United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,044,363 B2

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,044,363 B2

Ales et al. (45) Date of Patent: Oct. 25, 2011

(54) UV DETECTION DEVICES AND METHODS 5,365,068 A 1 1/1994 Dickerson

5,581,090 A 12/1996 Goudjil
5,612,542 A 3, 1997 Brown et al.
(75) Inventors: th Mill Ales, Nially 5,666,105 A * 9/1997 Adler et al. ................... 340,600
(US); Richard Timmers, Bear, 5,914, 197 A 6/1999 Goudjil
(US); Andrew Mark Long, Appleton, 5,986.273 A 1 1/1999 Tripp et al.
WI (US); Shawn Jeffrey Sullivan, 5,995,862 A * 1 1/1999 Gallorini ....................... 600/407
Neenah, WI (US); Sridhar 6,046,455 A 4/2000 Ribi et al.
Ranganathan, Suwanee, GA (US); 6,060,321 A 5/2000 Hovorka
Timothy R. Obermann, Pulaski, WI (Continued)
(US); Eric Donald Johnson, Larsen, WI
EP O982572 A1 3, 2000
(73) Assignee: Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc., (Continued)
Neenah, WI (US)
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Jablonski, Nina "Skin: A Natural History'. University of California
U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days. Press, 2006, pp. 68-69.*
(21) Appl. No.: 11/799,044 (Continued)
(22) Filed: Apr. 30, 2007 Primary Examiner — David Porta
Assistant Examiner — Yara Green
(65) Prior Publication Data (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Dority & Manning, PA.
US 2008/O26517OA1 Oct. 30, 2008
(51) Int. Cl. A portable UV detection apparatus is disclosed. In one
G0III/42 (2006.01) embodiment, the UV detection apparatus includes a UV
(52) U.S. Cl. ..................... 250/372: 250/336.1: 382/165; detection device integrated with a skin type measuring
382/116 device. A controller can be included in the apparatus that is in
(58) Field of Classification Search .................. 250/372, communication with the skin type measuring device and the
250/336.1: 382/165, 116 UV detection device. The controller can provide information
See application file for complete search history. to the user regarding the amount of ultraviolet radiation
present in the environment. In an alternative embodiment, the
(56) References Cited UV detection apparatus includes a UV detection device in
conjunction with a light sensor. The light sensor can be con
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS figured to activate the UV detection device should light at a
4,308.459 A 12, 1981 Williams particular intensity be present in the environment. The UV
4,348,664 A * 9, 1982 Boschetti et al. ............. 340,600 detection device as described above can be configured to
4,528,986 A * 7, 1985 Arundel et al. ............... 600,476 measure UVA radiation, UVB radiation, and/or UVC radia
4,788.433 A 11, 1988 Wright
4,882,598 A 11, 1989 Wulf tion.
4,962.910 A 10, 1990 Shimizu
5,151,600 A * 9, 1992 Black ............................ 250/372 24 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets






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US 8,044,363 B2
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U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS GB 2408.829 A 6, 2005

6,130,435 A 10/2000 Rocklin W: W229. A 2.
6,348,694 B1* 2/2002 Gershteyn et al. ............ 250/372 WO WOO138836 A1 5, 2001
6.405,867 B1 6/2002 Moore WO WO2004/073326 * 2, 2004
6,559,455 B2 5/2003 Nash WO WO 2005 OO6758 A1 1/2005
6,698,590 B2 3/2004 Moore WO WO 2005O15138 A1 2/2005
6,736,832 B2 * 5/2004 Lenderink et al. .............. 607/88 WO WO 2005O28505 A2 3, 2005
6,872,901 B2 * 3/2005 Su et al. ..................... 200/61.02
6,936,824 B2 8, 2005 Takada OTHER PUBLICATIONS
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2004/0031927 A1 2/2004 Tsai et al. Torigoe et al. Machine Translation of JP 2001-250966; published
2004.0109789 A1 6, 2004 Faran et al. Sep. 2001.*
2004/0149921 A1 8/2004 Smyk Article—Clarys et al. "Skin color measurements: comparison
2005, OO67580 A1 3/2005 Fontaine between three instruments: the Chromameter(R), the
2005, 0133401 A1 6/2005 Lange Dermapectrometer(R), and the Mexameter(R).” Skin Research and
2005, 0145525 A1 7, 2005 Williams Technology. 6, 200: 230-238.
