Bulletin - August 21, 2011

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(Saint Augustine church, Barberton, OH) (August 21, 2011)

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

When Jesus asked, Who do people say I am? He heard a variety of answers. If that question was asked about us, how would people answer? We juggle many roles to meet the many demands on our time. It takes special effort not to neglect our family responsibilities as spouse, parent, son, or daughter. Who do people say you are? Would you get the answer you want to hear? (Insert graphic 1106-0086)
362 Holy Hour were before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. Saint Peter Julain Eymard said "Love cannot triumph unless it becomes the one passion of our life. Without such passion we may produce isolated acts of love; but our life is not really won over or consecrated to an ideal. Until we have a passionate love for our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament we shall accomplish nothing." Do you have a passionate love for our Lord? The Holy Hour program needs you, please call Judy at 330-212-0926.

My Dear Parishioners: Last weekend we passed out a booklet (Understanding the Revised Mass Texts) explaining the new English translation of the Roman Missal. If you did not receive a copy, please make sure to pick one up off the bookrack (one per family please). Take a few moments to review the text, change is not easy, but this is an opportunity to immerse ourselves in the greatest treasure given to us by God through Jesus Christ, the Celebration of the Eucharist. Christs Peace Fr. David Right to Life March Washington, DC Saint Augustine Parish is trying to gauge the interest in providing a parish bus for the Right to Life March in Washington, DC on Monday, January 23, 2012. The diocese was offered tickets to the Rally and Mass by Donald Cardinal Wuerl, Archbishop of Washington, therefore, we need to contact the Diocese no later than September 1 with our decision to participate or not. If you are interested in being a part of the Mass and Walk, please contact the rectory as soon as possible. We are also looking for individuals that would be interested in becoming donors to help defray the cost of the bus.
(Insert Graphic 2404-0106.tif)

Barberton Area Community Ministries item for the Month of August is Canned meat, tuna, beef stew or others. Please bring your donations when you come to Mass, together we can help those less fortunate, a box has been placed in the vestibule for donations. Items will be delivered to BACM on Monday. A "Caring and Sharing" session for those who are divorced, separated or widowed will be held on Monday, August 22 from 7:30-9:00pm at Immaculate Heart of Mary's Convent Building, 1945 Portage Trail in Cuyahoga Falls. Marlene Maruna, a Licensed Independent Social Worker, will facilitate this session. This event is open at no charge to people of all faiths. For information call Frank 330-801-0527 or Sharon 330-612-3635.

Insert Graphic 2114-0012.tif)

Everyone is excited about Parish Picnic THE GREAT PUMPKIN & APPLE FESTIVAL to be held at Saint Augustine on Sunday, September 11 beginning with Mass at 11:00am followed by food, fun & fellowship. Let's have another successful attendance. To make this event possible, we rely on our many volunteers..there is a sign-up sheet on the bookrack, please become a volunteer at The Great Pumpkin and Apple Festival and help make this picnic a huge success! Please note, there will not be a 5:15 Mass on Sunday, September 11.
Are you looking for a hidden way to serve others? Do you love your Faith? Is the Mass something you would like others to appreciate on a deeper level? The RCIA team would like to begin providing mentors who attend Mass with inquirers. A mentor: attends the Mass of his/her choice is willing to befriend an inquirer and invite him/her to sit with you during Mass discreetly helps the inquirer navigate through the missalette and become comfortable prays for the person If helping someone feel welcomed and that there is a place for him/her at St. Augustine liturgies is important, please call Karen at 330-745-0011. Thank you.

The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults begins on Monday, September 12. Sessions are held in the Rectory Meeting Room from 7-9:00 pm. RCIA is open to anyone who would like to learn about and understand the Catholic Faith. It is an opportunity to come and see with no obligation involved. RCIA is also for people who were baptized Catholic but never received the Eucharist and Confirmation. Do you know someone who may be interested? Please invite him/her to call Karen to make an appointment (330-745-0011) or to attend an Inquiry Night on Monday, August 29 at 7:00 pm in the Rectory.
The new school year is approaching fast and preschool spots are filling up! St. Augustine Preschool has limited spots available and would love to enroll your child for the new school year starting on August 24, 2011. Call 330-745-5735 now for information or to schedule a tour. Don't delay - spots are filling up quickly! Are you looking for a gift for that certain someone?..well youre in luck! Saint Monicas Gift Shop will be opening on Sunday, September 18. Stop in to see all the new merchandise that is offered, you just may find that special something to fill your shopping needs. (Insert Graphic 2125-0016.tif) The Elizabeth Ministries is looking for additional items, homemade or purchased, to be place in the Baptismal Baskets presented to the parents of newly baptized children at Saint Augustine. Items in need are: bibs, booties, hats, diapers, bottles, wipes, small toys, books etc. Donations are being accepted at the recory during regular business hours. Because of your generosity in the past, we are able to provide beautiful baskets to welcome our newest little members. (Insert Graphic 1600-0034.tif) Saint Augustine School is holding a Meet the Teacher day this Sunday, August 21 from 2-4pm. Please join the staff in the SAC for a brief review of the parent handbook, then off to the rooms to meet the teachers. This is also a great chance to drop off school supplies. Remember, school begins Wednesday, August 24.

