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Essential Vatican II identifies the controversies that emerged from Vatican II and the impact of the Council's themes on contemporary Church life. The team of contributors comes from a variety of backgrounds, methodologies, personal... more
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      History of Roman CatholicismSecond Vatican CouncilRoman CatholicismCatholic Church
L'enquête que nous présentons ici, qui a duré deux ans, a d'abord été un travail ingrat : de nombreuses nuits blanches, la perte de collaborateurs, beaucoup de travail purement bénévole, différentes sortes de risquespotentiels... Et pour... more
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      Journalismpost-Vatican II Catholic ChurchCatholic ChurchVatican
El presente ensayo trata de comprender los mecanismos de análisis del tema religioso en la prosa y la poesía de Jorge Luis Borges a partir de un ejemplo de cada género. El uso de la Biblia y del lenguaje teológico es uno de los recursos... more
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      TheologyInterdisciplinarityJorge Luis BorgesBiblical Hermeneutics
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The life and spiritual development of Christians are intrinsically linked with the Church. This thesis clearly opposes contemporary individualistic and syncretic tendencies. The process requires constant learning about and identifying... more
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    • Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology
Neste trabalho analisamos algumas das proposições relacionadas à morte no livro Missão Abreviada: para despertar os descuidados, converter os pecadores e sustentar os frutos das Missões (Portugal, 1859) de autoria do padre Manuel José... more
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To enter into an understanding of natural law as this is understood in the context of official Catholic Church teaching, the best point of departure is an understanding of what the Church has to say about the human intellect, the human... more
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      Bernard LonerganThomas Aquinas (Philosophy)ARISTOTLE - PLATO - METAPHYSICS - EPISTEMOLOGY
W czasie swojego ingresu do katedry wawelskiej 8 marca 1964 roku arcybiskup Karol Wojtyła wyraził pragnienie, aby archidiecezja krakowska „żyła duchem Soboru i duchem Kościoła”. Analiza Notificationes, czyli przeglądu krakowskiej Kurii... more
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      Jan Paweł IISobór Watykański II
El presente ensayo propone, a partir del reconocimiento de la diversidad cultural y religiosa, que el uso de las ciencias sociales, en particular la antropología social, es una herramienta indispensable para la lectura intercultural del... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyBible and Popular CultureInterculturalidadReligious Diversity
Monsignor Loris Francesco Capovilla (1915‑2016), private secretary of Pope John XXIII, wrote a brief journal of the first days of the Second Vatican Council. It is a source of great interest and importance both to see how this Venetian... more
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      Catholic TheologyHistory of Roman CatholicismChurch HistorySecond Vatican Council
In "A Catholic Call to Action for Peace and Justice in Gaza," the author urges Christians, particularly Catholics, to confront the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and advocate for the rights of Palestinians. Highlighting the ongoing violence,... more
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      Catholic StudiesGenocide StudiesCatholic TheologyChristian Zionism
This paper focuses on the role of the Hungarian language in the ethnic region of Slovenes in Hungary before 1918. More precisely its impact on predications and on religious education in schools.
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      Slovenian HistoryHungaryModern Hungarian HistoryAustro-Hungarian History
Religion came from the Latin word religio which can mean “devotedness” or “felt obligation,” and referred to the observance of duties. It encompassed a wide range of social groups and worship practices during earlier times. In the Middle... more
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    • Religion
The aim of this article is to delve into Foucault's intuition in the book The Order of Things, regarding the máthêsis universalis as a general science of order and measurement, when it comes to characterizing the Classical Age. This... more
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      PhenomenologyContemporary French PhilosophyMichel Foucault
28 Conceito que remete às transformações operadas nas "formas como os individuos se relacionavam com o sagrado e com as instituições que o administravam"; as "funções e a organização dessas instituições", bem como "os vínculos que... more
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The French Dominican Yves Congar, one of the most important catholic ecclesiologists of the 20 th century, paid special attention during the Second Vatican Council, among other things, to the Declaration on Religious Freedom. The author... more
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      Council Vatican IITheology and History of Vatican IIReligious LibertyConcilio Vaticano II
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    • History
In preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, Pope Francis has invited the Church to revisit the four constitutions of the Second Vatican Council-Sacrosanctum Concilium, Lumen Gentium, Dei Verbum, and Gaudium et Spes-to align with the... more
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Abstract: Joseph Ratzinger gave a conference at the University of Navarra, on January 31, 1998, in which he addressed, from a new and disturbing perspective, the question about the condition of theological science. His thesis was that... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Catholic TheologyFranciscan StudiesHistory of Roman Catholicism
Aquinas on the Promulgation of the New Law" Response (to Coolman and Marshall) Joel S. Kaminsky, "How We Are United and Divided by 216 Shared Texts and Concepts" Gavin D'Costa, "Reassessing Jewish 'Ceremonial Law' 228 from Cantate Domino... more
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsSecond Vatican CouncilJudaismCatholic-Jewish dialogue
Liberation theology emerged as a significant movement within the Roman Catholic Church in Latin America during the mid-20th century. It sought to address social injustices exacerbated by poverty, political oppression, and economic... more
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    • Theology
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This document was promulgated in the year 1979 by Pope Johnpaul II, although the collation of the document began during the reign of Pope Paul VI at the fourth general assembly of the synod of Bishops in the year 1977. This document... more
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    • Catholic Church Doctrine
This article presents an analysis of the reality and the way of transmitting education based on the teaching of the Catholic faith in a culture or this secular as a sign of justice in a world of discard, taking into account the cultural... more
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This lecture focuses on the liturgical rubrics, the rules for celebrating mass in the Roman Missal, and how they can contribute to the art of liturgical celebration. I will touch on seven themes, three general liturgical principles and... more
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      Liturgical TheologyArs celebrandiCatholic LiturgyThe Liturgical Reform of Vatican II
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      ArtCatholic StudiesVatican IICatholic Church
The Second Vatican Council did not give too much space to a discussion on the present and future fact of the Concordats. On one hand they were considered an indispensable instrument for the discipline of relations between Church and... more
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      Catholic StudiesCatholic Social TeachingHistory of Roman CatholicismChurch History
From the ending of the pontificate of John XXIII until the death of Benedict XVI a different modality has been defined with respect to the past in the treatment of the papal documents. While previously these documents were fully deposited... more
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      Papacy (Medieval Church History)Church HistorySecond Vatican CouncilVatican Archives
'Essential Vatican II' identifies the controversies that emerged from Vatican II and the impact of the Council's themes on contemporary Church life. The team of contributors comes from a variety of backgrounds, methodologies, personal... more
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      Interreligious DialogueEcumenical and Interfaith Dialoguepost-Vatican II Catholic ChurchEcumenical Ecclesiology
The Feast of the Translation of Saint Dominic - an analysis.
