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    • Rurality
La investigación social apela frecuentemente a la noción rural, bien sea para delimitar el territorio objeto de estudio o para aludir a una forma de vida. El análisis de las distintas perspectivas que confluyen en la construcción de esta... more
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      RuralUrbanRuralityInvestigación social
This paper is concerned with bringing together and drawing out some diverse strands of thought and action that are striving-from within a broadly green anti-capitalist agenda-to produce a rural space that is different from and a challenge... more
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      Countercultural StudiesRurality
This study examines the patterns and driving factors of identity change amongst residents of Chongdu Valley, China, who have been experiencing tourism development since the mid-1990s. Employing semi-structured interviews and participant... more
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      Tourism StudiesSustainable DevelopmentIdentity (Culture)China
Il y a plus de soixante ans, Sacha Guitry réalisait un film qui rencontra un immense succès, « Si Versailles m’était conté »… Nul doute qu’aujourd’hui, la fronde des « gilets jaunes » ferait le bonheur de son humour caustique. Sacha... more
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      ArchitectureResearch MethodologyDesign MethodsSustainable Development
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      RuralitySecond HomesCounterurbanisation
En los umbrales del siglo XXI, con toda su complejidad, se hace necesario repensar el papel desempeñado por las ciencias sociales; por la gran cantidad de acontecimientos socioculturales que lo significan, algunos no son nuevos, otros son... more
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      ReligionRuralityInterculturalidadAntropología Social
Drawing upon fieldwork conducted in a public school of largely migrant children in suburban Xiamen, south-east China, this article first looks into the formation of class lines between people with different backgrounds – migrant, urban or... more
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      ModernityChinaMigrant Children's EducationRurality
Este estudio identifica las percepciones de legalidad en la tradición cultural paisa de la población rural perteneciente a organizaciones campesinas de los nueve municipios de la región del altiplano del oriente antioqueño. Se trató de... more
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      Rural SociologyLegalityRuralityRuralidad
Building on more than ten years of ethnographic research in postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina, this article documents discourses and practices of civility as mutuality with limits. This mode of civility operates to regulate the field of... more
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      DiscourseSocial ExclusionPrecarityRurality
The chapter focuses on how the rural tourism entrepreneurs create ‘sensescapes’, various environments and related activities, that provide a multitude of sensory experiences for tourists. Tourism entreprenerus are looked at as directors... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesHuman GeographyAnthropology
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      Human GeographyRuralityAntipode
In 2016, Italian production of wine exceeded 51 million hectolitres and among the twenty regions, the region with the most production by volume (millions of hectolitres) was the Veneto region, north-east of Italy, with almost 11 million.... more
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      Heritage StudiesCultural LandscapesRural TourismSustainable Tourism
A publicação apresenta ao governo e à sociedade brasileira os produtos da primeira fase do projeto consubstanciados, sendo dividida em: introdução, na qual se descreve e analisa todo o processo de elaboração do projeto e seus principais... more
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      Rural SociologyRural DevelopmentRurality
Cette publication s'inscrit dans une lignée d'ouvrages qu'un collectif d'universitaires et chercheurs (constitués en Groupe Pluridisciplinaire d'Étude sur les Jbala, puis en CERIJ, Centre d'Étude et de Recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les... more
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      HistoryDiversityIdentity (Culture)Linguistic Diversity (Languages And Linguistics)
This paper is concerned with bringing together and drawing out some diverse strands of thought and action that are striving-from within a broadly green anti-capitalist agenda-to produce a rural space that is different from and a challenge... more
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      Human GeographySocial GeographyTheoryUtopia
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      Iron Age Britain (Archaeology)Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology)Iron Age Gaul (Archaeology)Rural Settlement
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      Youth StudiesDomestic ViolenceChild and adolescent mental healthSchool effectiveness and school improvement
Past research has demonstrated that island tourism is mainly developed along the coast, and that hinterland areas face inherent disadvantages in developing their tourism industry. Peripherality; rurality; limited infrastructure and... more
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      Tourism StudiesDevelopment StudiesRural DevelopmentRegional development
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      Technology transferModernityChinaAgricultural landscapes
We use mixed methods and first-hand household data in Mexico to investigate credit practices by households engaged in agricultural wage employment. Quantitative analysis shows evidence of rationing in the formal sector but also suggests... more
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      Economic AnthropologyMicrofinanceMexicoJalisco
Los paisajes del desarrollo han sido unas de las herramientas analíticas que nos han permitido evidenciar cómo, por medio de los discursos y las operaciones del desarrollo, se ha agenciado la producción social del espacio. En este... more
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      Tourism StudiesDevelopment StudiesLocal StudiesPeasant Studies
Ein Ausstellungsprojekt von Studierenden der Abteilung Kulturanthropologie der Universität Bonn.

Hier die Einleitung als Teaser.