2005/0230596 A1 10, 2005 Howell et al. Article—Ha et al. “The Relationship Between Constitutive Pigmen
2005/0285050 A1 12, 2005 Bruce tation and sensitivity to Ultraviolet Radiation Induced Erythema is
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FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Partial International Search Report for Application No. PCT/IB2008/
EP 1653204 A1 5, 2006 050804, mailed Jul. 10, 2008.
FR 2822671 A 10, 2002
GB 2261504. A 5, 1993 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2011 Sheet 1 of 4 US 8,044,363 B2
U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2011 Sheet 2 of 4 US 8,044,363 B2







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FIG. 3
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U.S. Patent Oct. 25, 2011 Sheet 4 of 4 US 8,044,363 B2
US 8,044,363 B2
1. 2
UV DETECTION DEVICES AND METHODS directed to various methods for monitoring ultraviolet radia
tion levels and for using the information to prevent against
BACKGROUND overexposure.
For example, in one embodiment, the present disclosure is
Ultraviolet (UV) light has shorter wavelengths than visible directed to a portable UV detection apparatus that includes a
light. Ultraviolet light is emitted by the Sun. In particular, the skin type measuring device comprising a skin sensor. The
sun emits ultraviolet A (“UVA) radiation, ultraviolet B skin type measuring device may be configured to determine at
(“UVB) radiation, and ultraviolet C (“UVC) radiation. least one characteristic of a person’s skin when the skin is
UVA radiation has longer wavelengths than UVB radiation or placed next to the skin sensor. The at least one characteristic
UVC radiation. UVA radiation, for instance, has wavelengths 10 may comprise, in one embodiment, a determination of the
from 400 nm to 320 nm. UVB radiation, on the other hand, color hue of the skin. Alternatively, the skin type measuring
has wavelengths from 320 nm to 280 nm, while UVC radia device may measure quantitatively the sensitivity of the skin
tion has wavelengths less than 280 nm. to ultraviolet radiation. For example, in particular embodi
ments, the at least one characteristic may comprise an
Most of the ultraviolet radiation that passes through the 15 erythema measurement, a melanin measurement, or both.
Earth's atmosphere is UVA radiation. UVB radiation and The apparatus further includes a UV detection device com
UVC radiation, although Smaller in presence, can be the most prising a UV sensor. The UV detection device is configured to
damaging to one’s skin. For example, UVB radiation and measure an ultraviolet ray quantity present in an environment.
UVC radiation have shorter wavelengths and therefore are the A controller is in communication with the skin type mea
highest energy ultraviolet light. All forms of ultraviolet radia suring device and the UV detection device. The controller,
tion, however, can be damaging to one’s skin if left overex based on data received from the skin type measuring device
posed. and based on data received from the UV detection device, is
In the past, in order to protect oneself from the harmful configured to output information to a user regarding exposure
effects of ultraviolet radiation, consumers have applied vari to ultraviolet rays within the environment based on the mea
ous Sunscreens. Sunscreens, for instance, can be made with 25 Sured skin type. For example, in one embodiment, the appa
different Sun Protection Factor (SPF) values. The SPF values ratus can include a display for communicating the output
relate to the amount of protection that the Sunscreen compo information. The output information may be in any Suitable
sition affords. SPF numbers, for instance, can range from as format. For example, the output information may include a
low as 2 to as high as 60. These numbers refer to the ability of recommended exposure time for the user in the environment.
the Sunscreen product to screen or block out ultraviolet light, 30 In fact, in one embodiment, the apparatus can further include
particularly UVA light. The SPF rating is calculated by com a visual or audio alarm that produces a signal once the rec
paring the amount of time needed to produce a Sunburn on ommended exposure time has passed.
In general, any Suitable skin type measuring device may be
protected skin to the amount of time needed to cause a Sun incorporated into the apparatus. For instance, the skin type
burn on unprotected skin. For example, ideally a person who 35 measuring device may comprise a reflectance meter. In other
applies sunscreen with an SPF value of 2 should be able to embodiments, the skin type measuring device may comprise
stay in the Sun for twice as long without developing a Sunburn. a reflectance spectrophotometer or a colorimetric instrument.
