Created by the team at MIT Media Lab’s Meditated Matter Group, Fiberbots is a digital fabrication framework fusing cooperative swarm robotic manufacturing with abilities to generate highly sophisticated material structures.
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Ideated during a five days workshop held by Covestro in cooperation with the architecture faculty of the FH Münster MSA, InFoam Printing is a novel production process to alter the properties of flexible foam by giving it a skeleton which is able to distribute forces differently and create new kinetic effects.
Transient Materialization explores the relationship between digital and material-based digital fabrication through n-hedron structure composed mainly of soap foam, which is blown, through a mixture of air and helium, into a foam structure.
Parhelia by Paul Prudence is a real-time A-V performance piece where sample based mechanical sounds are used orchestrate a family of concentric forms in space. The vvvv scenes suggest the workings of a imaginary machine where its component parts, or ‘gears’ interact with one an another triggering corresponding sounds.