Bulletin - April 1, 2012

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(St. Augustine Church, Barberton, OH) (April 1, 2012) (Insert Graphic 2118-0051.

tif) Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord The Passion of Jesus makes it clear that no one escapes suffering. While it is an inevitable part of life, no one should have to suffer alone. That is one of the primary roles of families: to stand with and support each other in suffering. Who in your family needs your support? You can make this week a hope-filled Holy Week by reaching out to those in need. (Insert graphic 1106-0086)
364 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. Each hour that you spend with Jesus will deepen his Divine peace within your heart. "Come to me all of you who are weary and find life burdensome and I will refresh you." Cast all of your anxieties upon the Lord who cares for you. (Mt 11:28 1 Pt. 5:7) We have open hours that need you! Please call Judy Soltis at 330-212-0926. The longevity of the Holy Hour program depends on our faithful adorers, please consider joining this very special ministry.

(Insert Graphic 1508-0016.tif)There will be no Fatima devotion this coming Saturday, April 7. (Insert Graphic 2404-0106.tif) Barberton Area Community Ministries would like to extend a heart warmed thank you to all who have donated items these past few months; your generosity is greatly appreciated. Items for the Month of March are Peanut butter and Jelly. Please bring your donations when you come to Mass and place them in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule, together we can help those less fortunate. Items will be delivered to BACM on Monday morning. (Insert Graphic 2404-0088.tif)

There will not be Coffee and Donuts on Palm Sunday, the next Coffee and Donuts will be served Sunday, April 15, following the 9:00 and 11:00 Masses, this will be the last Coffee and Donuts for the season. Hosts will be Wane & Mary Jo Goss, Lucina Roth & Pam Ciariariello.
GENERATIONS OF FAITH Join us on the Journey, Thursday, April 12 as we discover The Covenant with David. Registration forms are available on the bookrack. Sessions will be held at Immaculate Conception Church, Waldeisen Hall from 6-9:00pm., all are welcome to attend. Enjoy a meal from 66:30pm followed by the session. Springtime of Hopes - item for the month of March is Toilet paper. Please place your donations inside the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule, items will be picked up on Monday morning. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. For more information, please contact Greg Meier at 330-289-3987.

Fill the Ark - Heifer International

The Fill the Ark Lenten Activity is off to a good start, with a total of donations at $2536.00, we are still quite a way from our goal. Banks are being collected at all Masses during Lent. As we continue to raise money, the thermometer in the back of the church will gauge our success. Keep in mind, if we are able to complete two Arks, Fr. David will chase a greased pig around the playground. Envelopes have been provided in the pews if you would like to make a donation. For more information regarding Heifer International, please log onto www.heifer.org. Together we will make a difference.

Do enjoy fine food and fine dining? Join us Saturday, April 21 beginning at 6:00pm in the St. Augustine Rectory for an unforgettable evening of gourmet food with professionally paired wine to accompany each of the five delectable courses. It is sure to be an elegant dining experience. The cost is $75.00 per person. For more information or to purchase tickets, please call the school at 330-753-6435 or visit www.staugschool.net. Seating is limited to the first 20 guests.

RCIA UPDATE: Once again the parish will celebrate with our soon-to-be new Catholics by having a reception after the Easter Vigil. If you would like to volunteer to help serve in some way for the reception or to donate fruit, veggies, a cheese tray etc. to offer the guests, please call Kim Petroff (330-848-9138). Thank you.
Thank you to all who have sold and/or purchased raffle tickets for the St. Augustine Car Raffle. To be included in the next drawing, simply sell 10 raffle tickets and return the stubs and raffle money to the school office or parish rectory. Once you sell 10 tickets, your name is entered into all of the early bird drawings through May 2012. Increase your odds, every time you sell an additional 10 tickets. At present, the car raffle has earned $15,250.00 for St. Augustine School. (Insert Graphic 1105-0020.tif) Have you made your Confirmation yet? It is feasible that some adults have not received the Sacrament of Confirmation for one reason or another. St. Augustine would like to invite adults who have not been confirmed to consider doing so this year. Fr. Bill is inviting all Catholic men and women who have already been baptized, made your First confessions and have received your First Holy Communion to work with him so you can be ready to be confirmed here at St. Augustine Church. Confirmation will be held on Sunday, May 13 at the 11:00am Mass. If you are interested in being confirmed this year, please contact Fr. Bill at 330-745-0011 as soon as possible.