Similarly, if a person were to apply a sunscreen with an SPF In accordance with the present disclosure, the skin type mea
value of 15, he/she should be able to remain exposed in the suring device, the UV detection device and the controller can
sun for 15 times longer before a sunburn develops. 40 be integrated together Such that all of the components are
Unfortunately, SPF values as applied to sunscreens are not contained in a single housing. The housing may include, for
always accurate. SPF values, for instance, do not always take instance, a first window for making skin type measurements
into account the amount of B type or C type ultraviolet light and a second window for making ultraviolet radiation mea
present in the environment. SurementS.
In view of the above, various manufacturers have recently 45 In one embodiment, the apparatus can further include an
developed ultraviolet sensors that are intended to help con input panel that allows the user to input information into the
Sumers monitor ultraviolet rays being admitted from the Sun. apparatus for use by the controller. For example, the input
Such UV sensors can, for instance, measure the amount of panel may be used for a user to input a Sun Protection Factor
ultraviolet light present and provide a recommended expo value for a Sunscreen the user has applied or is to apply to the
Sure time based upon a person’s skin type and/or the type of 50 skin. The information can then be used by the controller for
Sunscreen that the person is using. For instance, the Chaney calculating the recommended exposure time within the envi
Instruments Company markets and sells a product called the rOnment.
UV Skin Care Sensor. The Vernier Software and Technology The UV detection device can be configured to measure
Company also markets and sells UVA sensors and UVB sen different types of ultraviolet radiation. For instance, the UV
SOS. 55 detection device can be used to detect UVA radiation and
The present disclosure is directed to further improvements UVB radiation. In one embodiment, for instance, the UV
in UV detection devices and is directed to further methods detection device may include a UVA sensor and a UVB sen
and products that are intended to assist consumers in prevent SO.
ing overexposure to UV radiation. Another embodiment of the present disclosure is directed
60 to a portable UV detection apparatus that also includes a UV
SUMMARY detection device as described above. In this embodiment,
however, the UV detection device is in communication with a
In general, the present disclosure is directed to various light sensor that is configured to sense light rays in the envi
different detection devices capable of measuring the amount ronment. For instance, the light sensor may be configured to
of ultraviolet radiation in the environment. The devices, for 65 sense light rays at a particular wavelength which may include
instance, may be used by consumers to prevent against over ultraviolet radiation. When a certain quantity of light has been
exposure to ultraviolet rays. The present disclosure is also sensed, the apparatus can be configured Such that the UV
US 8,044,363 B2
3 4
detection device is activated and measures the ultraviolet ray environment. The devices can be used, for instance, by con
quantity in the environment. The light sensor thus acts as a Sumers to prevent against overexposure. Overexposure to
“switch' inactivating the UV detection device should a mini ultraviolet radiation, for instance, can lead to Sunburns and
mum threshold of radiation be sensed in the environment. ultimately to more serious health problems, such as skin
Once activated, the UV detection device may be configured to cancer. In fact, ultraviolet exposure is listed as a known car
continuously monitor ultraviolet levels or monitor ultraviolet cinogen by the National Cancer Institute.
levels until the light sensor fails to sense light above a mini In one embodiment, for instance, the present disclosure is
mum threshold. directed to a portable UV detection apparatus that integrates
In an alternative embodiment, the light sensor senses light a skin type measuring device with an ultraviolet detection
rays at a particular wavelength and emits a signal to a user. 10 device. Various advantages and benefits can be obtained by
The user can then, based upon the information received from integrating a skin type measuring device and a UV detection
the light sensor, decide whether or not to activate the UV device into a single apparatus. For example, when determin
detection device in order to measure ultraviolet radiation. ing overexposure to ultraviolet radiation a person’s skin type
In general, any suitable light sensor may be used in accor is one factor that should be considered. The skin type mea
dance with the present disclosure. For instance, in one 15 Suring device can be any Suitable device that measures at least
embodiment, the light sensor may comprise a photosensor, an one characteristic of a person’s skin. Once the characteristic
optical sensor, or a solar cell. When the light sensor is a Solar is measured, the UV detection device may be calibrated or
cell, the light sensor may also be used to provide power to the otherwise used in conjunction with the skin type measure
apparatus. ment to provide output information to the user regarding
In one embodiment, the apparatus can include an audible exposure to ultraviolet radiation within the environment.
