Theology and History of Vatican II
Most downloaded papers in Theology and History of Vatican II
Dignitatis Humanae of Vatican II did not contradict previous Catholic teaching on religious liberty. So I have argued, appealing to the teaching on Church and state of Leo XIII. The authority to direct religion coercively always belonged... more
A 50 anni dalla promulgazione della costituzione dogmatica Lumen Gentium, il documento più importante del Concilio Vaticano II dal punto di vista dottrinale, è forse possibile cominciare a recepirne senza timori la novità e le... more
This is a revised issue of REL Issue No. 1 The tomb of the manicurists Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep, Fifth Dynasty, Old Kingdom Egypt, is regarded as exceptional either in its size and architecture or most noticeably in its lively... more
With their participation in the Second Vatican Council, two German theologians have been instrumental in shaping modern Catholicism like few others, namely Karl Rahner and Joseph Ratzinger. Both were collaborators on a wide array of... more
Como reza el subtítulo, el libro es una «Guía para la animación conciliar de la comunidad cristiana». Es un compendio de la visión y del mensaje del Concilio Vaticano II, en 26 unidades, que contienen cada uma de ellas: - una selección de... more
Even more than in the previous decades, the 50th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council (occurring on 11 October 2012) will undoubtedly be the start of a period of intensive scholarly interest in the history of Vatican... more
This paper provides an alternative to the typical reading of Ratzinger's approach to 'Sacrosanctum concilium' and the liturgy more generally. The standard narrative is that Ratzinger betrayed his earlier views, as expressed in his... more
“Thomas Aquinas on the Bible and Morality: The Sacred Scriptures, the Natural Law, and the Hermeneutic of Continuity,” in TOWARDS A BIBLICAL THOMISM: THOMAS AQUINAS AND THE RENEWAL OF BIBLICAL THEOLOGY, edited by Jörgen Vijgen and Piotr... more
The establishment of criteria for the selection of the liturgical-musical repertoire needs to pay attention to the integration of music as a coherent set with liturgy, in accordance to the desire of Sacrosanctum Concilium 112. Any... more
A Christian martyr for the gospel of social justice, and a man of deep spirituality and great ethical stature, Óscar Romero, archbishop of San Salvador during years of brutal government and paramilitary repression, is a towering figure in... more
Publicado en Anales de teología. 17.1 (2015) 85-111
The author proposes a critical reading of the accusations that have been made to the historical methods of biblical interpretation at the time (post)modern. So also proposes a review of the same methods considering the abuses that they... more
Vatican II's Dignitatis Humanae forbids the state to use coercion for specifically religious ends, because the state lacks authority in matters of religion. But the nineteenth-century popes, Leo XIII included, called for the state to... more
In this paper I reconstruct the redaction history of the paragraphs dealing with the tria munera in the interconnected chapters two and four of Lumen Gentium. The declarations Presbyterorum Ordinis, Apostolicam Actuositatem and Ad Gentes... more
One striking feature of the documents of the Second Vatican Council is the extent to which liturgical texts and rites are quoted and alluded to in a variety of theological contexts. In this essay, I seek to cast light on this aspect of... more
From ""Whoever needs an act of faith to elucidate an event that can be explained by reason is a fool, and unworthy of reasonable thought." This line, spoken by the notorious 18th-century libertine Giacomo Casanova,... more
This is a recently published essay on the right to religious freedom, employing both Dignitatis Humanae and the metaphysics and anthropology of Thomas Aquinas.
This article examines Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s grounding of the New Evangelization in the Second Vatican Council and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, especially in light of critiques that view the Catechism as a reversal of... more
From: Jordan Hillebert, ed., T&T Clark Companion to Henri de Lubac (London: T&T Clark, 2017)
As a complement to the many studies pointing to tensions, compromises and juxtapositions in Lumen Gentium, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the promulgation of the dogmatic constitution this article by means of a lectio continua... more
This article gives an account of the reform of the sign of the cross and the imposition of hands over the gifts in the Roman Canon during the post-conciliar period. There follows a consideration of the significance of these gestures in... more
This article explores Yves Congar’s contribution to Vatican II and his influence on Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et Spes, especially. Author provides an analysis of Congar’s own diaries from the time of the Council as well as other... more
The work of the Peter and Paul Seminar presented in this issue of 'The Jurist' focuses on the role of the bishop in the local church. This contribution focuses on the pattern selected by the council fathers to introduce the teaching of... more
Javier SÁNCHEZ CAÑIZARES El fundamento filial de la moral familiar. Hacia la comunión en la filiación / 279-305 Juan José GARCÍA NORRO El principio del doble efecto en el ius in bello / 307-327 Rodrigo POLANCO Giro hermenéutico en la... more
Reflecting on the reception of Vatican II in the pontificate of Pope Francis is entering an area without borders due to the span and complexity of the possible topics. The present contribution concentrates particularly on two aspects:... more
In this chapter I discuss three different configurations of how both important goals have been articulated in the 1950s, in the first years of the Council and towards its end. In the decade before Vatican II a number of Catholic... more
Karl Rahner's thesis that Vatican II has constituted the beginning of a World Church affirms that a qualitative leap would have taken place, leaving behind a historical era in which the Church has exported its European cultural model of... more
This article traces the development of the Roman Catholic understanding of 'extra ecclesiam nulla salus' between the Boston Heresy Case in the early 1940s and the Second Vatican Council. The Holy Office’s condemnation of the virtual... more
Abstract The category “signs of the times” symbolizes the introduction of an important novelty in the history of the conciliar magisterium and of the theological methodology. This article offers two developments that wish to contribute to... more
RE: Facades, illusions & ideological concepts created & promoted by ancient royalty out of necessity; effective creation of an alternate version of reality. It is only by knowing this information that the true nature of ancient texts may... more
Una revolución pacífica decisiva. En camino hacia nuevas formas históricas de la fe y de la vida eclesial A decisive peaceful revolution. On the way to new historical forms of faith and ecclesial life.
In this study, we have sought to establish if and how the metaphysics of participation can offer a valid instrument for the “hermeneutics of reform in continuity”, which Pope Benedict XVI encouraged for a correct understanding of Vatican... more
This article approaches the theme of Salesian pedagogy of life choice and vocation on three levels of argumentation. The first level synthesizes the modifications in Salesian pedagogy of vocation that originate from the post Vatican II... more
Quand il est à Rome, le pape François déjeune chaque jour au milieu de bonnes soeurs dont il partage le modeste repas. Signe de la vie simple qu’il s’est choisie en référence à François d’Assise, dont il fut le premier pape à adopter le... more
This study proposes a close historical reading of Dei Verbum 11-13, in order to overcome a false division between scientific exegesis and theology. Two readings of DV 12 are possible: (i) scientific exegesis is complete in its genre, but... more
This paper explores the life and work of Brazilian Catholic nun and leading Latin American feminist liberation theologian Ivone Gebara. The paper aims to examine Gebara’s commitment to social justice based on her calling. I argue that... more
In order to better understand the divide which occurred within the “progressive majority” at Vatican II as “Schema XIII” (eventually Gaudium et Spes) was under discussion, this essay considers the contributions and objections of Karl... more