St. Augustine Church is now scheduling Masses in the 2013 Mass Intention Book. Due to the high volume of Mass Intention requests in 2012, we are asking you to consider grouping your intentions together; example The Smith family instead of listing each family member individually. We will do our best to schedule you as close to the requested date as possible. A specific date is not guaranteed. All masses are scheduled as they come in. Mass offerings are still $10.00 each.
St. Augustine rectory will be closed for Easter on Friday, April 6 and will reopen for business on Tuesday, April 10 at 8:30am.

Our Diocesan assessment dollars at work: LET YOUR AMEN BE TRUE: THE LINK BETWEEN LIFE AND LITURGY was a powerful day of reflection focused on the liturgy and its connection with our lives. Many thanks to Mary Pat Frey, Director of the Stewardship Office, for her zeal for the Lord and love for the Mass that led her to prepare and share the material presented, she is a wonderful example of someone who uses her gifts to build the Kingdom of God. Please continue to pray for the elect and candidates for the sacraments of initiation. They are making their final spiritual preparations for the great Easter Vigil. If you would like to help with the celebration to be held after the Vigil, please call Kim Petroff (330-8489138). Thank you.

(Insert Graphic 2000-0069.tif) PRAY FOR THE SICK

Patrick Blasdel, Patricia Patterson, Karl Bartel, Jennifer Marco, Jacob Hurley, Donald Williams, Irene Lyle, Christopher Sanchez, Kate Ligas, Vada McNeal, Betty Morlan, Carol Grimes, Kelly Speck, Eugene Van Oss, Debra Dolgos, Lillian Hazlett, Mike Roop, Jean Genet Cunningham, Dolores Hall, Bernard Pramik, Rey Soberano & Mary Bartel


George Kozarevic & Mary Camilla Heim Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord! Come and See On Tuesday, April 10 when Bill Boomer, Director of the Marriage and Family Office in the Diocese of Cleveland, will reflect on Happy & Whole in a Hookup World: A Catholic Approach to Sexuality & Relationships at 7:00 p.m. at Blessed Trinity Church (formerly St. Martha) in Akron. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for small group discussion, including time for individual conversations with Bill. Everyone is welcome!

(Insert Graphic 1300-0021.tif) Stewardship: Time, Talent & Treasure

Sunday Offering Faith Direct Offering Total Offerings St. Vincent De Paul School Support Heifer International March 25 $ 9,232 $ 1,754 $ 10,986 $ $ $ 284 302 1,974

Year to date Income Year to Date Expenses Difference

COMPARATIVE FIGURES March 25 11-12 10-11 $ 1,229,312 $ 1,140,147 $ 1,223,354 $ 1,170,631 $ 5,958 $ (30,484) CAPITAL CAMPAIGN $ 1,524,138 $ 85,684

Spent to date Amount on Deposit

(Insert Graphic 2303-0010.tif) Mens Fellowship will NOT meet Saturday, April 7 in observance of Holy Week. Our next meeting will be Saturday, April 21. Watch the bulletin for details. For questions, please contact Gib Adolph 330-848-1043 or adolphbiz@yahoo.com. Kids and Adults, get ready, Vacation Bible School will soon be here, mark your calendars for June 18-22 from 9-12 (noon). This years theme is Sky Everything is possible with God. Children will enjoy incredible Bible learning experiences that they will see, hear, touch and even taste. VBS is looking for volunteers, anyone interested please contact Renee Barker at 330-745-1080.