alarm that is activated when the light sensor activates the UV Of particular advantage, the skin type measuring device
detection device. When incorporating a light sensor as can be used over a period of time in order to track changes in
described above, the apparatus is intended to remain exposed a person's skin as the skin begins to tan as a result of exposure
to the environment. In this regard, the apparatus can be to the Sun. This information may then be used to tune recom
attached to a wristband Such that the apparatus can be worn 25 mended exposure limits in a personalized manner taking into
like a watch. Alternatively, the apparatus can be mounted onto account the amount of ultraViolet radiation exposure and the
a hat or mounted onto a pair of Sunglasses. resulting changes to the skin.
When the apparatus includes a light sensor, the light sensor In the past, various different ultraviolet radiation sensors
may be used in conjunction with a skin type measuring device have been proposed. For example, various ultraviolet sensors
or may be used without the skin type measuring device 30 are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,962,910, U.S. Pat. No. 5,365,
depending upon the particular application. 068, U.S. Pat. No. 6,936,824, and U.S. Patent Application
Other features and aspects of the present disclosure are Publication No. 2004/0031927, which are all incorporated
discussed in greater detail below. herein by reference. The UV sensors described in the above
references, for instance, monitor ultraviolet radiation and can
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS 35 allow for the input of various information in order to assist
consumers in preventing against overexposure.
A full and enabling disclosure of the present disclosure, In the above references, however, skin type, if it was con
including the best mode thereof, directed to one of ordinary sidered at all, was estimated by the person using the UV
skill in the art, is set forth more particularly in the remainder sensor. For instance, some of the devices may include a man
of the specification, which makes reference to the following 40 ner of inputting a person’s skin type. The skin types may
figures: include, for instance, the following categories: (1) fair skin,
FIG. 1 is a plan view of one embodiment of a UV detection always burns easily and never tans; (2) fair skin, always burns
apparatus made in accordance with the present disclosure; easily and tans minimally; (3) light brown skin that burns
FIG. 2 is a side view of the apparatus shown in FIG. 1; moderately and tans gradually; (4) moderate brown skin that
FIG. 3 is a diagram of one embodiment of a system in 45 burns minimally and always tans well; (5) dark brown skin
accordance with the present disclosure; that rarely burns and tans profusely; and (6) dark brown skin
FIG. 4 is a plan view of still another embodiment of a UV that never burns and is deeply pigmented. In prior art devices,
detection apparatus made in accordance with the present dis it was up to the consumer to classify his/her skin and then
closure; input this information into the UV sensor for determining a
FIG. 5 is a side view of one embodiment of a hat incorpo 50 maximum exposure value. As can be readily discerned from
rating a UV detection apparatus in accordance with the the above categories, however, the inputted skin type deter
present disclosure; and mination was subjective. For the sensors to provide reliable
FIG. 6 is a perspective view of a pair of Sunglasses incor information, the sensor had to rely on consumers to accu
porating a UV detection apparatus in accordance with the rately classify their own skin.
present disclosure. 55 According to the present disclosure, however, the appara
Repeat use of reference characters in the present specifi tus is capable of automatically and quantitatively measuring
cation and drawings is intended to represent same or analo at least one characteristic of a person's skin that is used in
gous features or elements of the disclosure. conjunction with the UV detection device for determining
maximum exposure limits. The apparatus of the present dis
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 60 closure thus can more accurately and precisely measure a
person’s skin type and/or sensitivity for providing more reli
It is to be understood by one of ordinary skill in the art that able information regarding ultraviolet radiation exposure. In
the present discussion is a description of exemplary embodi addition, the skin type measuring device can be used to moni
ments only, and is not intended as limiting the broader aspects tor changes in a user's skin as the skin tans or becomes
of the present disclosure. 65 Sunburn.
In general, the present disclosure is directed to various For example, referring to FIG. 1, one embodiment of a
devices and methods for monitoring ultraviolet radiation in an portable UV detection apparatus generally 10 made in accor
US 8,044,363 B2
5 6
dance with the present disclosure is illustrated. As shown, the scanning reflectance spectrophotometer, a colorimetric
UV detection apparatus 10 includes an ultraviolet radiation instrument, or a chromameter. Suitable reflectance meters
sensor 12, a visual and/or audible display 14, an input panel that may be incorporated in the apparatus, for instance, are
16, and a skin type sensor 18 all contained in a single housing commercially available from the Minolta Company.
