Bulletin - December 12, 2010
Bulletin - December 12, 2010
Bulletin - December 12, 2010
You are cordially invited to celebrate on Christmas Day by attending the annual Christmas
Day Dinner. Meals are served between 1:00-3:00pm in the SAC.
As always, parishioner-provided baked goods will be appreciated. Please call Karen at 330-
745-0011 if you can donate a dessert or other food item. Thank you.
The St. Augustine/Immaculate Conception Cluster Advent Communal Reconciliation Service will be
this Monday, December 13 at 7:00pm in St. Augustine Church. Many priests will be available for
Aging religious need your help. For those who missed the second collection last weekend, Senior
Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests offered their lives in service to others – educating
the young, comforting the sick, seeking justice for the oppressed. Today, many are frail, elderly and in
need of assistance. Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious supports basic necessities such as
prescription drugs and nursing care. Please give generously to this cause, envelopes have been provided
in the pews and may be dropped in the offertory collection. Thank you in advance.
Saint Margaret Chambers, the ministry that teaches people how to do crafts of all kinds is off until after
Christmas, classes will resume Thursday January 6, 2011 in the school cafeteria. Meetings begin at
7:00pm and are held on the first and third Thursday of each month. For more information on joining this
ministry, please contact Linda Lansberry at 330-753-9574.
The Saint Augustine Youth Group will be Caroling at Pleasant View Nursing Home on
Sunday, December 19. Please arrive in the school parking lot no later than 2:45, adult
drivers are still needed. Upon arriving back at the school cookies and hot chocolate will
be enjoyed by all. Youth group will end at 6:00pm. Permission slips are needed for this
activity. For any questions, please contact Renee Barker at 330-745-1080.
There are still Pictorial Directories that have not been picked up, if you have a Free directory
coming to you, please stop by the Rectory during regular business hours or call for alternative
arrangements. Additional directories will be on sale soon, watch the bulletin for details.
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Michael Jerin Sr., Patrick Blasdel, Patricia Patterson, Jon Lombardi, Karl Bartel,
Frank Skraba, Jennifer Marco, Normagaye Hummel,
Pat Mangan, Kenny Carpenter, Jack Rayburn, Ciara Phillips,
Patrick Doyle, Janet Blasdel, Carol Hendricks, Ruth Barker, Joshua Basarab,
Nancy Dunn & Greg Barker
There are only 12 shopping day until Christmas, let Saint Monica Gift Shop help you make that special
purchase for your loved ones. The gift shop is open Saturday before the 4:00 Mass and on Sunday
following the 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 Masses. Enjoy an additional 10% discount on merchandise until
A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols will be presented today Sunday, December 12 at 3:00pm at St.
Sebastian Church, 476 Mull Avenue, Akron. The program consists of nine reading of salvation with
Advent/Christmas musical responses. The ceremony features the Cherub & Seraphim Choirs, Adult &
Youth Handbell Choirs, Praise & Worship Ensemble and the Parish Choir. It is free and open to the
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December 13 – 19
Monday, December 13 – Saint Lucy, Virgin & Martyr
6:30 Anne Weiman
12:05 Joseph F. Lieberth
7:00 Advent Communal Reconciliation
Tuesday, December 14 – Saint John of the Cross, Priest & Doctor of the Church
5:15 Marie Shafer – Anniversary
Wednesday, December 15 – Advent Weekday
6:30 Fr. Paul Clines
12:05 Helen Kelly – Anniversary
1:00 School Reconciliation
Thursday, December 16 – Advent Weekday
6:30 Margaret Burg
Friday, December 17 – Late Advent Weekday
6:30 Frank Lovas
12:05 David Cantleberry – Anniversary
Saturday, December 18 – Late Advent Weekday
8:30 Caroline Brendel
4:00 Thomas Harris – Anniversary
Sunday, December 19 – Fourth Sunday of Advent
7:30 The People of Saint Augustine Parish
9:00 Nora Regan
11:00 Bette Vera Milich
5:15 Jane Danko Brumbach
Readings for the week of December 13
Monday Nm 24:2-7,15-17a, Ps 25:4-5ab, 6 & 7bc, 8-9, Mt 21:23-27
Tuesday Zep 3:1-2,9-13, Ps 34:2-3,6-7,17-18,19&23, Mt 21:28-32
Wednesday Is 45:6b-8,18,21b-25, Ps 85:9ab &10,11-12,13-14, Lk 7:18b-23
Thursday Is 54:1-10, Ps 30:2&4,5-6,11-12a&13b,Lk 7:24-30
Friday Gn 49:2,8-10, Ps 72:1-2,3-4ab,7-8,17, Mt 1:1-17
Saturday Jer 23:5-8, Ps 72:1-2,12-13,18-19, Mt 1:18-25
Sunday Is 7:10-14, Ps 24:1-2,3-4,5-6 (7c,10b), Rom 1:1-7, Mt 1:18-24
Advent is a time of joy and sacrifice as we prepare for the return of Jesus and celebrate the memory of
His birth. As we begin this new liturgical year, we encourage you to sign up with Faith Direct. With Faith
Direct’s online account management you can manage your giving at your convenience. Stop writing
checks and using envelopes. Using Faith Direct saves precious time and money for both you and the
Parish. Make the change today by picking up an enrollment form from the bookrack, at the parish
office or sign up online at www.FaithDirect.net, our Parish code is OH278.
Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb As we follow the probable development of Jesus from His conception
on March 25 to His birth, It would have been increasingly more crowded, His lungs would have
continued to mature and His grasp increasing in strength. Soon Mary would be able to hold Jesus in her
arms he would have recognized her voice. Let us pray for expectant mothers to be filled with joy as
they await the birth of their child.
Stewardship Thought: All tithes of the land, whether in grain from the fields or in fruit
from the trees, belong to the Lord, as sacred to him. Leviticus 27:30