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      TheologyLiturgyRoman CatholicismCatholic Liturgy
Lischer is a gifted stylist, who writes beautifully, and there are gems of wisdom and insight to be found on every page. This is an extraordinarily rich book, in which we are offered a window on the workings of God amidst the messiness... more
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      ChristianityTheologyHistory of ChristianityMedieval Studies
The paper titled "Being God's Caress: The Layperson as a Witness of Charity" addresses the role and identity of the layperson in the contemporary Church, focusing particularly on an analysis of the Second Vatican Council. Through a... more
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      ChristianityChristian EducationHistory of ChristianityChristian Spirituality
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    • Philosophy
El presente artículo propone que, para comprender la propuesta hermenéutica bíblica de Joseph Ratzinger - Benedicto XVI, es necesario tener presente la discusión más amplia en la cual el autor quiere entrar: de la pregunta por el estatuto... more
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      Biblical HermeneuticsPope Benedict XVI/Josef Ratzinger
Es ist sehr schwierig, als geweihte Person in der heutigen Welt zu leben", so beginnen die Leitlinien "Il dono della fedeltà. La gioia della perseveranza." der (damaligen) Kongregation für die Institute des geweihten Lebens und die... more
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      Canon LawKirchenrecht
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      ReligionCatholic Studies
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      ReligionCatholic Studies
This volume collects the papers given at the Fourteenth Fota International Liturgical Conference, held in 2023, on the centrality of the concept of sacrifice in understanding the Eucharistic liturgy. The subject is treated from various... more
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      TheologyLiturgical StudiesLiturgyBiblical Studies
Cet article aborde la formation des séminaristes en France, particulièrement à Strasbourg, en questionnant la pression exercée sur ces futurs prêtres pour qu’ils incarnent des modèles héroïques de vertus. Trois étapes marquent la... more
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The objective of this article is to expose the relationship that Marx establishes between human beings, work and nature, where it can be evidenced that work activity is a creative liberation for the affirmation of life with nature,... more
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    • Filosofía Política
Pope Francis, by focusing his teaching office on the notion of synodality, has re-claimed the centrality of the doctrine of the People of God, positioning it once again as the main ecclesiological criterion for understanding all the... more
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      Canon LawConstitutional LawEcclesiologyPope Francis
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      EcclesiologyRoman Catholic Ecclesiology
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      Political ScienceVatican IIBishopSynodality
The first part of this book, compiled in Hungarian, contains essays on documents attesting to the Holy See's contact with Card. Mindszenty during the first years of his refuge at the American Legation in Budapest, that is, in the period... more
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      Vatican Diplomacymodern and contemporary history of HungaryCARDINAL MINDSZENTY
Full reference: Peter De Mey, "Richesse et limites de Lumen Gentium pour le développement de la théologie de la synodalité aujourd’hui," in Synodalité et Église Famille de Dieu en Afrique : Contribution à la XVIeme Assemblée du Synode des... more
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      EcclesiologySecond Vatican CouncilTheology and History of Vatican IIRoman Catholic Ecclesiology
Ecumenical dialogue that seeks to bring all followers of Christ closer to unity faces many difficulties. One is the incorrect understanding of ecumenism (doctrinal, spiritual and practical). Also, an obstacle is the lack of distinction... more
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      EcumenismVirgin MaryEcumenical DialogueChristian Unity
This paper examines the methodologies of Bernard Lonergan and Oliver Freiberger to the (comparative) study of religion and theology. Lonergan's "Transcendental Method" grounds itself in an individual's conscious intentionality seeking... more
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    • Comparative Religion
The Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022 had a profound impact on the Republic of Moldova. The aftermath witnessed an unprecedented influx of Ukrainian refugees, a significant rise in inflation, a decline in political stability, and a... more
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      European integrationMemory StudiesMoldovaPolitics of Memory
The association of the Church with the vocabulary of 'mystery' is rooted very particularly in the Letters to the Ephesians and Colossians. In one of the best-known passages of the former, the relation of husband and wife, as set out in... more
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