20. In an alternative embodiment, the skin type measurement
Referring to FIG. 3, one embodiment of a diagram of the device may comprise the skin tone measurement device dis
system contained within the housing 20 is shown. For closed in U.S. Patent Application Publication No. 2006/
example, the UV sensor 12 as shown in FIG. 1 can be part of 0210154, which is incorporated herein by reference. The skin
a UV detection device 22 as shown in FIG. 3. Similarly, the tone measurement device disclosed in the 154 application,
skin type sensor 18 can be part of a skin type measuring 10 for instance, includes a skin sensor that comprises a window
device 24 as shown in FIG.3. As also illustrated in FIG.3, the through which light is emitted onto the skin. The skin sensor
skin type measuring device 24 and the UV detection device 22 further includes a detection window configured to receive the
can be in communication with a controller 26. The controller light emitted through the outlet window. The light emitted by
26 can also receive input from the input panel 16 and there the skin type sensor may originate, for instance, from a light
after send information to the display 14. The controller 26, for 15 emitting diode.
instance, can be any Suitable programmable logic unit, Such In yet another alternative embodiment, the skin type mea
as a microprocessor. Surement device may comprise an absorbance measuring
As shown in FIG. 3, the system further includes a power device that includes a broadband sensor. The sensor, for
unit 28. The power unit 28 is for providing power or energy to instance, may determine the incident UV radiation and then
all of the electronic devices for operation of the apparatus. compare it to the reflected UV radiation in order to determine
The power unit may comprise, for instance, any Suitable the absorbed UV radiation.
source of DC power. The power unit 28, for instance, may The one or more measurements taken by the skin type
comprise batteries such as rechargeable batteries or may com measuring device 24 as shown in FIG. 3 are then sent to the
prise a solar cell. controller 26 for processing.
In order to operate the UV detection apparatus 10 as shown 25 In addition to sensing a person’s skin type, the apparatus
in FIG. 1, a user initially scans his skin with the skin type also records the amount of ultraviolet radiation present in the
sensor 18. The skin type sensor and the skin type measuring environment using the UV sensor 12 and the UV detection
device are configured to measure at least one characteristic of device 22. In general, any suitable UV detection device may
the skin of the user. be incorporated into the apparatus. The UV detection device,
Skin color is predominantly determined by pigments such 30 for instance, may comprise any of the devices disclosed in
as hemoglobin, melanin, bilirubin, and carotene. Melanin, for U.S. Pat. No. 4,962,910, U.S. Pat. No. 5,365,068, U.S. Pat.
instance, is one of the primary determinants of human skin No. 6,936,824 and in U.S. Patent Application Publication No.
color. Melanin also protects the skin from solar ultraviolet 2004/OO31927.
radiation. In particular, greater amounts of melanin in the skin The UV detection device may be configured to measure all
generally suggests less sensitivity to UV radiation. 35 types of ultraviolet radiation present within the environment.
When a person is overexposed to Solar radiation, the person For instance, the UV detection device can be configured to
can develop erythema. Erythema is an abnormal redness of measure UVA levels, UVB levels, and/or UVC levels.
the skin caused by capillary congestion. In one embodiment, the apparatus can include multiple UV
The skin type measuring device of the present disclosure sensor and/or UV detection devices. Each sensor or device,
can measure any Suitable characteristic of the skin that pro 40 for instance, may measure a particular type of ultraviolet
vides an indication of the ability of the skin to be subjected to radiation. For example, in one embodiment, the apparatus can
ultraviolet radiation. In one embodiment, for instance, the include a first UV sensor for sensing UVA radiation and a
skin type measuring device may be simply used to measure second sensor for measuring UVB radiation.
