Bulletin - February 20, 2011
Bulletin - February 20, 2011
Bulletin - February 20, 2011
Anyone 18 and older wishing to volunteer for Saint Augustine School/Church must attend a Virtus
Training Session. With Vacation Bible School, Volleyball and Coach recruiting just around the corner,
now would be a good time to find a training facility close to you, log onto www.virtus.org. to find
locations and to register. For questions, please contact Renee Barker at 330-745-1080.
OZANAM CENTER at Visitation of Mary is looking for furniture to assist clients. Items in need are
usable couches, chairs, dressers and mattresses these will assist clients in setting up homes they can live
in more comfortably. If you have such items, we will pick them up. The center has a drop off for items
that include, but are not limited to, lamps, kitchen supplies, bedding etc. For more information please
contact Cathie or Jim Perusek at 330-467-5762.
Sharing Grief – The Catholic Cemeteries Bereavement Ministry invites you to spend some special time
sharing your grief with others this month. A bereavement support group session will be held
today, Sunday February 20 from 3-4pm in Holy Cross Cemetery in Akron. Contact the Cemetery nearest
you for further details.
Anna and Joachim were the grandparents of Jesus. What a better name for a ministry
that reaches out to our newly married couples! Baskets are presented to couples filled
with homemade and purchased items along with a very special parish cookbook. If you
would like to donate items of interest, please contact Martha Beitel at 330-825-1149. Volunteers are
always needed.
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Michael Jerin Sr., Patrick Blasdel, Patricia Patterson, Jon Lombardi, Karl Bartel,
Frank Skraba, Jennifer Marco, Pat Mangan, Kenny Carpenter, Ruth Barker, Betty Herold,
Betty Morlan, Gert Weaver, Mary Niehaus, Tracie Sirlouis, Joyce Toth,
Francis Maurer, Kyle Gregory & Agnes Hurley
Joseph Michael Burkhart
Son of Michael Burkhart & Renee Harris
LENT IS QUICKLY APPROACHING: Please mark your calendars, saving the dates for the following Lenten
spiritual growth opportunities, all of which will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm in the school
March 15 Annulments: Everything You Want To Know
Ms. Lynette M. Tait, JCL, Judge for the Cleveland Tribunal
(former DRE at St. Augustine)
March 22 A spiritual tour of St. Augustine Church
Join Deacon Adair as he presents a prayerful reflection on our
church's history, art, and worship space.
March 29 Raising Catholic Christian Families
Fr. David Majikas, Pastor, St. Augustine
April 4 *Monday evening, 7:00 pm in the church
Lent Communal Reconciliation Service
April 12 Topic to be Announced
Fr. Michael B. Smith, Pastor, Immaculate Conception
Spent to Date $ 1,524,138
Amount on Deposit $ 51,458
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February 21-27
Monday, February 21 – Weekday
6:30 Estelle M. Smith
12:05 Stephen Kenna
Tuesday, February 22 – The Chair of St. Peter, Apostle
5:15 Martha Badunas
Wednesday, February 23 – St. Polycarp, Bishop & Martyr
6:30 Normagaye Hummel
12:05 Louis Stumpo
Thursday, February 24 – Weekday
6:30 All Souls
Friday, February 25 – Weekday
6:30 Richard Wilsterman
12:05 Living & Deceased of the Ligas family
Saturday, February 26 – Weekday
8:30 Dorothy Gissinger
4:00 Eugene R. Martin – Anniversary
Sunday, February 27 – Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 Eugene R. Martin
9:00 Robert Mackey
11:00 James Stith
5:15 The People of Saint Augustine Parish
Reading for the week of February 21
Monday Sir 1:1-10, Ps 93:1ab,1cd-2,5, Mk 9:14-29
Tuesday 1 Pt 5:1-4, Ps 23:1-3a,4,5,6, Mt 16:13-19
Wednesday Sir 4:11-19, Ps 119:165,168,171,172,174,175, Mk 9:38-40
Thursday Sir 5:1-8, Ps 1:1-2,3,4,& 6, Mk 9:41-50
Friday Sir 6:5-17, Ps 119:12,16,18,27,34,35, Mk 10:1-12
Saturday Sir 17:1-15, Ps 103:13-14,15-16,17-18,Mk 10:13-16
Sunday Is 49:14-15, Ps 62:2-3,6-7,8-9 (6a) 1 Cor 4:1-5,Mt 6:24-34
As Lent quickly approaches, we are reminded of our call to be stewards with gifts of time, talent, and treasure. At
St. Augustine Church we appreciate your gifts, regardless of how they come. Many of our parishioners have been
using Faith Direct to give their gifts of treasure. Faith Direct is an excellent way to support the parish while
reducing the administrative costs of envelopes and saving our wonderful staff and volunteer’s precious time. To
enroll in the Faith Direct program you may pick up an enrollment form in the parish office or enroll online at
www.faithdirect.net using our church code: OH278.
“Come and See” Sr. Diane Therese Pinchot, OSU, Ursuline Art Department Professor & Chair, will
speak on the topic, “Contemplation & Action: A Witness of the Emerging Church” at the next
gathering, Tuesday, March 1, 7:00 p.m., at Blessed Trinity Church (formerly St. Martha) in Akron.
Everyone is welcome, there is no cost and reservations are not required.
Stewardship Corner: the just man’s sacrifice is most pleasing, nor will it ever be forgotten. In generous
spirit pay homage to the Lord, be not sparing of freewill gifts. With each contribution show a cheerful
countenance, and pay your tithes in a spirit of joy. Give to the Most High as he has given to you,
generously, according to your means. For the Lord is one who always repays, and he will give back to
you sevenfold.