Spanning physical and virtual space, Peter Burr’s exhibition, Responsive Eye, examines contemporary life in the grid. Taking cues from minimalism and op art, the work pushes the limits of a viewer’s perception and awareness, thrusting them into that gap between what is seen and what is felt. In this interview by Daniel Glendening, Burr digs into history, things that are not there, and what it means to be fleshy bodies gathering in digital space.
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“Designing the Computational Image, Imagining Computational Design” is an exhibition that excavates the foundation of computer-aided design and manufacturing and weaves together several ‘origin stories’ for contemporary consideration. The show recently closed after a seven-week run at the Miller Gallery at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, and CAN was fortunate enough to get a guided tour with curator Daniel Cardoso Llach as it was winding down.
Created by Andy Wallace & Dan Friel, Bleep Space is a free sequencer toy that uses stark geometry to allow users to create noisy beats by assembling 15 sounds accompanied by motion graphics and procedural animations.
Gysin-Vanetti (Andreas Gysin & Sidi Vanetti) are an artist duo exploring images and patterns using the type geometries of multipurpose displays. What characterises the projects shown here is that their intention is to not modify the layout (or visual organisation) of the chosen hardware – they work with what the existing has to offer. Within these hard constraints they search for infinite visual permutation. Using only type and digit, Gysin-Vanetti build images, animations and generate patterns.
Entropic System is a drawing machine that inscribes ornate geometric patterns into a bed of ‘black beauty’ sand. Made by the Denver-based media artist Laleh Mehran the device has instability built-in to it, and creates a feedback loop where approaching it affects its output.
Created as a collaboration between Mediated Matter Group (MIT Media Lab) and the Glass Lab (MIT), GLASS G3DP is a additive manufacturing process that enables 3d printing of optically transparent glass that also allows tunability by geometrical and optical variation that drives form, transparency, color variation, reflection and refraction in all things glass.
Glassified is a modified ruler with a transparent display to supplement physical strokes made on paper with virtual graphics. The goal of the device is to complement rather than replace a typical ruler and since the display is transparent, both the physical strokes and the virtual graphics are visible in the same plane.
This new piece by Paul Prudence takes conceptual cues from cyclotrons and particle accelerators and alludes to aspects of particle physics, space exploration and 4-dimensional space. It is inspired to commemorate the first wave of Russian cosmonauts and also the artists of the Constructivist movement who conquered space conceptually.