Scientific paradigms
Recent papers in Scientific paradigms
The phenomenon of rape has been studied from a myriad of different scientific standpoints, in turn yielding numerous theoretical perspectives, interpretations, and findings. Evolutionary psychologists (e.g., Buss, 1989; Thornhill &... more
The paper discusses the four scientific paradigms as contributors and constraints to the development of strategic communication. It commences with a delineation of strategic communication as a field and concludes with the future of the... more
This paper explores the philosophical underpinnings of three major educational research paradigms: scientific, interpretive, and critical. The aim was to outline and explore the interrelationships between each paradigm’s ontology,... more
Seguiremo all’inverso KUHN [1970], il cui indice generale sarà invertito. Se Kuhn dalle rivoluzioni giunge alle caratteristiche della conoscenza scientifica, dalle caratteristiche della conoscenza scientifica noi giungeremo ad accennare... more
Batı sosyolojisinde nicel ve nitel saha araştırma metodlarının (1) u-zun süren önemli tartışmalara konu olduğunu biliyoruz. Bu tartışmaların öylesine uzun geçmişi vardır ki, bilim olarak sosyolojinin ortaya çıkışından sonraki yıllara... more
Trabajo Final: Epistemología
Autor elegido: Thomas Khun (1922- 1996)
Profesor: Gabriel Zanotti
Doctoranda: Mariana Barresi
Octubre 2004
Autor elegido: Thomas Khun (1922- 1996)
Profesor: Gabriel Zanotti
Doctoranda: Mariana Barresi
Octubre 2004
ÖZET Bildirinin konusu, bilimsel paradigma ile üsî-küîtür sistemi yani medeniyet arasindaki ilişkidir. Bilim anlayisi olarak da adlandırabileceğimiz paradigma; bilimin ne olduğuna, nasil yapilmasi gerektiğine ilişkin ve bilim insanları... more
Eje temático elegido: Derecho y Lenguaje Título de la HDD: Inconmensurabilidad en los Paradigmas del Derecho Cuando Thomas Kuhn público su célebre "La Estructura de las Revoluciones Científicas" (1962) la Filosofía de las Ciencias nunca... more
Fr. Kappen identifies the present era as the age of re-colonization in which humans and nature are colonized by global capitalism. This unholy system is supported physically by the atomic weapons of S&T and ideologically by the Christian... more
The article illuminates the philosophy of the Toltecs, based on the evolving human consciousness. The ancient practices allowed for the warrior-Toltec to expand his consciousness. Then he could “see” and realize the transcendental... more
Health care research includes many studies that combine quantitative and qualitative methods. In this paper, we revisit the quantitative-qualitative debate and review the arguments for and against using mixed-methods. In addition, we... more
The way an army thinks about and understands warfare has a tremendous impact on its organization, training, and operations. The central ideas of that understanding form a nation's way of warfare that influences decisions on and off the... more
This text explores the ways in which the depiction of scientists as characters in science fictions can be seen as contributing to the ethical formation of scientists and engineers, arguing that this in turn plays a role determining the... more
A long and uneven process of stabilization was implemented by normal sciences and disciplinary traditions, in order to maintain and institutionalize the antinomies that were a distinctive mark of the reason, which permeated the State.... more
How do scientific disciplines evolve? This is one of the fundamental problems of the dynamics of science. This study confronts this problem here by investigating the evolution of experimental physics, which plays a vital role for the... more
Two central tenets of the algorithmic paradigm are: (1) All proofs can be understood as algorithms, with input corresponding to assumptions and output to conclusions. (2) All functions are given by algorithms. We discuss how things look... more
Rankings have become a major form of quality assessment in higher education over the past few decades. Most rankings rely, to varying extent, on bibliometric indicators intended to capture the quantity and quality of the scientific output... more
Giornata di studi “Prospettive critiche sul capitalismo contemporaneo” 21 febbraio 2019.
Sessione I “Per una critica delle rivoluzioni del capitale”
Sessione I “Per una critica delle rivoluzioni del capitale”
Marc Bloch, in his The Historian’s Craft, refers to the constitution of historical knowledge as a task requiring language precision, to be developed somewhere between the rather pedestrian conception of science of French late... more
Health care research includes many studies that combine quantitative and qualitative methods. In this paper, we revisit the quantitative-qualitative debate and review the arguments for and against using mixed-methods. In addition, we... more
Health care research includes many studies that combine quantitative and qualitative methods. In this paper, we revisit the quantitative-qualitative debate and review the arguments for and against using mixed-methods. In addition, we... more
The existence of two massive theoretical anomalies, regarding the contemporary science’s photon/light phenomena based paradigms, was irrefutably proven in Brauns (2021) through two thought experiments. Both anomalies prove that a photon... more
The existence of two massive theoretical anomalies is demonstrated through two straightforward thought experiments. Those anomalies make it clear that photon’s trajectory models, based on contemporary light paradigms, become unacceptably... more
This paper uses the example of the discovery of the weak neutral current in the mid-1970's as a case study to argue against the Kuhnian notion of incommensurability between scientific paradigms. More specifically, the paper shows that,... more
Together with many recent innovations in science and technology, we have witnessed some paradigmatic changes in science, which enables us to understand the world. The positivist paradigm of science, which was adopted as the sole research... more
Contribution to paradigm theory.