(Insert Graphic 212118-0012.tif) April 2-8 Monday, April 2 Monday of Holy Week 6:30 All Souls 12:05 Kathy Zellia 6:00 Confessions Tuesday, April 3 Tuesday of Holy Week 6:30 Craig Wilson *Note Mass time change due to Crism Mass Wednesday, April 4 Wednesday of Holy Week 6:30 Betty Bartel 12:05 Margaret Somerick Thursday, April 5 Holy Thursday 12:05 Midday Prayer 7:00 Mass of the Lords Supper Friday, April 6 Good Friday of the Passion of the Lord 12:05 Midday Prayer 3:00 Lords Passion 7:00 Stations of the Cross 7:30 Lords Passion at Immaculate Conception Church Saturday, April 7 Holy Saturday 12:05 Blessing of the Easter Food NO CONFESSIONS 9:30 Easter Vigil Sunday, April 8 Easter Sunday 7:30 Organ and Cantor 9:00 Adult Choir 11:00 Teen Choir 5:15 No Mass Monday, April 9 Easter Monday NO CONFESSIONS Readings for the Week of April 2 Is 42:1-7, Ps 27:103,13-14, Jn 12:1-11 Is 49:1-6, Ps 102:2-3,16-21, Jn 8:31-42 Is 50:4-9, Ps 69:8-10,21-22,31,33-34, Mt 26:14-25 Ex 12:1-8,11-14, Ps 116:12-13,15-18, 1 Cor 11:23-26, Jn 13:1-15 Is 51:13-53:12, Ps 31:2,6,12-13,15-17,25, Heb 4:14-16;5:7-9, Jn 18:1-19:42 Gn:1:1-2:2, Gn 22:1-18, Ex 14:15-15:1, Is 54:5-14,Is 55:1-11,Bar 3:9-15,32-4:4, Ez 36:16-28, Rom 6:3-11, Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23, Mk 16:1-7 Sunday Acts 10:34,37-43, Ps 118:1-2,16-17,22-23, Col 3:1-4,Jn 20:1-9 (Insert Graphic 2118-0033.tif) Christians around the world are united in a special way during Lent, Holy Week and Easter. Our hearts, minds and prayers are also especially aware of the Holy Land. Our parish, once a year on Good Friday, is called on to support Christians in the Holy Land. Many Christians in the Holy Land depend on the collection for their lives. As a pontifical collection requested by Pope Benedict XVI, the annual Good Friday collection offers a direct link for parishioners to be witnesses of peace and to help protect the Holy Places. When you donate on Good Friday, you are supporting Christians in the Holy Land. The Good Friday collection is requested by the Holy Father. Please be generous as your abundance allows. Reminder: Good Friday is a day of fast and abstinence, no meat and no eating between meals. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Young at Heart Seniors with meet Monday, April 2, 1PM, at Prince of Peace. Pictures and the history of Barberton in the 1950's will be presented by the Barberton Library historian. All are welcome for this very interesting program.

RETROUVAILLE WEEKEND APRIL 2012 Someone once said marriages may be made in heaven, but they sure take a lot of work on earth. Have you become so distracted by outside pressures that you have neglected your spouse? Retrouvaille (Help our Marriage) can help you put your marriage back on track. The next Cleveland Retrouvaille weekend will be held on April 20-22 at the Cleveland Hilton Inn Beachwood. A registration fee of $150 is requested to confirm a reservation. For information concerning the program, or to register, contact Al or Diane Miskinis at (330) 665-3506 or 1-800-470-2230. You may also learn about Retrouvaille at www.helpourmarriage.com. Right to Life of Northeast Ohio and Life Education Fund will be holding their 24th Annual Education and Appreciation Dinner on April 28 at the St. Joseph Family Center, 610 W. Exchange St., Akron. Doors open at 5:00pm; dinner at 6:00pm. Back by popular demand, our Keynote Speaker will be Star Parker, Founder and President of CURE. Come and listen how Gods Amazing Grace changed a young womans life, burdened and in turmoil to a life of faith and the desire to empower others to live the life God intended for them. Tickets are $40. Ticket order forms are at www.righttolifeofnortheastohio.com or you may contact rmiller@rtlofneo.com and/or mail your check to 572 W. Market St. Suite 2 Akron, 44303.

Holy Week

All Votive candles will be extinguished on Wednesday, April 4 in anticipation of the Resurrection of the Lord. The three most Sacred Days: Please make the time to read the bulletin insert regarding the Easter Mass Schedule. These are the three most important days of the entire Christian Faith: Jesus death and resurrection. Make plans to begin the Triduum by participating in the evening Mass of the Lords Supper continuing through Good Friday and the Celebration of the Lords Passion, culminating in the great Easter Vigil (which is to the Church year what Sunday is to each week.)

Holy Thursday

Again this year, we ask the Holy Hour Adorers and Eucharistic Ministers to participate in the Solemn Procession of Holy Thursday at the Mass of the Lords Supper. Pews will be reserved for you (and your spouse) in the front of the Church on St. Josephs side. It has been gratifying to see so many participate in the procession each year. We certainly hope you will be in attendance once again on Holy Thursday for this very special and meaningful liturgy.
REVERSE RAFFLE Join us on Saturday, April 28 for The Bobcat Bash the St. Augustine Athletic Board Reverse Raffle. Only 125 tickets will be sold with a grand prize of $1000 if all the tickets are sold. Tickets are being sold for $35.00 each and include dinner and refreshments; tickets are available at the school or the rectory during regular business hours. The raffle will be held in the SAC, doors open at 6:00pm. Proceeds help to offset registration fees for our teams to participate in CYO Sports as well as uniforms, equipment and mandatory clinics. Please join us in the fun as we celebrate at The Bobcat Bash!

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