Task 3 - Bsbhrm405
Task 3 - Bsbhrm405
Task 3 - Bsbhrm405
You will be provided with one of: a 30 minute meal break; or, two 15 minute meal breaks per day.
- Be the receiver of any complaint from a client, and establish communication between the team and
the client.
- Serve as the lead customer service contact at the cafe, including welcoming customers, answering
questions, and other communications.
Reports to Rufusand Emma Belcastran (owners). Shares manager responsibility with Joe Belfone.
$ 25 / hour
In addition, the minimum superannuation required by current legislation will be paid to the
superannuation fundof your choice.Wages are paid in arrears on the last Friday of each month into
your nominated bank account.CoffeeVille opens on several public holidays. You may be required to
work on public holidays and will becompensated by payment at the rate of an additional 150%.
●Annualleave – As a FULL TIME employee, you will be entitle to pro rata annual leave based on
four weeks’ annual leave per annum.
●Sickleave – As a FULL TIME employee, you will be entitled to 10 days paid personal leave
per year (pro rata) in accordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.
●Otherleave – You are entitle to unpaid parental leave and compassionate leave entitlements
inaccordance with the Fair Work Act 2009.
Notice period
The period of notice required from you to terminate employment with CoffeeVille is the same as
the period ofnotice required of CoffeeVille to terminate your employment and is set out in the
following table.
Confidentiality You shall not, except in the proper course of your duties during the
continuance of your employment or after its termination, disclose to any other person or
company, or make use for your own benefit, any secret or confidential information relating
to CoffeeVille or the customers of CoffeeVille. Upon termination of your employment, you
will promptly deliver up to CoffeeVille or its authorised representative all property, for
example, documents, record, papers, credit cards, lists, computer discs or tapes, which may
be in your possession or under your control and which relate in any way to the business or
affairs of CoffeeVille. Acceptance If you have any queries please contact one of the
owners, Rufus or Emma Belcastran. To complete the arrangements, would you please sign
and return the attached copy of this letter within 14 days. Signatures Signed by Emma
Belcastran (CoffeeVille owner) Signature:
.................................................................................... Date: ..................................... Signed
by Employee I accept the offer of employment and agree to the terms and conditions as
stated in this contract. Signature: .................................................................................... Date:
March 01 – 2016
Mrs. Leila Hussain
We are pleased to inform that you have been chosen for the position of Cafe Manager. In attach you
can find the terms and conditions for this position. Please read and return a signed copy. We are
looking forward to having you join in our team. Any questions feel free to call me.
Emma Belcastran
Owner and Director
Coffee Ville
March 01 – 2016
Thank you for your interest in the position of Café manager. There were a high number of
applicants for this position and unfortunately, your application was not successful.
Emma Belcastran
Owner and Director
Dear Staff,
Rufus and I are please to inform you that Leila Hussain will be our new Cafe Manager starting on
May 1. Please extend your welcome when you meet her at the Cafe.
Appendix 3: Induction plan template
Equal employment