Science and Democracy
Recent papers in Science and Democracy
In the dispute between presentism and eternalism, the affective dimensions of the debate have been somewhat neglected. Contemporary philosophers of time have not tried to relate these ontological positions with two of the most discussed... more
Epistemic division of labor pervades modern democracies, and we both do and should rely upon expertise in making decisions. But how can reliance on expertise be squared with the need for democratic representation and accountability?... more
Recent statements of the responsibilities of scientists have strengthened the responsibilities of scientists towards the societies in which they pursue their research. Scientists are now expected to do more than treat their experimental... more
In today’s world, open science and open government matter. When combined, many agree, they strengthen science and democracy. Yet opening up – whether in the name of open science, open data, open source or open government – is rarely... more
Values and Objectivity: A Discussion Following Longino Question of the role played by values in science and their effects on objectivity of scientific knowledge has been at the focus of heated and unresolved debates for decades. While... more
Historians of pragmatism have long overlooked Kenneth Burke and Richard McKeon.This has not been without good reason. At first glance, the two read more like critics than adherents of the tradition. Yet placing Burke and McKeon’s writings... more
The goal of this paper is to provide an interpretation of Feyerabend’s metaphysics of science as found in late works like Conquest of Abundance and Tyranny of Science. Feyerabend’s late metaphysics consists of an attempt to criticize and... more
Call for Papers In the midst of chaotic uncertainty, alarms, skepticism and mistrust, we are observing the assertion of the ethical superiority of public health, common good and the collective interest. In some way, we are witnessing the... more
This is a pre-proof version of a paper accepted at Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Please cite the published version
We focus this paper on the conditions to build reliable science, technology and higher education systems in Latin America, based on international comparative studies, fieldwork and interviews conducted over the last three years. The... more
The Covid-19 outbreak in late fall of 2019 ruthlessly exposed quite a few key fractures in many societies around the globe. In Germany, too, the numerous government measures and their critical reception in society can be interpreted as a... more
The 'Science Wars' of the 1990s, whose central moment was the Sokal hoax, was understood to be 'political', but it was never quite clear what the political issue was. Two recent books, James Robert Brown's Who Rules in Science? (2001) and... more
abstract: The connection between science and democracy can be read along two different lines. The first claims that they share some basic assumptions about rationality. The second rejects the neutrality of science and claims that... more
Kitcher has proposed an ideal-theory account-well-ordered science (WOS)-of the collective good that science's research agenda should promote. Against criticism regarding WOS's action-guidance, Kitcher has advised critics not to confuse... more
Traduction de textes classiques et contemporains du pragmatisme, introduits par Roberto Frega : John Dewey, Janes Addams, George H. Mead, Sidney Hook, Richard J. Bernstein, John Ryder, Charlene Haddock Seigfried, Paul C. Taylor, Patricial... more
My introduction to this volume of essays on Cold War science (in the journal Social Studies of Science) outlines key interpretive issues that arise from the contested interactions between scientists and the nation state during that time... more
Historians of pragmatism have long overlooked Kenneth Burke and Richard McKeon. This has not been without good reason. At first glance, the two read more like critics than adherents of the tradition. Yet placing Burke and McKeon's... more
Recension par Serge Martin de John Dewey, 2019, Ecrits sur les religions et le naturalisme, recueil de textes traduits et introduits par Joan Stavo-Debauge, Genève, Editions IES, coll. "Le geste Social".
What must laypersons understand about science to allow them to make sound decisions on science-related issues? Relying on recent developments in social epistemology, this paper argues that scientific education should have the goal not of... more
In 1990, Chile transitioned to democracy after 17 years of military rule. The new democracy built the country’s first environmental institutions and began efforts to revitalize science, among them attempts to connect scientific expertise... more
W.V.Quine and Philip Kitcher have both developed naturalistic approaches to the philosophy of science which are partially based on a skeptical view about the possibility of rational inquiry into certain questions of value. Nonetheless,... more
What should the goals of scientific inquiry be? What questions should scientists investigate, and how should our resources be distributed between different lines of investigation? Philip Kitcher has suggested that we should answer these... more
Die kritisch gemeinte Diagnose eines »postfaktischen Zeitalters« erinnert mit großem Pathos an »die« Wahrheit als notwendige Grundlage von Demokratie, ja von Politik überhaupt. Angesichts eines republikanischen US-Präsidenten, der... more
STS studies in India have found their impetus and site in social movements rather than in the academe and science policy centres. Our official scientists were eloquent about our nuclear power and our need for greater investment in... more
¿Es posible ser ciudadanos en el sistema capitalista, donde no se conside-ran ciudades los suburbios y los espacios rurales? Aun siendo indulgentes con el término ciudadano y asumiendo que la ciudadanía no fuese exclu-yente, parece... more
We focus this paper on the conditions to build reliable science, technology and higher education systems in Latin America, based on international comparative studies, fieldwork and interviews conducted over the last three years. The... more
The question of the democratisation of the scientific space is a complex topic which goes beyond instrumental, normative and substantive arguments justifying civic participation, to include feminist, epistemological and sociological... more
On many science-related policy questions, the public is unable to make informed decisions, because of its inability to make use of knowledge and information obtained by scientists. Philip Kitcher and James Fishkin have both suggested... more
Contents: Where the Epistemic and the Political Meet: An Introduction to the Social Sciences and Democracy; J.Van Bouwel PART I: DEMOCRATIZING THE SOCIAL SCIENCES: BALANCING EXPERTISE AND DIALOGUE Social Sciences and the Democratic... more
Making public policy choices (especially on health issues) based on available scientific evidence is an ideal condition for any policy making. However, the mechanisms governing these scenarios are complex, non-linear, and, alongside the... more
We are grateful to Alan Irwin for his constructive response Agreeing to Differ? to our paper and, notwithstanding differences between his view and ours, we agree with many of his comments. In this short rejoinder, we zoom in on the three... more
... Email:; Francisco Javier Gil Martín, Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Oviedo, Campus de Humanidades, 33011 Oviedo, Spain. Email: Page 2. 6 J. Vega Encabo and FJ Gil Martín ...