the color hue of a person’s skin. In other embodiments, the The one or more UV radiation measurements can then be
skin type measuring device may be configured to particularly 45 sent to the controller 26 as shown in FIG. 3. Although
measure melanin levels in the skin and/oran erythema level of optional, the apparatus 10 can further include the input panel
the skin. In one particular embodiment, melanin levels and 16 for providing further information to the controller 26. The
erythema levels may both be measured. input panel 16, for instance, can be used to receive further
Ultimately, the skin type measuring device may be config information from the user regarding the conditions of expo
ured to quantitatively determine the sensitivity of the skin to 50 Sure. For example, in one embodiment, the input panel can be
ultraviolet radiation. configured to receive the Sun Protection Factor (SPF) value of
Depending upon the application, a user can take a single a Sunscreen that the user is applying to the skin in the envi
reading of his/her skin or may take multiple readings. For ronment in which the apparatus is to be used. The input panel
example, in one embodiment, skin type measurements may can also receive various other information. For instance, if
be taken over different parts of the body. The apparatus can be 55 desired, the apparatus can be configured to receive user input
configured to average the different measurements together or ted skin type information that may be used in conjunction
to only use the skin type measurement that is the fairest or the with the skin type measurements made by the skin type mea
most Susceptible to becoming Sunburned. Suring device. For instance, the input panel can be configured
In an alternative embodiment, the apparatus may be con to receive one of the six skin types as described above.
figured to be worn against a user's skin. In this embodiment, 60 In addition to the above information, it should be under
the skin type measuring device may take continuous readings stood that the input panel 16 may be configured to accept any
or readings periodically in order to take into account changes other information that may be helpful in determining expo
to the skin as the skin remains exposed to the Sun. sure limits for a user. Other information that can be added may
In general, any suitable skin type measurement device may include, for instance, age, sex, whether the user will be in
be used. For example, in one embodiment, the skin type 65 direct sunlight or in the shade and whether the user will be
measurement device may comprise a reflectance meter. For surrounded by highly reflective surfaces, such as water or
instance, the skin type measurement device may comprise a SOW.
US 8,044,363 B2
7 8
Once all the appropriate measurements have been taken As the apparatus 40 begins to sense the amount of ultra
and all of the appropriate information has been entered violet radiation present within the environment, there is no
through the input panel 16, the controller 26 is configured to feedback required by the user other than an initial setup of the
use the data to provide information to a user regarding ultra device. Periodic or continuous monitoring of the ultraviolet
violet radiation exposure within the environment. The con radiation present in the environment can be relayed to the user
troller 26, for instance, can output various helpful recommen of the device. Continuous monitoring of the apparatus allows
dations and other information via the display 14. For for time spent in the shade but still measures any reflected
example, in one embodiment, the controller 26 can be con ultraviolet radiation present that may be incident on the user
figured to calculate a recommended exposure time for the for adjusting the exposure time accordingly.
user within the environment that will prevent again Sunburns 10 The light sensor 48 can be any Suitable light sensing device.
and other harmful effects due to ultraviolet radiation. In fact, For example, in one embodiment, the light sensor 48 com
in one embodiment, the apparatus can include a visual and/or prises an optical sensor. In still another embodiment, the light
audible alarm that is activated once the recommended time sensor 48 comprises a photosensor. In yet another embodi
has past. ment, the light sensor 48 comprises a solar cell. When a light
In an alternative embodiment, the controller can be config 15 sensor comprises a Solar cell, the Solar cell may also be used
ured to output not only a recommended exposure time within to provide power to the apparatus.
the environment but also a recommended minimum SPF In the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 4, the apparatus 40
value for a sunscreen that the user should apply to his/her may also include a controller in communication with the light
skin. In another embodiment, the apparatus may be config sensor 48 and the UV detection device. The controller can be
ured so that the user can input the amount of time he/she will configured to tailor a certain output that is to be communi
be in the environment and the controller will output a recom cated on the display 46. For instance, in one embodiment, the
mended SPF value for a sunscreen to apply. display 46 may indicate to the user a recommended maximum
Referring to FIG. 2, one embodiment of a side view of the exposure time in the environment. In other embodiments,
apparatus 10 as shown in FIG. 1 is illustrated. As shown in however, the apparatus 40 may simply communicate to the
FIG. 2, the apparatus 10 includes an attachment device 30 for 25 user the amount of ultraviolet radiation being measured at any
attaching the device to any suitable adjacent structure. As given point in time. For instance, the display 46 may display
shown, the attachment device 30 includes a clamping plate 32 the amount of UVA radiation, the amount of UVB radiation
that pivots along a pivot point 34. The pivot point 34, for and/or the amount of UVC radiation being measured. In this
instance, may include a spring that biases the clamping plate regard, the apparatus 40 may include appropriate UV sensors
32 towards the back of the apparatus. In this manner, an end 30 and detection devices to make the appropriate measurements.
