixed events and experiences lived by some other person. Choose Your Own... more
Im Freistaat Sachsen gibt es einen Streit zwischen dem Verwaltungsgericht Dresden und dem Oberverwaltungsgericht Sachsens um die Rechtmäßigkeit von Kopfnoten auf Abschlusszeugnissen. Insbesondere geht es um die Frage, ob das Sächsische... more
Both authors contributed equally to this work. Abstract The study examined Israeli teachers' knowledge and perceptions of student's rights, and their reports on their actions in rights-related cases. Semi-structured interviews with... more
In this submission to the consultation on the RVE guidance, I argue that clarity is required in respect of the following seven issues: (1) The place of RVE within the Humanities AoLE given that it is a statutory requirement (2) The... more
Complex issues in education today require research approaches that would contribute to new understandings of how education law can contribute to the realisation of educational rights and aspirations.1 Examples of such problems include... more
L’evoluzione della politica scolastica, in Italia, si è sempre caratterizzata per la forte tensione tra due diverse prospettive: quella finalizzata a concepire l’istruzione come luogo neutrale per la crescita della persona; e quella,... more
A major challenge confronting educators in South Africa, in a fashion similar to what occurs in schools throughout the world, is the tension that can arise when they apply learner discipline. On the one hand, The South African Schools Act... more
The rights to both free speech and participation present two normative frameworks for analyzing children's expressions in school. This Article examines the differences between these normative frameworks, to explore how they apply in... more
במאמר זה אבקש להתחקות אחר תהליכי ההסדרה של החינוך החרדי בשני העשורים האחרונים. בפרט, אבקש לעמוד על יחסי הגומלין בין הרשות המחוקקת, הרשות המבצעת והרשות השופטת במסגרת תהליכי ההסדרה ועל האופנים בהם השפיעו על עיצוב הנורמות המסדירות את בתי... more
Through evidence embedded in legal determinants and empirical research, this paper explores the interpretation and application of dignity, equality and freedom with reference to diversity, pluralism and inclusivity. Empirical evidence... more
Following the 2007 Supreme Court decision in PICS and Meredith, this study investigated the efficacy of ensuing proxy policies replacing race-based student assignment strategies. Highlighting one urban school district—Chicago Public... more
Cet article explore les liens qui s'articulent entre le rapport que les élèves développent aux règles scolaires comme cadre proto-légal faisant partie du curriculum caché et la formation citoyenne. La robustesse du concept de rapport au... more
South African learners are often subjected to harassment, bullying and other forms of victimisation and abuse in schools. A duty rests of educators, schools and the Department of Basic Education to provide and maintain safe school... more
The aim of this article is to analyse a short period in the life of Karl Marx when he was a student at the Law Faculty at the University of Bonn, and then at the Law Faculty at the University of Berlin. During the period of these,... more
O objeto deste artigo, que se vale da estrutura das duas publicações de 2017, consiste (i) na análise de dois modelos da pós-graduação em Direito, os quais poderiam ser também identificados nas Humanidades e, em certa medida, em algumas... more
L’articolo parte dall’analisi del contesto costituzionale nell’ambito dell’istruzione e della scuola, incentrandosi in particolare sul rapporto tra funzione scolastica, centralità della persona e ruolo dei pubblici poteri. Su tale base,... more
This paper examines the moral and legal justifications for leveling down in education. Leveling down occurs when equality is pursued by taking away advantage, or limiting it, rather than by improving the situation of the worse off.... more
This paper focuses the attention of the right to basic education in the Constitution on the priorities identified in the South African Schools Act. The paper identifies underperformance as one of those priorities and proceeds to analyse... more
Καθώς η Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας αναπτύσσεται με ταχύτατους ρυθμούς, οι τεχνολογικές κατακτήσεις από τον χώρο της επιστήμης των υπολογιστών και τηλεπικοινωνιών αποτελούν σημαντικό κεφάλαιο σε αρκετούς επιμέρους τομείς του κοινωνικού βίου,... more
This Article is devoted to one of the most fascinating contemporary developments in American public education – the phenomenal rise of religious charter schools. Religious charter schools are established by a religious or cultural... more
South Africans have been afforded various rights as enshrined in the Bill of Rights (SA 19961) for the past 18 years. The right to equality (section 9), dignity (section 10), privacy (section 14), to be free from all forms of violence... more
This article studies the privatization of education in Israel in the past ten years, focusing on three important processes that have not been sufficiently addressed in the legal and educational literature: the incorporation of private... more
This chapter begins by outlining the routes through which children 'drop out' of school. It then draws on the failings of the English system to suggest six key 'lessons' for other jurisdictions. The first centres on how academic... more
The role that international human rights mechanisms play in strengthening the sense of accountability of states for respecting, protecting and fulfilling human rights of people within their jurisdiction is tremendous. The whole plethora... more
In education, talk of "the teaching profession" and "educational professionals" is commonplace. Teaching also belongs to the category of profession according to the United Nations' International Standard Classification of Occupations... more
Human rights should not ony be respected an protected but should also be promoted and fulfilled.It is argued in this article that a punitive approach to school discipline can at best, and with several safety measures, ensure that human... more
As evidenced by countless reform recommendations, current educational policies, and the amount of education research dedicated to student achievement, it is clear the U.S. educational system is meant to provide equal access to academic... more
This Article examines whether incorporating data mining technologies in education can promote equality. Following many other spheres in life, big data technologies that include creating, collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data about... more
Since its emergence as a coherent field of study a half century ago, legal socialization has moved to the forefront of conversations about legal reform across multiple fields. Amidst all this work, however, there is surprisingly little... more
Niall FERGUSON (Glasgow, 1964), profesor de la Universidad de Harvard y de la de Stanford, es, probablemente, uno de los intelectuales más influyentes en la actualidad al mundo anglosajón. En el año 2012 publicó una de sus monografías más... more
This book is the collection of essays resulting from a series of workshops and a conference held in 2013 and 2015, organized to draw attention to legal problems arising out of linguistic diversity in education. It explores the question... more
This study aims to respond to the question of whether the implementation of government-sponsored e-governance legislations and plans by school organizations affects the unionization perspective of the leaders of principals' professional... more
This paper delineates the conflicts that can arise between students' participation rights and other human rights and presents a model that conceptualises these conflicts. It fills a gap in the developing literature on participation rights... more
In this course, education professionals examine legal and ethical issues within the context of an educational setting. Supporting development of their legal reasoning skills, education professionals discuss the laws and statutes that... more
ABSTRACT The right to education is among the human social rights and requires the passive attitude of the State as well as its active participation. The Covid-19 pandemic has paved the way for the digitalization of education. That... more
ABSTRACT In this article we problematise the fact that human rights legislation, whether intentionally or otherwise, reinforces binary categories such as ‘heterosexual’ or ‘homosexual’. This form of ‘othering’ highlights the incongruence... more
This chapter considers the legal aspects of the standpoint of pedagogical impartiality required by Quebec’s Ethics and Religious Literacy curriculum. Because the guidelines on teacher impartiality were designed in part to protect the... more
Education is one of those non-economic sectors which have entered the EU competences recently. Vocational training, on the other hand, has been involved since the beginning in the European integration process, in the view of industrial... more