Recent papers in Schooling
RESUMEN En este trabajo proponemos un recorrido a través de tres conceptos: Educar, Enseñar y Escolarizar para analizar, desde una perspectiva histórica, distintos recortes sobre cada uno de ellos. El objetivo es profundizar la idea de... more
Over the last few years, increasing scholarly and media attention has been paid to the plight of undocumented immigrant college students. However, only a small fraction of undocumented youth actually moves on from high school to... more
As an activist scholar, this themed edition of the Black History Bulletin focused on the " crisis in Black education " is deeply personal to me. My early and late childhood experiences in a home with a mother who was addicted to drugs and... more
This paper complements a much larger study of school attendance in pre-famine Ireland by FitzGerald (2010). It exploits some of the data generated by that study to analyze further some of the determinants of schooling and literacy in... more
Introduction. The present study aims to predict students' academic achievements based on the classroom climate, the mediating role of teacher-student interaction and academic motivation among Semnan University students. Materials and... more
In the last 20 years the Ethiopian education system has rapidly expanded, leading to a 500% increase in primary school enrolment. The Ministry of Education (MoE) has sought to address a perceived decline in educational quality through... more
“I wish to know how the reflexivity of the subject and the discourse of truth are linked – How can the subject tell the truth about itself? (Foucault, 1994, p. 128, as cited in McNicol-Jardine, 2005) It is of great importance for... more
Schooling is a form of misopedy and a fundamental structure in conditioning societal acceptance of domination in other registers. The subordination of children begins with the misguided notion that they are incapable of autonomy,... more
This qualitative research investigate the educated citizen, Cultural and Gender capital in the schooling of Aetas' children in the Municipality of Janiuay is largely focused on three domains or methodologies: grounded theory,... more
En dépit du fait que des enquêtes sur le climat scolaire documentent depuis 1990 la présence d’homophobie et ses impacts négatifs, peu d’attention a été accordée à la manière dont l’école reproduit des normes d’hétérosexualité et de... more
This book is about teacher education reform and seeks to answer these and other questions. More specifically the book aims to showcase a disruptive model in teacher education and answer some of the ponderings around what teacher education... more
Genevan Reformer John Calvin produced a half dozen catechisms during his tenure in the city from 1536 to 1538 and 1541 to 1564. While not nearly so well-known as his Institutes of the Christian Religion or Geneva Bible, and not nearly so... more
Data potensi dan hasil tangkapan yang bersumber dari data statistik perikanan ataupun perikanan komersial sebagian besar belum lengkap dan akurat. Oleh sebab itu, upaya peningkatan akurasi data dan metode survey yang sesuai diperlukan... more
Results of investigation of how social context affects responses to, and consumption of the novel food in climbing perch, Anabas testudineus, are presented. The fish living in group fed better from the first day of the experiment. The... more
Parent involvement has an influence on children’s educational engagement for all school levels. The objective of this study was to examine public school principals' and teachers' practices for improving parent involvement in schooling.... more
This article draws on life history interviews of undocumented Mexican high school and university students from rural communities in central and eastern Washington. Although these youngsters face similar impediments to those of their... more
Through performance monitoring individuals detect and learn from unexpected outcomes, indexed by post-error slowing and post-error improvement in accuracy. Although performance monitoring is essential for academic learning and improves... more
The youth and university relations in Turkey include some complex issues which contain a wide variety of problems in different contexts. The purpose of this paper is, firstly, to identify certain problematic parts in this respect, and... more
This study examines the social and academic impact of providing sanitary towels for girls in Primary schools in West Nile Uganda. Moyo district was selected by cluster method and findings reveal that academic performance improved,... more
This paper argues that: 1) the school, because it is a primary site of intergenerational dialogue, the interlocutive space where childhood can be heard and is allowed to have its effect on adult habits, is a privileged place for the... more
In the Netherlands there are 400 Dalton schools, while Dalton education has all but disappeared elsewhere, including in its country of origin: the USA. Following a brief period in the 1920s in which it enjoyed strong international... more
This chapter is concerned with a Buryat origin minority in China named Shenehen Buryats. The Buryats originally reside in the Russian Federation around Lake Baikal. After facing serious administrative problems, several tribes preferred to... more
"Hole-in-the-Wall as a concept has attracted worldwide attention. It involves providing unconditional access to computer-equipped kiosks in playgrounds and out-of-school settings, children taking ownership of their learning and learning... more
Background: European and national policies on citizenship education stimulate the implementation of a participative approach to citizenship education, fostering active citizenship. The reason given for fostering active citizenship is the... more
This paper is concerned with extending existing understandings about the role of schools as sexualising agencies. It seeks to uncover previ- ously undisturbed spatial and material dimensions of schooling with regards to sexualities and... more
This article seeks a deeper understanding of inheritance by examining how kinship and personhood propel, and are altered by, schooling. It foregrounds kinship's and personhood's transformative and historical dimensions with an eye to... more
A systematic review of the concept of preparation for schooling (PPE) is presented in this study. The dimensions proposed by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), schools, parents, and “prepared children” is focused on the latter... more
The attitude of traders in a stock market when they have to decide on what price to trade is not unlike the aggregated behavior of individual fish or birds: random swarm phases are interchanged with polarized and deterministic schooling... more
The potential link between educational ‘failure’ and offending is perennially debated. Research and popular discourses tend to focus on the ‘disadvantaged’ family backgrounds from which the children who fail come. This paper summarises a... more
La scolarisation des enfants des ménages ruraux guinéens n’est pas un processus homogène, contrairement aux idées reçues. Les démarches de scolarisation semblent correspondre à des projets volontaires qui s’appuient sur la représentation... more
Schooling in the region known as Micronesia is today a normalized, ubiquitous, and largely unexamined habit. As a result, many of its e ects have also gone unnoticed and unchallenged. By interrogating the processes of normalization and... more
Educational Studies: A Journal of the American Educational Studies Association, Special Issue: “Anarchism… is a living force within our life…” Anarchism, Education and Alternative Possibilities
L’organizzazione in termini segregativi di servizi e interventi su base di categorie funzionali di capacità e disabilità emerge in questa ricerca come qualcosa di dato per scontato per i genitori di bambini con disabilità, quasi fosse non... more
Alternatives to mainstream schooling and education are becoming increasingly recognised as pertinent and urgent to better understand. We need to know what really works in successfully educating children and adults today. This is not just... more
This is an early conference paper of mine working around issues of creative, progressive democratic forms of education based on research projects I had recently been involved with It was an invited paper at: Conference of the Education... more
Education policy is premised on its instrumentalist approach. This instrumentalism is based on narrow assumptions concerning people (the subject), decision-making (power), problem-solving (science and methodology), and knowledge... more
This paper offers a genealogy of dialogic education, tracing its origins in Romantic epistemology and corresponding philosophy of childhood, and identifying it as a counterpoint to the purposes and assumptions of universal, compulsory,... more
En este trabajo proponemos un recorrido a través de tres conceptos: Educar, Enseñar y Escolarizar para analizar, desde una perspectiva histórica, distintos recortes sobre cada uno de ellos. El objetivo es profundizar la idea de... more
This paper explores 'the 5 cm rule', a regulation around student contact discovered during an investigation of the sexual culture of schooling with 16Á 19-year-olds in New Zealand. Implemented to stem 'inappropriate and unwanted'... more