36 of the clamping plate 32 can be pressed upon by the user in In one embodiment, the apparatus shown in FIG.1 may be
order to place the clamping plate on any suitable adjacent similar to the apparatus 40 illustrated in FIG. 4 with the
structure for attaching the apparatus thereto. inclusion of the light sensor 48.
The attachment device 30, for instance, can be used to The UV detection apparatus 40 as shown in FIG. 4 may be
temporarily attach the UV detection apparatus to any suitable 35 incorporated into various different products in addition to a
structure. For instance, the attachment device can be used to wristwatch-like product as shown in FIG. 4. For instance,
clip the apparatus to a beach bag, to one’s clothing, to a hat, to referring to FIG. 5, the UV detection apparatus 40 is shown
an umbrella, to a chair, or the like. It should also be under mounted onto a hat 50. In addition, it should be understood
stood that any Suitable attachment device may be incorpo that the UV detection apparatus 40 may be mounted onto any
rated into the apparatus. For instance, in other embodiments, 40 suitable article of clothing. Other products that may incorpo
the attachment device may comprise an adhesive, a strap Such rate the UV detection apparatus 40 include bicycles, brace
as a wristband, or the like. lets, Sunscreen bottles, beach balls, hat clips, beach towels,
In other embodiments, the UV detection apparatus 10 may coolers and other beverage containers, umbrellas, outdoor
not include an attachment device but, instead, may be incor furniture, tents, hiking equipment, and the like.
porated directly into a product. For instance, the UV detection 45 Referring to FIG. 6, in one embodiment, the UV detection
apparatus may be incorporated into a chair or into an article of apparatus 40 may be incorporated onto a pair of glasses 52.
clothing. Such as a pair of Sunglasses. As shown, in this embodiment,
Referring to FIG. 4, another embodiment of a portable UV the sunglasses 52 include at least one UV sensor 44 and a light
detection apparatus 40 is shown. In this embodiment, the UV sensor 48. The UV detection apparatus 40 can further include
detection apparatus generally has the shape of a wristwatch 50 a display 46 for communicating information regarding the
and can be attached to a user's wrist using the wristband 42. amount of ultraviolet radiation present in the environment to
A wristband, or body worn device could effectively measure the user.
the skin type automatically as it is worn. In this embodiment, These and other modifications and variations to the present
the UV detection apparatus 40 includes a UV sensor 44 that disclosure may be practiced by those of ordinary skill in the
represents part of a UV detection device similar to the 55 art, without departing from the spirit and scope of the present
embodiment illustrated in FIG. 1. The apparatus 40 further disclosure, which is more particularly set forth in the
includes a display 46 for communicating information to a appended claims. In addition, it should be understood that
user. In this embodiment, the apparatus 40 further includes a aspects of the various embodiments may be interchanged
light sensor 48. The light sensor 48 monitors the amount of either in whole or in part. Furthermore, those of ordinary skill
light at, for instance, a particular wavelength and acts as a 60 in the art will appreciate that the foregoing description is by
switch to activate the UV detection device should the amount way of example only, and is not intended to limit the disclo
of light sensed by the light sensor increase above a predeter Sure so further described in Such appended claims.
mined threshold. For example, the light sensor may be con What is claimed is:
figured to sense ultraviolet light. When quantities of the ultra 1. A portable UV detection apparatus comprising:
violet light are above a certain amount, the UV detection 65 a skin type measuring device comprising a skin sensor, the
device may be activated for automatically measuring ultra skin type measuring device being configured to deter
violet radiation within the environment. mine at least one characteristic of a person's skin when
US 8,044,363 B2
the skin is placed adjacent to the skin sensor wherein the 13. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
at least one characteristic of a person’s skin determined 1, wherein the UV detection device is configured to continu
by the skin type measuring device comprises both an ously measure ultraviolet ray quantities present in an envi
erythema measurement and a melanin measurement
wherein the skin type measuring device determination is 5 14. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
based, at least in part, on determining an amount of 1, wherein the apparatus further includes a solar cell for
powering the apparatus.
