Roman imperialism
Recent papers in Roman imperialism
This thesis takes an interdisciplinary approach combining research methods in history and political science to propose that the fundamental cause of Rome’s entry into and later domination of the Greek world was its reaction to a series of... more
Violence in Roman warfare is certainly not a myth. But until recently, historians have understood violence in terms of their own standards instead of considering the thresholds of Roman sensibilities. Within the framework of the “histoire... more
La deditio est ici envisagée comme l'acte diplomatique paradoxal par excellence, en tant qu'acte unilatéral et inégal qui nie par définition l'échange diplomatique, mais qui requiert pourtant toutes les formalités d'usage (notamment,... more
The aim of this article is to provide an institutional analysis of Polybius’ text (1,11,1-3) concerning the outbreak of the First Punic War. Polybius says that when the Mamertines’ request for help against the Carthaginians came to Rome,... more
RESUMO O estudo do processo do imperialismo romano na Judeia deve ressaltar as especificidades daquela região frente ao Ocidente conquistado pelos romanos. Dentre tais especificidades destacamos: a recorrência de revoltas armadas e o... more
CONTENTS October 17th, 2011 [pages 6-15] I Persecution and the Art of Writing or Towards a Hermeneutics of Suspicion from interpretation of the meaning between lines to explanation of the transcendental effect of forms 1. ‘PERSECUTION’:... more
This is a work in progress. Comments or criticisms are most welcome.
Beginning with a semantic history of the term negotiator, this essay reconsiders Augustus’s role in the history of Roman citizenship. It restores negotiator as a byword for how Roman officials in the Late Republic understood Romans in the... more
Like gladiators in the arena, competing ideologies in Rome’s early imperial period battled one another with the rhetoric of honor and shame. Despite sharply divergent definitions of the actions that accrue glory, these ideological... more
Abstract This article examines the longstanding rivalry of Rome and Parthia, which began as an unintended consequence of Crassus’ decisive defeat at Carrhae in 53 BCE. It synthesizes the accounts and opinions of numerous Graeco-Roman... more
course outline (in Romanian) on the history of the Roman Republic.
This article aims to explain in a theoretical way, but with practical historical examples the complex notion of informal imperialism. First analyzing imperialism(s) and colonialism as a whole, it will then try to caracterize and... more
Protected by Rome, Carthage regained much prosperity under a relatively open political system, while the grasping Masinissa of Numidia was thwarted repeatedly from annexing Punic territory. But Rome's attitude changed after 167, to his... more
In this work we seek to understand the relationship between power and culture in the construction of the project of political domination instituted by the Romans during the period of the Principality (I B.C. to II A.D.) on the Lusitania... more
Roman colonization and expansionism in the Republican period, and its impact on ancient Italy, are intensely debated in current ancient historical and archaeological research. Traditional, diffusionist views from the late 19th and... more
Dans son livre "Hannibal Barca", Abdelaziz Belkhodja nous présente une nouvelle biographie d'Hannibal, complètement dépoussiérée de la propagande pro-romaine. Il nous rappelle que la principale version des faits qui nous soit parvenue est... more
Marcello Tartaglia Elogio dell'inettitudine Leopardi, Svevo, Montale, Pirandello Con il titolo del suo primo romanzo-Un inetto, poi cambiato, come noto, per volontà dell'editore, in Una vita-Svevo indicava una condizione esistenziale che,... more
The New Classical Scholarship: The New Forensic Study Of History (Roman Piso, 11-25-2016, edited & updated 03-22-2017) [Note: To fully understand this, it is recommended that other related papers be read as well, as this is a complex... more
Die Frage was in Polybios Historien der Grund für Roms Aufstieg zum Imperium war, die Τύχη oder die αἰτία soll hier erarbeitet werden. Dabei soll herausgestellt werden, dass Tyche zwar nach Polybios eine bedeutende Rolle zukommt, Polybios... more
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
This study looks at the representation of the Caledonian chieftain Calgacus in Tacitus's Agricola. It considers what the intention of of his famous speech was at the culminating battle of the historian's work, and whether it's purpose... more
Road maps of the Roman Empire usually show a reticulate network of local and long distance routes stretching to the very limits of the Imperium Romanum, where all roads suddenly appear to end. Although the physical remains of Roman roads... more
Earlier scholarship saw the worship of Silvanus in Dalmatia from two different perspectives. Firstly, as a continuance of the pre-Roman indigenous cult which became »recognized« as the italic deity Silvanus through the interpretatio... more
Long, Fredrick J. “Ephesians: Paul’s Political Theology in Greco-Roman Political Context.” Pages 255–309 in Christian Origins and Classical Culture: Social and Literary Contexts for the New Testament. Edited by S. E. Porter and A. W.... more
The Roman army played an important yet in some respects also surprisingly limited role in Cappadocia’s multifaceted connectivity with the West. This paper deals with the characteristics of this development.
Publiziert mit Unterstützung des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.
Roma, agosto 70 a.C. In pieno Foro, nel corso di un processo destinato a fare epoca, l’accusatore Marco Tullio Cicerone lancia una fulminante requisitoria, seguita da una tempesta di testimonianze e prove. Tutte vertono sui gravi crimini... more