Socioeconomic Exclusion
Recent papers in Socioeconomic Exclusion
Working-class students tend to be less socially integrated at university than middle-class students (Rubin, 2012a). The present research investigated two potential reasons for this working-class social exclusion effect. First,... more
A meta-analysis of 35 studies found that social class (socioeconomic status) is related to social integration among students in higher education: Working-class students are less integrated than middle-class students. This relation... more
This paper sets out to develop two related ideas. First, it seeks to identify how both violence and neoliberalism can be considered as moments. From this shared conceptualisation of process and fluidity, I argue that it becomes easier to... more
Concentrating on the transitional preoccupation with mainstreaming human rights culture, the chapter contrasts human rights education as expressed in South Africa’s post-1994 formal curriculum and as reflected in the informal educational... more
Este documento es un instrumento básico y fundamental, de gran valía para el establecimiento, consenso, puesta en marcha y evaluación de una política pública local y regional dirigida a mejorar la situación de desventaja de este... more
The study's major goal is to determine the demographic profile and socioeconomic position of tea garden workers. The researcher used a descriptive survey method as well as stratified random sampling. One hundred and twenty tea garden... more
I would like to share with you a resource I created a decade ago and have used with great success in all of my university courses in education, diversity, multicultural education, and social justice ever since. For my in-class course, it... more
Se analizan las distintas formas y espacios para la incorporación de los sectores populares organizados y de los movimientos sociales, la evolución de sus prácticas, las lógicas que orientan sus acciones frente al Estado, la forma en... more
How can interventions by state institutions—supposedly meant to organize social solidarity—translate into stigmatization, loss of power, and domination? In a setting where these interventions increasingly depend on clinical assessment... more
The exclusion, inequality, humiliation and deprivation of Dalitholics in the caste-ridden Indian society are all pervasive. Dalits irrespective of their religious beliefs and locations undergo same atrocious treatment which has been more... more
The present dissertation focused on the study about the influence of factors on the socioeconomic inclusion processes of local population from touristic regions, close to Brazilian national parks, in the tourism productive system. The... more
The United States has had a wavering acceptance of immigrants throughout itshistory, from eager invitations to violent and immediate forced removals. Presently, immigrants from Central America are in the spotlight, who have been... more
Pupils who regularly attend school perform better in school than those who do not. Absenteeism from school makes pupils not to achieve their maximum. This paper presents results from a study that was conducted to explore the socioeconomic... more
Resumen Muestra y problematiza el giro invertido, fetichismo, que recorre el proceder de las Ciencias Sociales latinoamericanas, y la costarricense en específico, al enfrentarse, de manera acrítica, a la realidad social utilizando sin más... more
Many marginalised groups face difficulties in accessing essential services, such as housing, health care and water – even though their rights to these services are enshrined in international and often in national laws. This research... more
Based on a three-year ethnography, this article illuminates how institutions and individuals can support immigrants’ language learning and settlement in today’s globalized, multicultural societies. It focuses on how a Mandarin–English... more
The new wave of discrimination has arrived; Geographic Discrimination. Where you live can significantly affect your employment prospects, your health and your cost of living. With insurance company’s setting higher insurance premiums for... more
Author's Accepted version can be seen at: This article defends illegal immigration from the Global South to the Global North, while being agnostic about the right of the state to control borders.... more
Twenty years after its transition, South Africa continues to be considered a model of transitional justice. Within South Africa, the process has had a more mixed reception, although most critiques focus on the drawbacks of the Truth and... more
The paper analyses the development of the Langstrasse quarter - a formerly rundown area next to Zurich’s Central Business District - in relation to urban gentrification and displacement. The results demonstrate that there has been an... more
In, Reshaping the Political Arena in Latin America: From Resisting Neoliberalism to Second Incorporation . Edited by Eduardo Silva & Federico Rossi. University of Pittsburgh Press (Latin American Series). Chapter 5
The deteriorating security situation in Federally-Administered Tribal Areas has negatively affected the psychological lives of people and annihilated the already-abysmal health facilities. As a result, the health issues for women in... more
I argue that working-class students need to be better integrated into social life at university in order for them to have a better opportunity to succeed. I discuss this issue in the context of (a) a recent meta-analyses showing the... more
Il lavoro sta indubbiamente attraversando una delle fasi più delicate ed incerte della sua storia. Le asimmetrie che scaturiscono dalle varie legislazioni e gli effetti dell'attuale congiuntura economica sembrano rappresentare due degne... more
This review provides a critical appraisal of the measurement of students’ social class and socioeconomic status (SES) in the context of widening higher education participation. Most assessments of social class and SES in higher education... more
In the United States, from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic to December 31, 2020, 341,199 deaths and more than 19,663,976 infections were recorded. Recent literature establishes that communities with poverty-related health problems,... more
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Entrevista por Hugo Prieto , Prodavinci 24 julio 2016.Caracas.
Niniejszy tekst podejmuje problematykę nierówności społecznych, będących konstytutywnym elementem refleksji nauk społecznych, zawężając w punkcie wyjścia obszar zainteresowania do wymiaru pracy, by ostatecznie rozważyć szersze... more
The present research tested the hypotheses that (a) working-class students have fewer friends at university than middle-class students, and (b) this social class difference occurs because working-class students tend to be older than... more
Purpose: Economic actors tend to exert powerful impact on socioeconomic and political developments around the globe, including yielding financial and political crises in developed democracies. Approach/Methodology/Design: While a number... more
Adopting a materialist and processual approach to language and specifically multilingualism, this paper explores what language ideologies a minority, noneducational institution embraced and how this facilitated social inclusion through... more
Im Zuge der Suburbanisierung hat die Stadt Zürich, wie andere schweizerische und europäische Städte auch, seit den frühen 1960er-Jahren einen drastischen Rückgang der Wohnbevölkerung erlebt. Insbesondere jüngere, verhältnismäßig... more