ambient ultraviolet radiation present in an environment 15. A portable UV detection apparatus comprising:
to which the person's skin is exposed and comparing this a UV detection device comprising a UV sensor, the UV
to an amount of the ambient ultraviolet radiation detection device being configured to measure an ultra
reflected from the person’s skin; violet ray quantity present in an environment; and
a UV detection device comprising a UV sensor, the UV a light sensor configured to sense light rays in the environ
detection device being configured to measure an ultra ment, the light sensor being in communication with the
violet ray quantity present in an environment; and UV detection device;
a controller in communication with the skin type measur 15
wherein when the light sensor senses that an amount of
ing device and the UV detection device, the controller, ultraviolet light is above a minimum threshold, the UV
detection device is activated and measures the ultraviolet
based on data received from the skin type measuring ray quantity in the environment; and
device, data received from the UV detection device as a skin type measuring device comprising a skin sensor the
well as data from a user including the length of time the skin type measuring device being configured to deter
user will be exposed to the environment, being config mine a user's skin type and at least one characteristic of
ured to output a Suggested skin protective measure to the the user's skin when the skin is placed adjacent to the
user based upon the length of time the user will be skin sensor wherein the at least one characteristic of the
exposed to ultraviolet rays within the environment. user's skin determined by the skin type measuring
2. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 1, device comprises both an erythema measurement and a
wherein the skin type measuring device, the UV detection 25 melanin measurement wherein the skin type measuring
device and the controller are integrated together Such that device determination is based, at least in part, on deter
they are all contained in a single housing. mining an amount of ambient ultraviolet radiation
3. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 1, present in an environment to which the user's skin is
wherein the skin type measuring device comprises a reflec exposed and comparing this to an amount of the ambient
tance meter. 30 ultraviolet radiation reflected from the user's skin.
4. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 1, 16. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
further comprising a display that communicates the output 15, wherein, when a certain quantity of light has been sensed
information to a user. by the light sensor, the detection apparatus is configured to
5. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 1, send a signal to a user.
wherein the output information comprises a recommended
35 17. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
exposure time for the user in the environment. 15, wherein the apparatus is attached to an article of clothing.
6. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 5, 18. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
wherein the apparatus further comprises a visual or audio 15, wherein the apparatus includes an audible alarm that
alarm that is activated once the recommended exposure time emits an audible signal when the UV detection device is
40 activated.
has passed. 19. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
7. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 1, 15, wherein the apparatus further includes a controller in
wherein the UV detection device measures ultraviolet A rays communication with the UV detection device, the controller,
and ultraviolet Brays. based on data received from the UV detection device, being
8. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 1, 45 configured to output information to a user regarding exposure
further comprising an attachment device for attaching the to ultraviolet rays within the environment.
apparatus to an adjacent structure. 20. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
9. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 1, 19, wherein the output information comprises a recom
further comprising an input panel that allows a user to input a mended exposure time for the user in the environment.
Sun Protection Factor value for a sunscreen, the controller 50 21. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
being configured to receive the inputted Sun Protection Fac 15, wherein the UV detection device measures ultraviolet A
tor value and output the information to a user regarding expo rays and ultraviolet B rays.
sure to ultraviolet rays within the environment. 22. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
10. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim 15, wherein the light sensor comprises a Solar cell, a photo
1, wherein the output information generated by the controller 55 sensor, or an optical sensor.
includes a recommended Sunscreen to apply to the skin hav 23. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
ing a minimum recommended Sun Protection Factor value. 15, wherein the apparatus is attached to a wristband or
11. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim mounted onto a pair of Sunglasses.
1, wherein the at least one characteristic determined by the 24. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim
skin type measuring device comprises a color hue of a per 60 15, wherein the UV detection device includes a first UV
son’s skin.
12. A portable UV detection apparatus as defined in claim sensor and a second UV sensor, the first UV sensor being
1, wherein the at least one characteristic determined by the configured to sense ultraviolet A rays, while the second UV
skin type measuring device comprises a sensitivity of a per sensor is configured to sense ultraviolet B rays.
son’s skin to ultraviolet radiation exposure. k k k k k

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