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Explorations of the cinematographic landscape sometimes neglect to examine the dramatic and generic uses of visualisations of space and place. This paper seeks to address this through an analysis of the cinematography of Sightseers... more
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      Film StudiesSpace and PlaceVisual SemioticsHorror Film
Los procesos democráticos son cíclicos y para el caso argentino comienza la cuenta regresiva respecto a renovar a quien dirigirá aquel país del continente latinoamericano por los siguientes cuatro años. No obstante, es importante que los... more
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      Agricultural EconomicsArgentinaAgricultureRurality
El cierre de escuelas municipales rurales es un fenómeno que se hace evidente en los últimos años en Chile. De este modo, el cierre y fusión de escuelas municipales rurales deja de constituir un conjunto de decisiones aisladas. Esta... more
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      Rural SchoolsRuralityRuralidadEscuelas Rurales
This paper concentrates on the creation of value(s) by rural tourism entrepreneurs via intangible and atmospheric natural resources, the aural environment. The creation of value is analysed with regard to how the rural tourism... more
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      Rural SociologyTourism StudiesAnthropology of TourismTourism Management
Resumen: Las Tecnologías de la Información y la comunicación (TIC) son un medio para reducir la brecha social y digital existente entre la población urbana y rural. El presente artículo muestra los resultados del proceso de formación de... more
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In this paper I demonstrate how an attention to rural queerness offers a beneficial and necessary opportunity to examine queer subjectivies through the lens of space, place, and class. I highlight how individuals' claims to queerness can... more
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      Sex and GenderSpace and PlaceClassRurality
Historically rooted in cities, GLBT identities and communities have been mapped onto a narrative of rural-to-urban migration. Often represented as homophobic, rural space is valued insofar as it is left behind. !is article posits rurality... more
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      RuralityQueerPolitics of VisibilityRural Queer
El libro “Reflexiones regionales sobre el desarrollo sustentable en contextos interculturales” representa un aporte fresco y aleccionador para la comprensión de las realidades y problemáticas socioambientales que emergen en diferentes... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationRuralRural DevelopmentSustainable Rural Development
On June 23rd, 2014 Reverend Charles Moore drove his car to a nearly empty parking lot, doused himself in gasoline, and committed self-immolation in the small town of Grand Saline, my hometown in East Texas. Leaving a note on his... more
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      FolkloreRhetoricComposition and RhetoricSpace and Place
L’urbanisation s’est déployée en France sous l’effet de plusieurs facteurs depuis le début de l’ère industrielle. Toutefois, depuis la fin du XXe siècle, ce processus apparaît en stagnation, voire en déclin selon le concept utilisé... more
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Becca Cragin, Advisor Diana Inosanto reimagines the 1980s AIDS epidemic in her film, The Sensei (2008) and implements cultural issues on rurality, sexuality, and tolerance within the overall narrative structure. Finding it important to... more
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      Film StudiesPopular CultureQueer TheorySexuality
Site/Seal/Gesture is a collaboration between cultural geographer Rupert Griffiths and archaeologist Lia Wei. This collaboration develops a shared language of fieldwork, process and making. Working together as artists and from our... more
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      Historical ArchaeologyContemporary ArchaeologyArchaeology of the Contemporary PastRurality
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      GeographyViolenceUrban StudiesKurdistan
The article is focused on the introduction and categorization of various approaches to rurality, and the identification and delimitation of rural areas in Visegrad countries. Three substantively different groups of conceptualizations and... more
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      RuralityPopulation DensityRural AreasVisegrad Group
Culture is the main determining factor of dynamic changes in the ecological-territorial systems. Agriculture, rurality and landscape are basic concepts handling the study of said systems. Agriculture is conceptualized as the relationship... more
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      Complex Systems ScienceEcosystem ServicesSustainable agricultureSustainable Development
Advancing upon previous research, this study aims to develop knowledge upon the shaping of identity in homosexuals through the experience of rural to urban migration. Exploring theories of homosexual identity (Troiden, 1988), philosophy... more
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      PsychologySelf and IdentitySexualityGender and Sexuality
Gerontologists have promoted positive representations of ageing to challenge stereotypes of degeneration and decline, in order to change social practices and to encourage wellbeing . Subsequently, a range of 'active ageing' policy... more
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      EmbodimentPhysical ActivityNeoliberalismAgeing and Health
Self-gifting is a performative process in which commodities purchased by an individual are ‘gifted’ to themselves. In negating the assumed necessity of transacting (but not necessarily witnessing) others, self-gifts challenge notions that... more
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Performative analysis of the use of landscape strategies in pre-industrial vernacular architecture indicates that there is more design agency involved in the creation of these environments than conventional and historical interpretations... more
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      Vernacular ArchitectureRuralityCultural LandscapeVernacular Settlements
The United Nations declared that the year of 2007 was the first time in human history when the majority of the world’s people were not living in rural areas. However, there is neither in literature nor in any official agency a clear... more
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      Research MethodologyRural HistoryRural DevelopmentRurality
This chapter discusses the pattern of rural-to-rural migration to and from a rural fishing community called Hải Thành 1 in northern Vietnam. 2 I unpack this double migration pattern in order to illustrate the intimate relationship of... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesAnthropology of the BodyRace and EthnicityGender
In this article we discuss the process by which the upper areas of the Alt Urgell, in Northern Spain, are redefining themselves in order to survive in the new postindustrial order. These communities, during the twentieth century,... more
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      Heritage StudiesRuralityPostindustrialismPyrénées
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      Cultural StudiesCultural HeritageLocal HistoryPlace Identity