(Insert Graphic 2000-0069.tif) PRAY FOR THE SICK Patrick Blasdel, Patricia Patterson, Karl Bartel, Jennifer Marco, Ruth Barker, Betty Morlan, Jacob Hurley, Debbie Bernard, Paul Kosuth ~ Thomas Kenna, Emma Lansberry, Rose Marie Emmerick, Fr. Jim Singler, Irene Lyle & Paul Swaino BAPTISM
Mallory Marie Hornak Daughter of Ernest & Melissa Hornak Alyson Rose Post Daughter of Matthew Post & Sarah Gephart


Patricia Mayard & John Quirk Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord! (Insert Graphic 1700-0025.tif) Attention Cantors: There is going to be a very important cantor practice on Wednesday, September 7, 7:00pm in the choir loft. This will be an opportunity to begin learning the Revised Heritage Mass so it can be taught to the congregation. Keep in mind, all the new music begins with the first Sunday of Advent, November 26 & 27. Lets make it a priority to attend this practice.
(Insert Graphic 1300-0123.tif) Stewardship: Time, Talent & Treasure for August 14, 2011 $ 8,419 $ 1,787 $ 10,206 $ $ $ 1,162 1,240 558

Sunday Offering Faith Direct Offering Total Offerings St. Vincent DePaul School Support Assumption

Year to date Income Year to Date Expenses Difference

COMPARATIVE FIGURES 11-12 10-11 $ 132,515 $ 99,407 $ 199.562 $ 189,903 $ (67,047) (90,496) CAPITAL CAMPAIGN $ 1,524,138 $ 69,396

Spent to date Amount on Deposit

As we prepare for the busy Fall schedule, now is a great time to enroll in our automatic electronic offertory program with Faith Direct. eGiving is simply the easiest and most convenient way for you to make, and St. Augustine Church to receive, your weekly offering. With Faith Direct, you can save time while also helping St. Augustine Church reduce our expenses. Please visit www.faithdirect.net to sign up today: our parish code is OH278. I sincerely hope you will join the76 parishioners who are making use of this convenient program.

(Insert Graphic 1000-0030.tif) August 22-28 Monday, August 22 The Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary 6:30 Margaret Burg 12:05 Herbert Artino Anniversary Tuesday, August 23 Weekday 5:15 Rosa Cornacchione Wednesday, August 24 Saint Bartholomew, Apostle 6:30 Michael Jerin Sr. 12:05 Special Intentions of Bill & Pat Shea Thursday, August 25 Weekday 6:30 Margaret Somerick Friday, August 26 Weekday 6:30 Sandra Ruckman 12:05 Special Intentions of Virginia Lysiak Saturday, August 27 Saint Monica 8:30 Normagaye Hummel 4:00 Mary Kitts Sunday, August 28 Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 Ethel Spencer 9:00 Ed Janiga 11:00 The People of Saint Augustine Parish 5:15 Walter, Loretta & Mary Kinnard Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Reading for the Week of August 22 1Thes 1:1-5,8B-10, Ps 149:1b-2,3-4,5-6a and 9b, Mt 23:13-22 1 Thes 2:1-8, Ps 139: 1-3,4-6, Mt 23:23-26 Rv 21:9b-14, Ps 145:10-11,12-13,17-18, Jn 1:45-51 1 Thes 3:7-13, Ps 90:3-5a, 12-13, 14 & 17, Mt 24:42-51 1 Thes 4:1-8, Ps 97:1 & 2b,5-6,10,11-12, Mt 25:1-13 1 Thes 4:9-11, Ps 98:1,7-8,9, Mt 25:14-30 Jer 20:7-9, Ps 63:2,3-4,5-6,8-9 (2b), Rm 12:1-2, Mt 16:21-27

EAST AFRICA RELIEF CRITICAL NEED FOR EMERGENCY FUNDS More than 12 million people are suffering from famine in East Africa due to a severe drought. Catholic Relief Services is there, but needs your funding help to minister to many who are facing starvation and death. Please give generously to the emergency, second collection, next weekend the 27-28 of August. Checks can be made out to the parish with African Relief in the memo line. Thank you in advance for your generosity. (Insert Graphic 2404-0082.tif) Please join us in the school cafeteria next Sunday, August 28 for Coffee and Donuts as we celebrate The Feast of Saint Augustine. Take a few moments to enjoy a morning snack while sharing memories with fellow parishioners.

Stewardship Corner: Jesus said to him, Peter, Feed my sheep.

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